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Everything posted by lokivoid

  1. Wait you expect a funcom title to not suck? Every funcom title has been a flaming pile of @^$%, you cant honestly expect secret world to be any different.
  2. You do realize, one part of in house testing is pentesting (aka white hat "hackers" as you put it) and the majority of them get paid standard programmer wages. Problem comes with the profit margins. Alot of vulnerabilities stim from most of the game functions being client side with no server side checks (this is done to keep bandwidth overhead low). In order to fix this issue it would require additional overhead, this is something EA wants to avoid. As with most EA products their goal is vary high short term gains they could careless about long term success.
  3. 1.story for all base classes is badly written, alot of it retcons or ignores pre-existing lore. 2.Difficult? pretty much every class is faceroll when it comes to leveling. 3.As above, DPS wile leveling is just involes rolling your face on the keyboard. Nothing fun about steamrolling through trash mobs over and over.
  4. Time is money, and they had plenty of time. They had five years of development time, and a year of beta testing (where all the bug reports had been ignored). Players are not going to give bioware time (subscription money) for nothing in return.
  5. Lacks appeal to casuals? it also lacks appeal to "hardcore" players. the lack of appeal is caused by the fact that its designed like a single player game with large speed bumps in a attempt to expand on its linear gameplay. This is not something that can be fixed at this point of development as it would require a complete rebuild from the ground up.
  6. Then they should be fired and replaced, because a good chunk of the bugs had been reported by a large number of people during beta and to this day they are still not fixed.
  7. Tribes ascended is just standard shooter with a match making chat room not a MMO. Every title you mentioned follows the same aspect. These games are vary cheap to pump out as not much modification is required to the core FPS engine they use. They have been the most common F2P game type on the market for the past ten years.
  8. All Digipass keys are made in china by the same manufacturer no matter what game/software its for. Last i checked china was not part of the UK so how exactly are they "made" and shipped from the UK?
  9. protip: any generic digipass go 6 will work. it does not have to be SWTOR branded.
  10. honestly i never expected it to be anything like SWG, considering they stated early in development it was not a sandbox game, and used a class based system (That alone removes any chance of it be remotely like swg). When space combat was announced it was stated that it was just a rail shooter minigame (Also removing the expectation of SWG's flight sim) As for expectations of the game being good. Bioware has always been known for linear gameplay with no effort placed on balance. Combine this with the announcement of the EA buyout in early game development. Crippled any real chance it had. As EA's development cycles do not allow reasonable quality control. Most aspects are rushed to meet a preset development deadline with focus on quick returns from initial box sells, insted long term success. The EA buyout also has caused bioware to hemorrhage talent, most of the major developers/designers/writers working for bioware have resigned and moved on to other studio's. What you have now consists of second rate romance novelist's, designers fresh out of the art institute and all the coding and modeling outsourced to the lowest bidding contractor in india (outsource directors are listed in the credits btw).
  11. The guy who wrote the kotor novels and most of the story for Swtor quit btw
  12. i have completed all of them, and i can tell you the 500 presence (all companions +human unlock) is not worth it. if the companion presence bonus had not been limited to a one time unlock it might of been worth it. But as it stands you can only unlock the presence bonus once per companion. This pretty much rules out playing the same base class twice, even if you choose a different advanced class.
  13. a good chunk of them settled down in different locations during the start of the new republic.
  14. Problem, this game is not Story driven. Did player actions effect the outcome of events such as the rakghoul plague. NO Do player actions effect the overall story of the entire server. NO Do other player actions effect the overall ending of your own story chapters. NO What you have is nothing more that a linear single player story with the illusion of choice, once you hit 50 the story stops. So by all means tell us what you think the "story" drives at level cap
  15. You do realize KOTOR2 was not made by bioware, right?
  16. 20mil, more like 10.7m only takes roughly 10million for all legacy unlocks (not including ones that can be unlocked for free) and less than 1mill to move 60 rating mods on a fullset of gear. Cant buy jack you say? Do all the dailies (use the tokens to sell mods and such) Do all space combat dailes (use the tokens buy highend operation materials and sell them) Use your mission skills to farm in the demand materials wile doing the above (and sell them for cash) Considering i am sitting on four sets of fully augmented end game gear (two for PVE, two for pvp) and a completely unlocked legacy. I will have to call BS on your statement of "you cant buy jack with what you get from dailie".
  17. Now take your logic and look at crafted items. Costum saber (lv20) and Elegant modified saber (lv40) one takes lv2 matts one takes lv5 matts, both look identical. So the question comes up why make the lv40 saber at all when you can craft lv20 one for ten times less? There are a number of crafted orange items that share the exact same model in the same weapon/armor type. As of right now there is only one valid reason to use orange gear and that is for the augment slot. Overall the entire concept is chop full of design flaws (just like most of the crafting system in general).
  18. Ya just like rated WZ's came in 1.2 right?
  19. then tell your "slicers" to stop slacking off. Because i have a bank full of augment recipes.
  20. Key words there is performance drivers. They are already optimized as much as they are going to get for DX9. This changes nothing, 10 years down the road DX9 will still run just fine (unless microsoft decides to completely alter the API for it) This alone makes your entire post invalid.
  21. No clue what your talking about, we had multiple rogues in or 40man MC/BWL. All of them leading the meters by a good 30% on most fights..
  22. This was the case PRE 1.2. However not so much anymore. full war hero tankasin vs full warhero pyrotech PT. The PT will dominate the fight vary quickly. In most cases the Sin will never get to utilize harness darkness.
  23. That was nerfed awile back, You cant use force pull wile standing on the ledge anymore.
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