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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. I would just point out that most of those special high crit chance cases involve yellow attacks (tech/force) that don't even roll against shields in the first place. For example, Particle Acceleration and Force Potency give us high crit chance, but the attacks are all yellow.


    Even so, it is kinda cruddy that since it's a single roll system, a shield will never give any benefit when you need it most, which is when you take a critical hit.


    If someone has 50% shield chance with 50% absorb, they like to think that shield is reducing overall damage taken by 25%. (0.5*0.5=0.25) But, not even half of overall damage is shieldable in PvP. Lets generously assume 40%. (0.25*0.4=0.10) And guard damage is bugged to never shield or dodge for the tank...if you're a good tank, roughly half of your incoming damage is guard redirect if not more. (0.10*0.5=0.05) And then because of how the hit table works, the shield isn't even reducing overall damage by that much because a disproportionate amount of overall damage taken is crits, and shields only convert non-crits into shielded attacks. So, even with really good shield stats, equipping a shield generator in pvp only reduces overall damage taken by less than 5%. And in reality, a pvp player usually doesn't have good shield stats. They're usually closer to 20% chance with 20% absorb. When you have shield stats like that, equipping a shield generator reduces overall damage by less than 1%.


    I keep telling my guild mates this, its the same when I see shadows using kinetic ward in PvP I can't help but attack them for fun ;P

  2. Aug we will see patch 1.4 and in nov 1.5.. It doesn't matter when they release the content it still be restricted to paid subs..


    Bioware knows they can't wait until nov for content. People are just feeding the fire to just be doing it.. It also seems to be the same people lol!


    Nothing will be restricted to paid subs. They said it wont change for us

  3. Expertise is an absolutely terrible skill for Kinetic. It is a trap for people who can't or won't do math.


    For an investment of 3 points, it increases the damage of combat technique by 9%. Sounds good, right? After all 9% appears to be a moderately significant buff. The problem is, it's a buff to an insignificant amount of damage.


    For my nearly full Campaign Shadow tank, Combat Technique hits for 140 damage with a 4.5 s internal cooldown. Best case, it procs exactly every 4.5 seconds, and contributes 140/4.5 = 31.1 DPS. Increasing this by 9% means it would do 33.9 DPS. That's an increase of +2.8 DPS for an investment of 3 skill points, or less than +1 DPS per skill point. In terms of your overall damage and threat output, it is less than +0.5% for a 3-point investment.





    Getting the picture now? It is quite possibly the most useless skill of any tree of any advanced class. And remember, the above is the absolutely best case scenario where Combat Technique procs at the theoretical maximum (and statistically impossible) rate. The actual benefit will be considerably less.


    The endurance buff, on the other hand, scales nicely with your gear, increases the size of your %health self-heals, and will help keep you alive in any situation where you are at risk.



    Humm well how about rapid recovery?

  4. I just released a new video with heavy emphasis on how to play 23/1/17




    2:27 - 4:35

    7:57 - 9:16


    As for gearing, please see the armoury link in my signature.



    I use the 23/1/17 all the time now and my rotation looks something like this



    1) FIB


    2) Project


    3) double strike


    4) if particle accel Procs then Project again


    5) and Shadow Strike if Infiltration tactics procs.



    Is this similar to your rotation?

  5. That's what I thought at first but many players say that the tank set focuses too much on shield chance which is only marginally useful in pvp (as about 75% of the damage is yellow, not white). Therefore this would mean sacrificing a lot of damage potential for only marginal protection. That's why I'm looking for insights from experienced pvp kinetic shadows so I don't grind the wrong set.


    I wouldnt bother with the Shield. The survivor or Stalker set take your pick :)

  6. Can anybody help me out here, whats the range on a snipers abilities?


    Its just Me and a team of players was in the civil war before and they were hitting us at a range of 50 metres and we tested this for fun as they had given up on their own turret and camped there.

  7. I'm currently level 35 and have been pvping for 75% of my xp. This hybrid spec looks great but I just can't figure out at what point I will have the points to make it feel effective? Currently running around full INF spec has been the best spec and makes me feel like I'm affecting games the most.


    This could also be a solo queue for ranked discussion? Obviously I'm always in solo queue.


    So if you were leveling up again, how would you build into that hybrid spec?


    Thanks in advance,




    You could easily make it effective now mate although what i did was put the 23 points into it then built the rest up from there :)

  8. Welcome Chris.


    I completed my Jedi Consular story a few weeks ago. I loved it but have seen negative feedback from others. My tip would be to create a backstory for your Consular. Mine was an older Jedi who hated violence. Because of her hatred of violence, she was chosen for a special Jedi Infiltrator program. This is the reason she was older than most Padawans who become Jedi, The Jedi spent years training her on things like Diplomacy, negotiation, infiltration, sneak attacks. Also, she loved doing research and archaeology so sometimes she would pick quest that satisfied her exploratory nature.


    That is the high-level backstory. It drove my decisions on quests I would do and how I would do them. I also had a certain conversational style because of it. Also, due to family issues in her backstory, she had one fear - falling prey to the dark side. So she usually chose the Light side. However, again, due to family history, she has a temper and sometimes would get angry and be impatient.


    This made it more fun for me as I leveled her. Also, for the most part, Bioware's writing and gameplay supported this. I cannot count the number of quests I completed without killing anyone (just stealthed in). I missed out on bonuses but did not care. And for me, this approach was not boring. It was fun to see how far I could get without killing.


    Lol WOW you actually created a backstory for your own character? :), Me to mine is a raging alcoholic with a penchant for stalking Twileks! :D

  9. Your Force in balance & Shadow Strikes should be some big ones !!!

    consuming force charges at the right time helps along with proper rotation and procs!

    I`m happy with 4.5k hits ...makes me smile:)

    But really just seeing my target die before I do is the main goal :)


    I blew up my Character`s bar so i can really see the procs and buffs and debuffs on my toon...

    helped alot...


    Is this with full WH gear?, i ask because i came up against a juggernaut and he smash critted me for around 7k if i am not mistaken and he was full WH. is this right? i dont get how BW can justify those kinds of numbers for one class but not others.

  10. Now i know project with particle acceleration is one of the big hitting moves


    as is shadow strike with infiltration tactics.


    I am a 50 with DPS gear what kind of crits should i be seeing?,


    With spinning strike i have had a 4k crit


    But with project its more like 2.5k.


    is this about right for the hybrid?



    Any advice i want to tank but put out nice dmg aswell

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