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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. Actually according to Bioware we were tanking better than either of those two classes which is why we were nerfed on armor. It's more of a PvE nerf than anything else. At least that's the rationale behind the nerfs.


    Tank speced+geared Jugg/PT will likely live longer too because they don't do meaningful DPS so nobody good will waste time attacking one of those guys. I guess you can be tanked speced+DPS gear but you'd just be a bad DPS for Jugg/PT so probably you won't see anyone doing that.


    Thats what i mean in a way we may of been tanking to well which is why they lowered the survivability. we are meant to put out the DPS that we do.


    There will always be alot of haters. I myself find operatives annoying but it doesnt mean i think they need a NERF.


    Those that moan are usually the ones who always change classes rerolling the new flavour of the month.


    All i see are PTs these days

  2. A lot of different things.


    Two entire skill trees worth of different (and some not-so different) stuff, along with different ways of doing things shared in the third skill tree.


    But vanguards and powertechs are designed for closer-range combat, while commandos and mercenaries are designed to fight at range.

    Each AC is given tools to help them do those things, in addition to doing whatever else it is that they are designed for, be it healing, tanking, or DPSing.


    Oh i see so a vanguard is the mirror class to powertech i know all about it then mostly. Thanks

  3. It's a good defender for nodes, and it's a good solo or partner capper for nodes. There's always something for me to do, that the spec excels at.


    Hardly a good defender of Nodes when up against two

  4. Infiltration hasn't been reworked because it doesn't need to be. Just like the "arika" spec it takes getting used to and some planning. It's a different playstyle than you're used to. Burst will still exist, just brought down a little while the sustained damage while waiting for CD's is going to go up. As far as team play goes, I'm the one that my guild looks to to go and cap a node when we've only got one because I take out their one person guarding the node (hey look at that, 1v1 is very useful in pvp) and take the node and usually the game. I live without stims anyways, so if anything I'm getting a boost from constant relics AND augments. Just because we're not meant to go in the midst of a battle and kill people there doesn't mean that our spec isn't viable.


    Its no good when it is only useful in "certain" situations as you put it, when it comes to other things this tree is lacking.

  5. Hahaha yeah okay. Says the guy who said that infiltration could beat tank specs 1v1 (Kinetic):D

    Oh you didn't forget about that one, did you?


    Who says infil can beat kinetic? i laugh at the Deception assassins

  6. Hi i see people being pulled by allies in huttball all the time i assume this was force pull?



    I have this ability yet i cant seem to pull allies just enemies.


    Can anyone help

  7. Yes you can. Below is my character.



    As you can see I run 31.05% crit unbuffed, untalented**. Surge is 75% and Acc is 98% with 501 Power and 1817 WP(buffed) which equates to an additional 363 bonus damage.


    What i am still trying to work on is do i sacrfice some crit or surge or acc for more power/wp?


    I haven't augmented my weapon or chest piece yet, that would give me an additional 36 power/wp


    **Talent and buff would increase this by 8% to 39.05%


    I am level 33 and unbuffed i am at 21% Crit


    crit multiplier is at 57%


    I run a hybrid spec incorporating all three to maximise DPS


    I think it works out to 13/3/8 so far




    There is my spec does anybody have any better suggestions for my level currently?. i want a mix of survivability with DPS

  8. Crit continues to give health return up until it starts to gently flatten out in the 600-800 range.


    It's unlikely anyone's gearset is in a range of having crit reaching up into significant DR unless they've been purposely stacking crit up to the moon for some strange reason.


    Having crit in a range where they might be able to beneficially trade some of it for Power is realistic, though.


    I stack a mix of power and crit i think my crit is about 25% in a Wz.

  9. I think people who stand next to a turret looking for incoming attacks (and report them in the chat, so that reinforcements can arrive in time) can be crucial players. Also, players who never touch a ball in Huttball, but defend the Ball carrier or heal him or pull him closer to the goal or just out of harms way should also be able to get the MVP vote. Otherwise everyone just would like to be the Quarterback, but that's not how team sports work.


    They are given way to much so much so that if it gets half way usually the losing side just parks on their one turret/bunker, counting the medals etc

  10. here needs to be a change to the defence medals.


    Players are just camping at turrets/bunkers doing nothing to get this medal when the games seems like it may be lost.


    Maybe they should only get the defence medal when defending the turret in combat.

  11. There needs to be a change to the defence medals.


    Players are just camping at turrets/bunkers doing nothing to get this medal when the games seems like it may be lost.


    Maybe they should only get the defence medal when defending the turret in combat.

  12. Hover mouse cursor. :)


    For example if you hover mouse over critical chance a window pops up:


    Critical chance : 39.56%

    Base : 5.00%

    Bonus : 34.56%

    Strength(147) : +1.17%

    Willpower(1920) : +12.18%

    Critical Rating(385) : +13.20%

    Skills/Buffs : +8.00%


    The above is from my character. What you want to look at is the Critical Rating that is on diminshing returns. What I am trying to find out and hopefully those more knowledgable will be able to give insight too is what is the ideal critical rating to aim for.


    Same for surge, acc, power etc.




    Thanks and where should it show that the diminishing returns i assume it will say minus or %? lol :)

  13. I see everyone giving out percentages for crit/surge/accuracy. For some of these since its made up of several parts what would be more helpful is the actual rating to aim for.



    Accuracy rating = 250ish

    Surge rating = 260ish

    Crit rating = 350ish


    These are my guesses, once i reach those numbers i then pump WP and Power. What ratings do you all reccomend? Does it matter if its PVE or PVP or build?


    For me I am doing PVE Balance spec(no project) for OPs. I been using simulationcraft to try and come up with some ratings to aim for, but simulationcraft hasn't been updated in a while so I am intrested in seeing what others reccommend.


    I notice the armor rating where does it say this bit?

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