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Posts posted by stephenalandavie

  1. Don't get me wrong i do believe marauders and sents have a slight survivability advantage with the massive amounts of DPS they give out..


    I don't believe its causing people to unsub. It really isn't that bad, I am a shadow and i take down marauders on a regular basis it depends on the player. Some marauders i come up against cut through me like a knife through hot butter.


    As for Powertechs they are nothing special and i don't even play them or vanguard.

  2. You left off Shadows/Assassins and Snipers/Gunslingers from the QQ list.


    You know what NERF ALL THE CLASSES!


    Lol shadows and assassins? What planet do you hail from?


    Their two DPS specs Are highly lacking compared with other classes and their tank spec got a nerf. Wheres the FOTM with that? Its all about the PTS and marauders these days.


    Although PTS arent too good that they can win by facerolling.

  3. Lvl 42 Jedi Shadow


    I leveled my character up, modded out all my armor and weapons. Got them up to lvl 41.


    I've beaten the main boss, no problem. But saving those people. ASDFLJ;LDSF


    Any tips for me?


    Refresh my memory again whats the mission?

  4. Hi just a quick question,


    I have started a smuggler with the aim of becoming a gunslinger and during warzones i notice them take cover anywhere and a light blue type grid shield appears in front of them when crouched. however when i do it i dont get any kind of blue shield. what is the reason for this can anybody help

  5. Absolutely. Full 100% support. However, whats rare in the SW universe should be rare in SWTOR as well.


    Very much agreed but i do believe they should be available to the lower levels to. After all the blue/green syndrome of lightsabers didnt really kick in till the Yoda Era lol

  6. I do believe there are alot more colours which should be available to us as players, It does get tiring seeing the same classes running around as clones. Variety is everything in these games. Heres a list of some of the colours which are Canon in the SW universe. Hopefully Very soon they will be in star wars, For all the levels and yes i know some might be already in its a list i got off the web.





    Aqua (Galen Marek's modified lightsaber)

    Azure (Nikkos Tyris's lightsaber)

    Black (White with black core)[7]

    Blue (traditional Jedi lightsaber color)[8]

    Blue, w/ black core

    Blue, Dark (such as Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, Kenobi's Legacy)

    Blue, Icy (Permafrost crystal)

    Blue, Jade

    Bright Gold

    Bronze (Bnar's Sacrifice)

    Bronze w/ yellow core (Heart of the Guardian)


    Carmine (Bane's Heart)

    Clear (Barab ore)

    Cobalt (One of Saesee Tiin's many lightsaber's)

    Crimson (such as Adi Gallia's lightsaber in 32 BBY)

    Cyan (such as Meetra Surik's lightsaber)

    Cyan w/ silvery glow (Mantle of the Force)

    Electric Blue

    Emerald (such as Jacen Solo's lightsaber before his ascension to Sith Lord)

    Gold (such as Qu Rahn's lightsaber)



    Green, Dark

    Green, Jade

    Green, Light

    Green, Sage (Rahm Kota's lightsaber)

    Green w/ black core (Dahgee crystal)


    Lava (Lava crystal)

    Magenta (such as Mara Jade Skywalker's lightsaber)

    Orange (such as Kyle Katarn in 10 ABY or Freedon Nadd)

    Pearl White (Krayt dragon pearl, Wisdom crystal)

    Pewter(Raynar Thul's lightsaber)

    Pink (Lambent)


    Red (Darth Andeddu's Crystal, generic Sith/Dark Jedi lightsaber)

    Red, w/ black core

    Red, Blood (Qixoni crystal)

    Red, Dark

    Red, Light

    Sapphire (Yarael Poof's lightsaber)

    Scarlet (Depa Billaba's lightsaber)

    Silver (Durindfire (crystal))


    Silvery-green (Viridian crystal)

    Teal (Sunrider's Destiny)

    Transparent Blue (Pix's lightsaber)

    Violet (such as Anakin Solo, Kyp Durron, and Jaina Solo's lightsabers)

    Violet, Dark

    Violet, Light



    Yellow (such as the new Impact Crystal, a Force Unleashed 2 Collectors Edition Exclusive, and Yun's lightsaber)

    Yellow, Dark

    Yellow, Light

    Yellow-White (Nelani Dinn's lightsaber)

    Yellowish-green (such as Ahsoka Tano's Shoto)


    Yellow w/ Black Core

  7. Kinetic Tank Pvp


    1) A joke Most just jump on us for the easy kill with the recent Nerf.


    2) To be honest i have to use a hybrid spec which they are trying to get rid of as it is and once this happens.

  8. I am not at my pc ATM so can't check but I thought the boost for shadow strike came when the proc was active not just by having the talent? Can anyone confirm? As when I have used this talent I seemed to get higher crits when I have circling shadows proc than when I don't?



    No circling shadows is the proc which makes the next project upto 25% less force cost. which requires shadow technique, are you sure it isnt infil tactics which are active? as that ignores 50% armor

  9. Not even 4 hours after your first post, I don't know how you'd expect a Bioware employee after such little time.


    I have not noticed any issues with training abilities, and you have to take into account that higher ranks are normally only approximately 30-50 base damage increases over the previous ranks, so a higher rank does not necessarily mean you'll be hitting for 100s higher than the previous.


    Resolve bar has had some issues, and there are many many topics concerning it, especially in the PvP forums. If you are referring to roots affecting you with full resolve, that is intended and not an issue with the system.


    I agree that both balance and infiltration need some looking into in order to bring them up to par as pure dps specs. Kinetic's survivability was hit fairly hard, yes, but they are still able to function quite well as a disruptor class. You have many tools at your disposal to hamper the enemy team, and I find that the damage is still very nice for a spec that is actually designed for tanking. You are not going to hit as hard as marauders or PTs, but kinetic is definitely not a dead spec.



    I know roots and snares don't count towards the resolve bar, it says that. Its the stuns i am talking about which are always noticed during huttball especially..


    I really cant class Infiltration and balance as DPS specs because they are just a joke.


    Kinetic is much better to use in Pvp its PVE i have noticed that shadows arent as good at tanking as the other tank classes. There are only 1 or 2 classes which i haven't rolled so far and 3 of them are tank classes and Shadow/assassin i would rate at the bottom for these abilities. Granted a Guardian wont do as much DPS but it still stands they have better survivability then Shadows.

  10. There are 5 total pieces, but the bonuses come at 2 piece and 4 piece, so the 5th doesn't matter. You can also mix with 2pc Stalker + 2pc Survivor, but it's not a good pick for Kinetic because they don't really use Force Slow much so you're better off going for either of the two 4pc bonuses.


    So which would you roll with in your opinion?

  11. I assume you're primarily in a tank role and doing damage is secondary although obviously helpful.


    Survivor mods/enhancements just offer very little value in a PvP environment outside of just the extra HP. DPS stats just offer more value than the tank stats, even for a tank. The exception might be a player who literally doesn't attack stuff hardly at all, but such a player is a drag on their team anyway compared to someone who plays a complete game.


    So, ideal is generally get 4 pc Survivor armorings only just for the set bonuses, and then use dps mods and enhancements. For a given set of stats, you always have two choices...for a tank role, get the ones with the higher Endurance. You have to get a lot of extra war hero items to pull out the parts and pieces you're looking for. You could mix in a few survivor mods/enhancements if your healers aren't very good, but I wouldn't recommend using very many. The first few get pretty good conversion rates.


    If your team mostly sticks you off on solo Defender duty, 4 pc Stalker bonus would probably be better.


    Gearing full Survivor just doesn't offer enough survivability increase to be worth the massive loss of damage output compared to a gearset with dps stats because the majority of important PvP attacks completely bypass defense and shields. Armor is your biggest survivability stat and dps gear is exactly the same there.

    4 pc? I thought it was 5 pieces?

  12. Hi



    Is the shadows training the ability broken or something? there seems to be no increase in my base attack for project.


    Also why does the resolve bar seem to be faulty?.



    another question would be is simply wouldn't it be better to fix these issues which we already have? make the game as good as it can be before new content gets released? It seems to be with every patch further complications arise.



    For instance The shadow/assassin class itself, Their DPS trees are lacking when compared with the other classes, i have ran most classes and this is what i have noticed. And with the Nerf to the kinetic Tree it has made them ineffective at anything they are meant to do.


    It would be nice to see some newsletters online etc about these issues and if they are being addressed, It is pay 2 play after all.

  13. Sorry, I forgot to mention in the original post that I switch stances in order to make those talents effective. Haha should have pointed that out :p


    Also Changing stances to use the procs is very inefficient resources wise. If it works for you thats all that matters for you personally, but for me i couldnt use this spec. not in pvp especially.

  14. No that is the correct spec when I clicked it. That is how I built it. It's good for defense and offense.


    Quick thing Read the spec you have been using, Some of the points are wasted there i am afraid mate, Tri-specs never work.

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