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Everything posted by SnickerJew

  1. No unfortunately. For any sales the buyer would need to transfer here if they were from another US server. Sorry.
  2. Pretty much this. People would then just keep parsing over and over again to obtain 3-5 "god" parses. I'm sure there's a way to go about this and make it work, but it has potential to be the same problem. Regardless, there's still no website that shows all the information needed to prove parses are legit so yeah
  3. I personally am not asking for any sympathy nor do I care about "server progression," but I'm sure others in my group do. All I'm trying to say is we are friends trying to raid and clear some content. Nothing more, nothing less.
  4. All I'm going to say is I personally raid over here 1 night a week for maybe an hour or 2 doing SM full clears with my old friends from Jedi Covenant (RIP No Name Guild). Our intentions were to play again as people came back from the game from an extended break and wanted to play among friends. I find it very odd how we haven't cleared any bosses in the new HM Operations and can't even be counted for progression. As many others have posted above me, take away all of this server's progression from previous tiers because at least half of them had transfers from other servers. I hope everyone is enjoying this tier of content as it truly is a challenge.
  5. I'd much rather go for a double steak bowl.
  6. My personal current stats: 110.14% Accuracy (772 Rating) 28.63% Crit (459 Rating) 72.26% Surge (480 Rating) 0% Alacrity (Do I need to put that here?) I personally would love to use some Alacrity, but I feel I can't really afford to lose any Crit Rating with the current rotation I'm running. I am almost BiS 198's for a reference. Here's a pic for reference. Going to resume testing different stat distributions, but so far my best results were with this setup. Hope this helps!
  7. First things first.. we need a reliable website that can provide us a more detailed log analysis than Torparse currently is. Until then, meh. I do agree once most classes reach the 5 minute mark on the 1.5m dummy that is a great time to adapt said debuff, but "most" in my eyes means roughly 75% of the specs. This is just my personal opinion, but very good argument, KBN. I agree 3:30 min parses are a bit short, but we shouldn't punish those who can't achieve those times just yet.
  8. I retract my initial statement, Marksmanship on Sparky. I believe the difference is like 0.1% in overall damage or something? But I personally run 13 Cunning + 1 Accuracy for that extra MS Crit for Virulence. Just a personal preference.
  9. Expect to see my guide by the end of the week (hopefully). I also apologize for taking this long to write up a guide as I was busy with school/competitive raiding. I will be posting it on the SWTOR forums as well as another website.
  10. I just wanted to personally thank my favorite 2 Mercs for helping reach the dream. Love you Fasc & Mari & thanks for the guide <3
  11. Here's the specs I personally run on HM for these encounters: Ravagers: Sparky – Virulence, Bulo – Virulence, Torque – Marskmanship, Blaster/Master – Virulence, Coratanni – Virulence. Temple: Malaphar – Virulence, Sword Squadron – Virulence, Underlurker – Marksmanship, Revanite Commanders – Marksmanship, Revan – Virulence. Reasons will be given in my guide for Viru.. soon™
  12. I think Madness Sorcs are the lowest parsing spec atm, considering I haven't seen one over 4300 yet.
  13. That's so silly a fight not working properly with a pet out. What if I want my Mini Nefra to watch me kill Coratanni?!
  14. As stated before, the fact that there is no reliable place to upload your personal parsing logs makes having a leaderboard irrelevant at this time. If/when TorParse is up and running again, I would gladly resume where we once left off many, MANY moons ago, but until then just sit back and enjoy the new content.
  15. This drops from Last boss of Ravagers/ToS on 8m HM, 16m SM, and every boss on 16m HM.
  16. Pretty much this. I can say from personal experience that Revan HM is most likely the hardest fight mechanically in this game to date, on top of a bit of a DPS & heal check. This tier of Hard Modes I would consider "Hardmare" as it is definitely a different direction they made compared to the last HM's being 'facerolls' if you would. I think this is a step in the right direction for the game, but these instances of Hard Mode should not be taken lightly. Back on topic, be on the lookout for a new Imperial team I've been hearing about in Teamspeak servers that may not have a name yet. From what I've heard, there could be some nice competition here soon
  17. Thanks for the prompt response. Enjoy your weekend!
  18. Question Tait. For those who killed the final bosses of Ravagers and ToS and recieved no loot, should they file a ticket in-game or are we just not going to be recovering our loot?
  19. As much as I dislike the strat, they were not the one who "pioneered" it. From my understanding, the Republic guild on The Ebon Hawk <The Underworld Alliance> were the firsts ones to use/create this strategy. Their reason was to help their healers out because they could not heal this with regular tank swaps. Fun fact of the day.
  20. This always worked on PTS and STILL works on live.
  21. Thank you Lizard Squad for giving us a que now? I just wanna do some pee vee pee!!!
  22. Just a heads up - I plan to make a new thread if/when Torparse or something like it is up for 3.0, but until then there's really nothing to do unfortunately. Best of luck to everyone in 3.0!
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