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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. Is it possible that the overall decrease to burst damage will be a greater gain to tanks then the damage reduction is a loss?


    Many threads mention the DPS scoundrels but the infiltration/deception shadow/assassin is really screwed.

    I have yet to see how the burst changes play out but it sure seems like those items were most effective for burst dps.


    How is infiltration shadow screwed?

  2. Please, keep personal jabs out of this thread. Singling people out based on nationality has no place here. Lets have a serious discussion. A thread like this could actually help Bioware. If they really did hire a company to conduct a survey about the expansion and its price, why not give them the information they want for free, right here on the forums.


    Lol thats because 3/4s of the world is out to get them

  3. What secondary stats are important to a shadow for kinetic i would imagine its absorption and defence but what about infiltration?.


    I am looking into the right recruit gear to buy i have decided to purchase it as i go along levelling up.

  4. Hi, I just wanted to know if anyone had any solutions for FPS problems... My specs are-

    Core 2 Quad Q8300

    GTX 560Ti

    4GB DDR2 RAM

    I get ~20 fps in WZs on High, on Medium, and on Low. It's seriously hampering my fun, I could own face with my Sentinel... But the lag makes it unplayable as a melee class. Does anyone know of any solutions?

    P.S. I am going to spend ~$500 in October on new parts, but don't really have much spare $ so can't really upgrade much... (IDK even how many people will be playing in October =[)

    Thanks for those who are courteous enough to reply.


    Your graphics card is fine I have just bought that 2GB though and i avg at about 112 FPS

  5. Yeah because one guy's mistake and another person's failure of immediately finding the appropriate evidence clearly means that Bioware doesn't care about world pvp. You're right bro.


    Oh look another!

  6. Do you understand how bad is for a company to say they customers lie, and to POINT a finger to one and even call it by its name, when they DO NOT HAVE the real proves for that?


    Do you understand they put they own terms on the contract for the service and they employes are VIOLATING that terms?

    So no, a simple apology and a kiss for make up doesnt solve anything, it only show how much they lack in customer service, and if they use the user name on the post calling him out for lie, they should have apologize adding his name on the public forums as well.


    this just show how bad is they customer service and how much they lack a public relationships manager..

    please BW when you employ someone, made him know the contract and please get a good community manager

    you guys need lots of work in the game and your social skills as a company.


    From what some of the guys involved are saying they were even called. they have apologized enough said

  7. Click the thread link in the very first post. Read through it or skip to the end where the Dev posted 3 times.


    Just seen it Humm so an employee did do that, Well the actions of one employee dont reflect the company as a whole.

  8. Look unless theres an actual post by BW admitting their mistake then I am hardly going to believe just another person on an internet forum.


    Open world pvp takes place on TOFN all the time and nothing of the sort ever happens

  9. I think 15% camera movement speed is a good place to start. Anything below 10 and you may as well be keyboard turning.


    15%? Isnt that a bit to fast?

  10. i dont use WASD i use WER and i removed move backwars cuz it slows you and backpeddling is bad. i keep my ring finger on W, middle finger on E and index finger on R. i will sometimes move off WER to hit a cooldown, but thats when im moving with my mouse. Mostly its just for S, D, 3, 4. But then my fingers resume their "home" position.


    i dont have turn Left or Right or move backward, just Forward and Left/right Strafe.


    Use the mouse to turn and unbind the rest to make room for abilities.


    Trust me just follow it and you will be owning it up!!


    I think i will one question though do you know your camera rotation sensitivity what do you have it set to?

  11. i use W strafe left, E move forward, R strafe right, and mouse turn. i feel this frees up Q,A,Z,X,S,D,F,C,V,B,G,T,1,2,3,4,5 for all cooldowns with shift modifiers. Then my buffs are F2 F3 and F1 is out of combat heal.


    Also dont forget shift spacebar for either relic or pass huttball.


    Also, take a paperclip heat it up and burn a mark on the E key so you will always have a "home" key for your middle finger. You can use artists eraser and stick it on too if you want something less permanent.


    Also, a mouse with extra binds is awesome and you never really have to move your left hand, which is key.


    Also, if you have a big hand much like i do you can hit N, M with your thumb and BAM you now have a very large controller instead of a keyboard.


    When you are in a middle of a fight say 1v1 with another melee do you find use the WASD keys then with the mouse? doesnt that take extra time then using your left hand to activate the abilities?

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