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Everything posted by lokivoid

  1. you would be lucky to make a 1k profit (if even that) considering the shipping cost, and it has little to no collectors value due to being a minor character from a video game in the expanded universe. So odds of even finding a buyer that would pay the shipping is slim to non.
  2. Ya the catch is the winner must pay shipping and tax on said item. shipping on 159 lbs (asuming it comes fully assembled) your looking at a 6x3x3 crate, according to Fedex rates that is roughly 2500USD in shipping.
  3. Any game that has any remote sense of gear progression or content difficulty is going to have people setting gear requirement for groups (as both a benchmark of player experience, and a way to lower the encounter/instance difficulty) This is not limited to wow, even going back to everquest or hell even NWN (The original, not the bioware remake) had gear requirements for end game. Loose the console casual mentality if you want to play MMORPG's. Otherwise you should just single player games.
  4. Raeli as i stated it only unlocks once for a given companion. So doing the same companions again for that base class will not gain you any more presence.
  5. You completely misunderstood what i said. I said the max from companions legacy unlocks (math +10 bonus per companion x 5 = 50 x 8 = 400) account for human unlock 500 max obtainable bonus from legacy unlocks. As you stated you only have +170 ( Your 23 companions short ) I was not talking about overall max presence allowed in general, as this can be raised via stims,food, and gear
  6. No i tested this my self. Companion presence bonus only applies once for a given companion. The non-presence bonus only applies once for the companion role. Its limited to 400 presence from companions. 50 per base class, 8 base classes Plus another 100 for leveling a human to 50 (also only unlocks once)
  7. Does it really matter? The family tree is purely cosmetic. It has no impact on gameplay what so ever. In functionally it is identical to you drawing your family tree on a piece of paper and taping it to your monitor.
  8. ummm, If you want to go to another planet (located in a different system) without entering hyperspace. This would mean you would be traveling at sublight speeds. You do realize you would die of old age long befor you ever reached your destination?
  9. They only function as a timesink if they have functional or novality value. If no one is willing to work for them then they are not a effective timesink..
  10. This statement contradicts it self, as by allowing one to change their AC it would effectively cut the total classes in half, in effect the opposite of "keeping players here, and playing this game". This statement is self contradicting as well. They do have a voice on the subject because what you request effects their game experience. Unless you have all character slots full, you are not required to delete the character. Chances are you have not done any real work on the toon outside of the class quests. Even if you did the itemization most gear for the character would not be ideal for another AC. Suck it up and reroll, and next time do you research on the AC's befor picking one.
  11. Well, the problem is two fold. It misuses Video memory combined with vary poor coding. In reality the primary cause for the high memory usage is the way the game handles cache (it does not clear it, with cached information is no longer in use). So what ends up happening is memory usage becomes exponential the longer the process runs. (This is vary similar to a memory leak, however the cache is cleared when the process ends). Funny part is such issues are easy to locate and fix with a debugger. I am willing to bet the cause is with the GUI API, mainly because flash should of never been used as the GUI for a resource intensive program in the first place.
  12. Story plays out the same no matter what you choose, Its just the typical RPG "illusion of choice".
  13. Really no point in it, 1.Story is dependent on the base class AC has no effect on it. 2. Legacy discourages it, unlocks are limited to base class. (Legacy levels gained have no functional use past 25, only one unlock is above lv15 and its function is redundant). 3. Limited to 8 character slots, also reinforcing number 2 Summery: Stick to 8 base classes until they decide to add legacy perks for AC's or expand the character slot limit from 8 to 16
  14. Well by definition as a verb that is not considered bullying. Think of it this way say you have a employee in your office that spends all his time surfing the internet insted of doing work. So you ask someone from IT pulls up the network logs as evidence. Would confronting him or terminating his employment based on the network log be considered bullying? Same concept applies to a group based gaming. If the rest of the group feel someone is pulling their weight, then its acceptable for them react in the same way, all the logs do is provide evidence of such.
  15. Its not just the aspect of processing, Its how the cache memory is handled. Coupled with the bloated API game uses for every aspect of the GUI (Flash) The engine also operates as a x86 process (so no matter how fast of a CPU/GPU or how much memory you have. Its bound to the limits of a x86 process.
  16. I use the imp droid on my tankasin alot, more so in areas where i might pvp flag. He has shorter CD's on heals and can equip heavy armor. Sure hes aggravating when he talks but after the bug was addressed hes been tolerable.
  17. cant tell if trolling or just a casual console "gamer"
  18. Define "everyone", because "everyone" i know hated ep1 (including pod racing) and the race mini-game in kotor was a terrible halfbaked filler. Wont happen, It will effect the ESRB aswell as draw media flack (not something bioware wants at the moment considering all the other controversies they are trying to sweep under the rug at the moment)
  19. Considering there are still major issues with the cache and memory not clearing, causing memory usage to become exponential with run time. Then no Terrible job Still nothing of value in any crafting profession other than biochem, so no once again terrible job. It still a bloated flash based interface Once again terrible job Just what everyone wanted a overpriced/useless RP fluff abilities and a legacy tree that does absolutely nothing. All pvp changes including expertise scaleing was terrible, (feel free to read the pvp forums)
  20. "overall population of players has not changed" More like the overall population had its stats padded, to avoid drawing attention from EA. The reason it would not show a significant drop is because of the free weekends, trials accounts, and now the free month automatically applied to inactive accounts. They just need to flat out admit the problem, insted of point fingers to take blame off themself.
  21. Name the "Sith can destroy whole planets themselves". If you're referring to Tenebrae, he did not do it by him self. He tricked almost all the remaining sith lords into helping preform the ritual. As for the power demonstrated in the "unleashed" series, this was a intentional exaggeration and that aspect is not considered canon.
  22. There was no "monopoly" on crafts in swg considering the resource system, the best crafted items used vary rare materials (By rare, in some cases vary high end resources for a given stat only poped up once or twice during the course of the game) Pre-cu befor those vet rewards that made a item indestructible. All crafted items had been consumable they would eventually fall apart and need to be replaced. If you some how did obtain a monopoly by hording resources, your monopoly wouldnt last, due to the limited supply of resources. Honestly SWG had the best crafting systems out of every online game i have played going back to MUD's.
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