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Everything posted by zumbledum

  1. this moral choice system is just a little bit nuts, im wondering what the most out of whack things you have seen are. for examples the two things that happened tonight to make me make this thread. 1. deciding to administer a lethal amount of poison and commit whole sale slaughter on a slave revolt got me 50 light side points. 2.Getting a girl to sell her own father out to imperial intelligence by bribing her with her dads money also gained me light side points. dear bioware.... the lesser of two evils is still evil. and please educate your writers as to how the light /dark sides operate. we dont have to mindlessly murder to go dark side taking prisoners for interrogation and entertainment is actually often more dark side....
  2. yeah if the blurb we see had any relation at all to what we end up saying..... its still a luck role a lot of the time
  3. so you actually think there is a group of people that would re sub to get a title, a title that every single other player gets to.. i would like to meet these people i have some air and water for sale only 10k a litre
  4. Twin emps and c'thun were bugged to unbeatable at launch the c'thun bug took months to get fixed
  5. should of done a Bsc Its a working theory , but you dont have the info to make an accurate assessment and it makes a lot of negative assumptions and they are quite a reach. i can do the same and say the tech department schedule the maintenance based on traffic and when its ready. as it just got delayed your argument is looking a little less likely
  6. from the very first scene in the clone wars he is showing at every single opportunity rampant failing at being a Jedi, hes arrogant presumptions full of desire for power fame and love there isnt a single jedi like mannerism in him , he only gets to train because obi promised his master to , and obi is no were near old or experienced enough to train him , and as he admits he thinks of anarkin as a brother , its a majour failing for obi to.
  7. 1v1 ill give it to the jedi but not a comfortable easy or safe win. unless its a grey knight ofc then line up the jedi and send them to the slaughter all day long.
  8. There is oxygen inside the crafts though so you will get a brief flare of fire and an explosion, you wont be able to hear it though as there is no medium to for the shock wave to traverse. well recent evidence shows neutrinos are capable of going FTL anyway but your point here is wrong to , the distance between some of those stars is hundreds of AU apart and we blink between them in seconds meaning our craft is actually travelling millions++++ of times FTL in the first place.
  9. if you go and watch the blizzcon raid panels on you tube you will find plenty of instances and admitions that addons created an arms race in wow. many design choices came about because of the assumption that certain add ons would be used
  10. I don't want recount. I have been raiding in MMO's for around 15 years now, the reasons well there's a lot but basically it causes more problems than it fixes. when you add a dps meter a lot of changes happen, dps will stop moving out of the fire to get more hits in, dps will stop using interrupts and cc they don't benefit the chart, de buffs stop getting applied. if there was ever a balanced and accurate way for a metric to measure raid input and detriment cool , but recount is/was about as far from that as possible, its actually worse than having nothing because it gives false impressions of quality.
  11. what always bothered me is where did the fleets of star destroyers . squadrons of gunships and all the tanks/guns/ other misc army/navy crap come from. ok several million clones popped up unexpectedly but did they have all the hardware just sitting around in case?
  12. 1.swtor 2.xwing vs tie series 3.kotor hmm havent played any other good ones myself. not saying they dont exist i just missed em
  13. or it could be subscription is simply an outdated business model and going ft2 is simply the more profitable path. wow got away with it so its the benchmark.... wow released with 1 ageing competitor EQ. the market today is not the same, odds are BW would make a lot more money with the "expensive as you want" or as its inaccurately called f2p
  14. well its not really massively multiplayer. but the orpg fits i guess. it is designed and played a lot like a single player game though esp with all the class specific story areas. wow may not have put a loading screen in your face but don't think it didn't have load times, did you never notice when changing zones you tended to walk down a 100 ft long tunnel of one texture as it ditched the last zone and loaded the next, they used caves to hide it a fair bit to.
  15. personally im very happy to have the spec system remain as it is. its not like early wow or eq were healers and tanks simply cant kill a thing , its a case of it possibly being slightly faster in dps specs. specs meant to be a choice, in an mmo like this its a big part of how people remember you. so for me you can leave it alone bioware
  16. the empire needed the droid army to cause enough panic and fear to do a 9/11 and sweep away rights get themselves absolute power and overturn democracy. the clone army was required to first hold that at bay so it was only fear not reality, second they could be controlled and used to mass assasinate the whole jedi order simultaeneously. lastly they would be required to sweep away the droid army and used to crush his former allies who are now the republic is dealt with the only things strong enough to threaten him. the conscri[ts would of struggled to beat the droids and couldnt of been manipulated to assasinate all the jedi. and besides ebtter to have them at thier jobs making more weapons/tools/food whatever.
  17. cartoons comics books and films. but films also have to have sepcial rules , it might be ok to let han fight a sith and win in a film tho it would never happen in the "real" canon of lore. like this game all troopers smugglers agents and bounty hunters are as powerful as jedi/sith which is complete and utter tosh lore wise but because in a game balance > lore thats the way it has to be
  18. agreed and honrestly was kind of surprissing just how few customisation options there were in general
  19. well quests will run out but there is the option to get points with crew missions so i think there will always be a way to make them up. yes like all moral choice systems ever its plain stupid theres no choice big uncle tom or mindless **** and live with it i havent checked the rewards much but the one vendor i did see it seems to be cosmetic items , speeders clothes etc
  20. Metrics are only useful if they cover everything though , if you put up a meter that just shows damage people will simply stop using crowd control debuffs and all the other things that get a win and just spamming max damage regardless of how badly it affects the group. and we wake up playing wow again.
  21. in the movie , in the game yes in the canon of lore , no
  22. were sort of touching on 2 topics here. there is the ease and seductive nature of the dark side. it is very easy to get angry and fight , to let hate drive you to revenge and murder. its fast and easy power but its no road to success for either side. Anarkin for all his power and ability is almost completely manipulated and controlled by the emperor exploiting his emotional nature. And then you have the diametrically opposed attitudes of sith and jedi that actually approach a certain similarity at the top levels of mastery. Both sides control their emotions the jedi seek to remove them and fight from a position of calm tranquility allowing the fight to flow. The Sith use their emotions like tools they are no more out of control than a jedi , a Sith may use his anger to press an advantage or use his hatred to endure but he is the master of his emotions every bit as much as the jedi. Acceptance vs Control
  23. i watched the very first episode and wrote it off as a fluffy waste of space, decided to give it another go and so far im about half way into s2 and its been pretty good, its hindered abit by the episode length and needing to hit a story beat every 20 mins but on the whole its way better than first impressions suggested and is getting better.
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