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Everything posted by JeremyDale

  1. I for one would love to see more people play tanks. Trying to find a tank on this game is like searching for the Holy Grail. It's impossible sometimes. But to be fair this is a problem on almost every MMORPG I've played. It's nice to see future MMORPGs like Guild Wars 2 moving away from this old and very flawed system of making groups overly-dependent on certain specs. So I hope that's a trend that continues and replaces this current model. I'm sick of having to spend hours finding a tank everytime I want to run something.
  2. Daddymoofle, it was Bioware who decided to basically copy-paste WoW's endgame and move it over to this game. So don't blame us for BioWare's decesion to copy WoW - because that's exactly what they did. And if you are going to copy WoW - you may well copy it's best feature also, because copying WoW's endgame but stupidly choosing to leave out its best feature makes absolutely no sense.
  3. If anything makes D-bags it's a bunch of bored frustrated people who can't find tanks I agree with you. That excuse ain't flying with me either.
  4. Well when you describe it like that of course I agree with you. But perhaps they could add crafting quests or something like that where you and your companion travel to different worlds and collect random mats from generated quest monsters to make special items. I don't know, I'm just reaching here and it's not something I've given a lot of thought. Could be simliar to how the companion quests worked. I rather enjoyed my storyline with Qyzen Fess. So who knows, could be fun.
  5. I literally taste puke rising in my throat just thinking of those tedious dailies on Illum and Belsavus. Some games I enjoy gathering. Some games I don't. So not sure if I would enjoy it on this game or not. Would depend on how they did it. But it would be nice to have some incentive to actually go somewhere different on this game. Repeating the same stupid dalies or sitting on the fleet begging for a tank isn't exactly doing it for me. Would be nice to have some more options - and perhaps crafting could open some up new avenues. Who knows.
  6. lol... well I'm sure Tharan would be happy to be part of a circle jerk fleet. And I woudn't mind a more hands-on approach to some of the crafting. It would be nice to actually have a reason to go somewhere on this game, long as they didn't over-do it.
  7. This may be asking for too much but I think it would be pretty awesome if I actually got to fly around in space and discover new planets on my own and meet other republic ships and kill imperial ones But having said that, yes - the traveling on this game is pretty boring so it's best to get it over with quick as possible. Making us run through all of those boring hoops to get from point A to point B gets old fast.
  8. I think the companion system is pretty cool. Probably the highlight of this game to be honest. The problem with the crafting on this game is it's just not very useful or interesting, especially after 50. I rarely use my artifice for anything. So I agree with you about the crafting on this game needing a lot of work. But I disagree with you about the companion aspect of it being the problem.
  9. Well I'd prefer a cross-server LFG system, because there is obviously very few tanks on my server lol Plus I have had bad experiences in the past with server-only LFG tools (LOTRO's for example: their server-only LFG tool sucks horribly). The ones that branch out across all servers seem to be the best and most effective. In any case, I'd be willing to compromise in this way. Allow players both options - the ability to use a cross-server LFG tool and a server-only LFG tool. That seems to be the most fair way of going about it to me. Especially since I have yet to hear a single good reason why a cross-server LFG tool shouldn't be added. You can still group with your friends and guild members, and that's always where most of the "social" aspect between players on an MMORPG has been. So I've never really bought this whole "social" argument against adding a cross-server LFG system.
  10. Easy, Hard - I"m too the point I don't really care about that anymore. I just want to be able to do something besides beg for a tank in general chat. Anything beats that. This game needs an effective LFG tool more than anything else right now. Add that first - then they can start worrying about beefing up their instances if that needs to happen.
  11. I played rift for like 10 minutes before I went looking for the uninstall button The character creation was pretty cool though....
  12. Deffinetely agree with this part of your post. Choosing to copy and paste WoW's "endgame" model yet stupidly leave off the core function of it will go down in history as one of the dumbest game-design decesions in history. If you are going to copy something, least copy the good parts lol And I am far too often one of those "bantering people" you speak off saying "NEED TANK" in general
  13. That was my problem also, and why I had to stop doing the side quests. All they did was make me outlevel the content quicker, leaving me doing a lot of quests with useless rewards and little challenge. I mostly just did the class quests and heroics. If I did much more than that I would outlevel the entire next planet before I even left the one i was on....
  14. I agree with this guy. And I too am getting pretty sick of hearing people continue to blame players who are bored after 50, saying it's our fault because we rushed through the game. I took my sweet *** time also. I leveled up my crafts and kept my gear upgraded with the best purples available. I kept my companion geared up. It wasn't uncommon for me to take days off from leveling just to do nothing but farm credits. And i was still level 50 before my first month of playing the game was up. If you aren't level 50 after a month of playing on this game it's because of one of three different reasons. 1. You are playing alts. 2. You hardly ever play. 3. You are very slow. So please stop acting like this is a player issue, because it isn't. This is a game design problem, not a player problem. Botton line is you get level 50 too fast on this game and there isn't enough to do once you hit 50. Outside of doing flashpoints, there is basically nothing to do but repeat the same old boring and tedious dailies on Illum and Belsavis, and that's basically it (unless you are into PvP). So unless enough of your friends are online to get a group together, you are basically going to be bored out of your mind or rolling an alt. Stop making excuses for Bioware and stop blaming the players. That kind of attitude doesn't solve anything, and won't encourage SWTOR to become better than it currently is.
  15. I agree totally. I'm so sick of this stupid "community" argument also lol It makes no damn sense. And if spamming general chat with "LFG" or "3/4 need a Tank!" is what these people consider quality "socializing" or "community building" these days then I feel sorry for them.
  16. And I love how people try to compare this game to a game released almost a decade ago at launch... It's a poor comparison, because games were different then, and the leveling up process took a lot longer than this and other modern games. So players weren't all max level and bored out of their minds in the span of a single month. It was a different time back then. Getting capped level in a month was unheard of back in the day...and you would have had to almost murder yourself to do it. So it was fine for for games like Vanilla WoW not to have an extensive "endgame", beccause players spent a lot more time leveling up back then they did on the "endgame" grind. To put it simply, It's a bad comparison.
  17. A thoughtful well-organized post. Kudos to you. Customer service is horrible I agree. It's been 3 days now and my ticket is still open, even after I rewrote the original ticket exactly like they told me to and included every single tidbit of info they said I should. So all together I've probably been trying to get this one ticket answered going on a week now. Other MMORPGs I've played were much better in this regard. No doubt about it. I agree the endgame on this game is pretty bad. It's boring. While I'm not fan of WoW's endgame either, I do think their cross-server LFG tool was an excellent feature and I deffinitely agree with you that one should have been included on this game. Considering there is absolutely nothing to do on this game after 50 except group-content (unless you wanna do those boring dailies for the zillionth time) it's very important to let players have easy access to groups else they are going to be bored of their minds when-ever not enough of their friends are online to get a group together. It's a real issue, and it was pretty stupid them copying WoW's endgame yet leaving off the best part. Didn't make much sense. But least they see the error of their ways and plan on adding one now. That will help this game a lot.
  18. I would love to see the unknown species Yoda is as a playable race.
  19. Well just let me say it's been my experience to sit for hours LFG spamming also. I can't count the number of times I've sat on the fleet bored out of mind on the nerver-ending quest to find a tank. So trust me, just because you have been lucky so far doesn't mean the rest of us have.
  20. I think it's funny all of you people who think a selfish/rude person who has no quarms with just rolling on an item for no reason but to be an *** is going to care about his "reputation" anyways lol Do you really think people like this are going to care what you or anyone else on their server thinks of them?
  21. If you think groups formed across server lines are too risky then simply do not use it. A lot of us don't mind the risks and prefer it to spamming the stupid chat channel for hours bored out of our minds. And just the fact you are paranoid about "ninjas" doesn't mean we shouldn't be given the option to form groups across servers if we so choose. Besides, this whole "server reputation" thing is a farce anyways. I see posts on these forums everyday complaining about people rolling on items they shouldn't. It happens anyway. If you are that afraid of running across rude/selfish people probably best to just avoid MMORPGs all together...hell, you should probably avoid humanity period. That's what happens when you deal with other real life people Sev, you have to take the good with the bad.
  22. Right..and pug groups you form through geneal chat are so much different aren't they? NO. Actually they aren't. You can still group with your friends and guild evildestoryer. That is where 90% of the socializing on MMORPGs is done anyways and where this so called "community" exists, so stop this false and ridiculous debate that a cross-server LFG tool is going to bring down the level of intimate conversation between players. It's not. All it's going to do is let players create groups when their friends are offline or their guild doesn't have anything planned, and that's a GOOD thing, especially considering how little there is to do after 50 on this game without a group.
  23. No that wasn't his point lol He clearly stated in his post that CC'ing is important when fighting multiple elites and he tries not to break them, and that is exactly the type of situation we are talking about. So basically he just agreed, said DPS shouldn't do it - but then tries to make excuses for why they should do it. It was a very odd post...so is your's for that matter. And it's not a DPS's job to break CC, and no one said you can't pull mobs away from targets who have been CC'ed. You are just randomly making strange comments that were never challenged and for some werid reason attributing them to me lol CC helps. Helps more than a DPS AoE damage. WHen I CC something I want it to stay that way, and if you break it well, I may just decide heals aren't needed either
  24. There is no legitimate reason. So answering the title of this thread is impossible.
  25. You really shouldn't excuse them Aheros. People are way too quick to make personal assumptions about people on these forums and they need to be called out for it.
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