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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. Open space etc is definitly a must and im hoping they will release that in the next xpac ( at the latest') but it would be great to have craftable ships to go with that.



    Open space? Now that is a pipe dream Maybe with an expansion when they up the CAP but not a patch with new content.

  2. All Digipass keys are made in china by the same manufacturer no matter what game/software its for. Last i checked china was not part of the UK so how exactly are they "made" and shipped from the UK?



    Dont you read the papers??, China is really a secret colony of the old british empire

  3. I have noticed as of late that BW doesn't seem to release any information.


    Not much anyway it would be good to show the players the direction this game is taking.


    They should be giving us weekly updates on the new features soon to be introduced with firm dates on them instead of the usual "no firm updates as of yet".


    If you expect a good portion of players to keep on paying a monthly fee plus any new expansions in the future you need to up your game.


    If your PVP development team arent getting results find one which does.


    SWTOR is one of your biggest games to date are you going to let it become your biggest failure? obviously the game will have bugs for time to come.


    But big issues like server transfer or merging them should be solved immediately.


    It should be top priority.

  4. heh, for this game there are mooore than enough examples for this.



    let's start with the CE



    that's roughly $230 (and shipping is .not. 80 dollar, I checked)


    then we have the monthly subscription cost. 13€ is ... well....$17 not much of a difference, sure, and some people in the US pay those online game taxes... but still. it adds up.


    then we have the authentification thingies... again, europeans are getting royally ripped off.


    anyone remember the deal with the offical merch a while ago?

    oh fancy, the shirts that cost $19 get automatically converted into Euro as soon as you put in the address to ship to (so technically even if you are let's say a soldier just stationed over here, still gettting paid in Dollar, you are screwed, because the shirt alone will already be $23 converted, not counting in shipping)



    and then we have the lovely European servers standing in freaking Ireland (nothing against the Irish, everybody loves you silly beans!) ... Ireland, obviously not the country known for technically advancement in Europe. the result? back in January lots of people from Mainland Europe couldn't play during certain times the day at all. my ping to the European servers is still not much better than it is to the US servers. why? well because having the Servers in Ireland is cheaper. d'oh.


    and the costumer support is in Spain so Bioware/EA can save some more.... :rolleyes:


    LMFAO they are just doing their bit for fair trade lol

  5. Yeah it does include delivery, how much does the delivery cost in the US then ?


    £8,99 including delivery? well that would be about right then Delivery cost is not cheap.


    I thought you meant it was £8.99 plus delivery



    and i dont know living in manchester i am not going to know am i lol

  6. Ok i get that , like the major difference is the tax that is put onto the cost of ours, in the uk i would say it costs about £1.35 a litre, that being said it costs about $10 dollars for a gallon here.


    Now the point being is the product is made in the same place, we have factored in the cost of our VAT on electrical goods and still we come up short so why does it feel like i have got derrière clamps on , i feel we being shafted proper.


    The delivery is separate for me, does the base cost of the authenticator cost more in pounds then it does in dollars? i think it says below $4 and £8.99 english? was that including delivery?

  7. Except you can't simply convert the currency because different laws and economic structures make the cost of business vary between places. I'm not saying cheating doesn't happen in certain places, but more often than not it's simply more expensive to operate in some places rather than others.


    I pay somewhere between $3-4 american for a gallon (note the unit of measurement) of gasoline in California, how bout you guys in the UK/EU? Different product, same idea; other variables besides form of currency.


    You may pay $3 for Gas, I have been purchasing and ordering things from the US back to the uk for Decades now and if it was $5.00 it worked out to £2.50 - £3.00 depending on the fluctuation . Never in my life has it been it costs us more in £££. Not for a simple purchase. And this game didnt cost me more either. Things maybe cheaper in the US but the standard of living is lower in alot of places to.

  8. Make a Human, you can go to any of the starting zones: Elwynn, Teldrassil, Dun Morogh, Azuremyst Isle (usually not worth leaving your home area this early but you could if you really wanted to). Next level range is Darkshore, Loch Modan, Azuremyst Isle, Westfall. After that you can hit Duskwood, Ashenvale, Wetlands, then Desolace, Stranglethorn, Badlands, and so on. You can bounce around all the different territories in any order you want because there were always multiple options for every level.


    Hell you could even go invade low level Horde territory which has no quests for you at all, but you know what, you could explore it and get into some trouble.


    There is only 1 planet for every level range in SWTOR, and you cannot go to planets controlled by the other faction, and you're herded through every planet in order by your class quest.


    I go to planets way out of my level range at times?



    And they will add more as the games goes on

  9. Here's an Idea.. Go Play WoW then.


    The first time you posted your opinion in this thread I respected it, then you continued to post and shove your opinion down other peoples throats, I lost that respect. I understand you are not happy, but shoving your opinion down others throats does not make your opinion more valid.


    So if you want to be taken seriously next time post once, with valid concerns, then leave it at that. Trying to justify your opinion or shove it down others throats only makes you look foolish and gives a very bad light of what may be an intelligent gamer, into a Cheetoh's eating Troll.


    Leave the cheetos out of this!

  10. That makes no sense lol. Are you saying you've only ever been in really short relationships that die in a blaze of glory and/or bloodshed? Because imo, slow and steady in terms of love are pretty legit ways of staying together for a very long time.


    pmsl no not in terms of love no but a blaze of glory i like it! :p

  11. Agreed. You are paying a montly fee for BIOWARE's game. They can make the game however they want. Even if it is crappy in the beginning, they will patch it! Heck, the lack of endgame content is just another fallacy trolls make. We all know there is a plethora of things to do during end game. (not gunna delve into that though) If you compare it to WoW back in 2004, just about anyone would prefer SWTOR. If WoW got where it was in 8 years, just imagine what SWTOR will be in 8 years! Bioware, just keep chugging at it. Patches will improve the game vastly over time. After 4 months we already have all the basic necessities of a proper MMO! This is proof slow and steady wins the race everytime!


    Slow and steady wins the race everytime? lol Tis a sure fire way to end up single lol

  12. Tomb of Freedon Nadd » ø 2.27 -0.30 96.26 % PvP English

    The Red Eclipse » ø 1.91 -0.07 96.26 % PvE English

    Nightmare Lands » ø 1.49 -0.02 96.24 % PvE English

    The Progenitor » ø 1.42 0.00 96.26 % RP PvE English

    Dune Bantha » ø 1.41 0.00 96.24 % PvE English

    Lord Calypho » ø 1.38 -0.05 96.26 % RP PvP English

    Trask Ulgo » ø 1.36 -0.03 96.26 % RP PvE English

    Frostclaw » ø 1.36 -0.05 96.26 % PvE English

    Legions of Lettow » ø 1.35 -0.05 96.26 % PvP English

    Bacca's Blade » ø 1.35 +0.01 96.24 % PvE English

    Goluud Corridor » ø 1.34 -0.09 96.26 % PvE English

    Shaltin Tunnels » ø 1.33 -0.04 96.24 % RP PvE English

    Peragus Mining Facility » ø 1.28 -0.03 96.26 % PvE English

    Hidden Beks » ø 1.27 -0.06 96.24 % PvE English

    Bao-Dur » ø 1.27 -0.04 96.26 % PvE English

    Hydian Way » ø 1.25 -0.07 96.26 % PvE English

    Starstorm One » ø 1.24 -0.08 96.26 % PvP English

    Rogue Moon » ø 1.24 -0.07 96.26 % PvE English

    Luka Sene » ø 1.23 -0.06 96.26 % PvE English

    Bloodworthy » ø 1.20 -0.13 96.26 % PvP English

    Flames of the Crucible » ø 1.20 -0.07 96.26 % PvE English

    Basilisk Droid » ø 1.14 -0.13 96.26 % PvP English

    Sluis Shipyards » ø 1.13 -0.10 96.24 % PvE English

    Kellian Jarro » ø 1.12 -0.08 96.24 % PvE English

    Sith'ari » ø 1.11 -0.10 96.26 % PvE English

    Dxun Battle Circle » ø 1.10 -0.13 96.26 % PvE English

    Eye of Ashlanae » ø 1.10 -0.11 96.24 % PvE English

    Ludo Kressh » ø 1.10 -0.10 96.24 % PvE English

    The Arkanian Legacy » ø 1.09 -0.12 96.24 % PvE English

    Ahto City » ø 1.03 -0.08 96.26 % PvP English

    The Shadow Runner » ø 1.00 +0.02 96.17 % PvP English

    The Ravager » ø 1.00 -0.08 96.26 % PvP English

    Hex Droid » ø 0.99 -0.07 96.26 % PvP English

    Niman » ø 0.98 -0.02 96.26 % PvP English

    Tassaa Bareesh » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.24 % PvP English

    The Kumumgah » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.24 % PvP English

    Ula Vii » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.24 % PvP English

    Tott Doneeta » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.24 % PvP English

    Senator Contispex » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.18 % PvP English

    Trayus Academy » ø 0.97 +0.01 96.24 % PvP English

    The Exile's Crystal » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.26 % PvP English

    Chuundar » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.26 % PvP English

    Kai-kan » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.26 % PvP English

    Scepter of Ragnos » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.26 % PvP English

    Uthar Wynn » ø 0.97 +0.02 96.26 % PvP English





    According to this most servers are dropping quite a bit?

  13. It's you. Leveling as Immortal was fantastic. Now, you mentioned Sentinels, are you talking about pre-50 pvp? Because that's a completely separate issue from leveling.


    Exactly that pre-50 pvp

  14. I leveled mine as Immortal to 50 at launch as well as 2 others in separate beta builds and had very few if any issues.


    I just find that when i play rage i am taking down even sentinels but as immortal i am pretty much useless most can take me down, maybe my style of play isnt suited for immortal.

  15. If you want to get technical, no lightsaber attacks would cause much bleeding since the arc in energy would cauterize the wounds. :rolleyes:


    On the original topic, Impale seems right. You jump up and bring your saber down in a stabbing motion, Shatter looks more like a twirling slash.


    I would of thought impale would be to thrust the lightsaber forward into their chest impaling them? lol

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