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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. Where did they say they are getting rid of hybrid specs? I must have missed that post. The only way I was able to play my shadow effectively was to have a hybrid spec because the class is crap. They are the red headed step children that can slapped in the face all the time.


    The devs probably dont even play this class so they have no idea what we are talking about.


    It was one of the Q and A sessions they do on the website, someone asked about the hybrid specs and they said eventually they were trying to phase the benefits of it out.


    They have turned the class into someone who harasses and what good is that with moves like Taunt/mass mind control. I am sticking with the class i don't do the whole reroll paradigm. The only thing i ever did was change factions.


    I am using the hybrid spec i suspect you are using the same one? 23/1/17? or a similar variant?.

  2. Hi, some thoughts.


    KC (In PvP) not sure how you PvE folks are holding up. At this point, a full-tank geared KC is a wasted slot over a VG/Guardian who can not only fulfill the role better but just simply last longer. Even in full WH tank gear, I drop unbelievably fast compared to the other tanks out there. There's just no reason to bring a Shadow on board to tank for rateds. Not when there's far superior options out there. Playing in DPS gear isn't even a redeeming option. You're not doing heavy pressure and you're certainly not tanking anything. I find the nerf to KC quite frankly overdone and poorly thought out.


    Even playing the disruptor role... 23/1/17 can do more damage and have more CC on targets. The standard 31/x/x KC builds have really lost it's flavour and now (as predicted)and are being replaced by real tanks. So this opens up the doorway for us to perform in our DPS specs, right? Uh... not really. Our DPS specs on a whole have been performing rather poorly.


    Infiltration (as expected) has hit another low point. It's unbearable to even test that spec now at this point but I still keep trying with some glimmer of hope. The "sustained" damage is really laughable compared to other ACs/Specs out there... even our own Balance just makes me facepalm at infil. I even swapped up my mods/enh to gain different stat outputs such as high crit 28%. Spec is just overall in a bad spot and (imo) needs to be reworked to support the shift where the game is headed: Sustained.


    Balance is better, but guys... have you seen what Balance Sage DPS/Sorc DPS can do in 1.3? They are very, very good. Their pressure upkeep is excellent, they can off-heal, they can pull, they can cast bubbles. They just completely outclass a Balance Shadow in every shape and form and I hate saying that. We're like a substitute version of a DPS Sage if a group doesn't have one.


    23/1/17 Looks to be the real viable spec for us in rateds at this point. The utility of KC and Balance (Excluding Sever Force) along with solid sustained damage and respectable burst. On top of that, it's just as tanky as KC. Of course, I do not expect this to remain so forever. The meta-game constantly shifts and I would hope it doesn't stay the same.


    All in all, I'm not too happy with 1.3. I can understand gutting one part of KC, but not to the level it's at. It's... bad. I really, really, REALLY expected BW to do something with our DPS specs. The fact that silly hybrid specs are outperforming 31/x/x is a design flaw and should be immediately looked at. This class is WAYYY too geared toward solo play at this point thanks to 1.3. Yeah, KC can still beat any other class/spec 1v1, or infil will make short work of someone that's wandering off alone. But... we're in a rated age, and people simply do not play stupid or alone. Our damage on a whole is lackluster and we need something done to this class immediately. Especially our DPS trees.


    The whole "Jack of All Trades" is now looking at warming the bench. Rateds want Specialists, not Generalists. Guess what we are?



    Insta-Project is cool for KC/Balance. Hate it for Infil.

    Also... has anyone else noticed FiB not healing for it's descriptive amount?

    Currently maining 7/31/3.



    Do i need to say more? The only Viable spec these days is the hybrid and they are getting rid of those soon too sooooo...

  3. They mean all three and before 1.3 the only way you could get augment slots was to craft your own oranges and then move the mods. So you'd make some orange gear with augment slots and put your BM mods in them. Then trade your BM gear in for Warhero and also move those mods into your oranges.


    I guess with 1.3 its still the same only you will find any oranges and just toss on teh augment kits.


    Basically buying oraneg gear with augment slots or augment kits is expensive so better to do it once.


    So basically they rip everything out?


    Ok heres a question A full WH set of 5 to get the bonus which they have, is it possible to rip the mods, enhancements and armoring from the WH into the BM would it give the BM the WH bonus? and would you lose the BM bonus then i take it?

  4. Hi


    I am having trouble with Pvp gear and understanding it.


    Why do loads seem to rip out their WH mods and put it in their BM gear? Also When they said Mods, do they mean enhancements and armor to or just the mod itself?.

  5. Seems Bioware want to learn the hard way. "Its the customers of an MMO which make a game"


    Its not like any other game where you purchase it and play it. this game has a monthly sub.


    Iv already diverted back onto LOTRO because of this it just ain't worth it waiting 35-40 minutes then being disconnected

  6. You have basically ruined this class.


    Dont get me wrong i do not disagree with the nerf of our healing/armor abilities. BUT our DPS trees are highly lacking when compared with other classes.


    its quite ridiculous now, you need to take a look at it and sort the content of it fast, i mean kinetic ward for instance is absolutely useless in pvp.

  7. Open your options menu, click on the social tab. Click on the drop down box, and set it to show legacy (I think). By default it's set to show it as a surname. You can also hide it.


    Thanks i noticed your post about the legacy items to. I mailed my weapon to a lower levelled character of mine. and i assume the later ones come with higher legacy levels

  8. Hi i just unlocked my legacy and it comes up next to my characters name "hound"


    Yet with some people i see the title "The Shadow legacy" and different titles like that.


    how do i get this title does anyone know?.

  9. Friend just hit 50 and had full BM gear in two days. If you save up your ranked / standard coms for when you hit 50, you can easily pick up war hero implants which you won't be wasting coms on in addition to a BM piece of gear and hey.. free recruit gear. Complete the weekly and daily quests. It's rough being in mostly recruit gear but I hear character progression is something appreciated in most MMO's. Once you're in at least BM gear, if you're stil getting waffle stomped repeatedly,... well, it's not necessarily the gear.


    lol waffle stomped?

  10. Look quit all the ************ it is getting pathetic now.



    I have to put up with 30 minute queues on TOFN.


    But i would rather wait that and have a good playing Experience then go onto a ghost server.


    It will sort itself out in time.


    Your never happy if they are empty you moan. too full you moan.


    ever heard of Goldilocks?

  11. Exactly. People, you can't play balance like infiltration. Infiltration is bursty and promise you, well geared, competent players you can't burst.


    Sever Force is an awesome utility and damaging skill it by passess resolve, adds consistent pressure with dots and most of all roots. Play against a marauder/Sentinnel who relies on force leap to not only stay and in range and do damage but build rage/focus and with sever force you can completely dance around outside the melee range and really put the class to shame.


    I played KC and you can do the same but it's just you eating there damage with better self healing and longer duration of resilience 1.3 doesn't help that. Balance capitalizes on control. If you like to control a fight. Go balance.


    Is there any real benefit to force technique though as balance?

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