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Everything posted by unclekaula

  1. unclekaula


    Control Mid... thats just as important as a ball carrier.
  2. I went 0 for 83 and got a champ glove piece. Then 2 champ bags later I got an offhand saber for a marauder, which was cool since I'm a rage jug.
  3. You have several interrupts, ya sure you're using them all? I dont really PVE anymore, but you have your normal interrupt, threat scream, force choke, backhand etc. Watch their cast bar and interrupt at the right times. Doesnt quinn have carbonize I think it was? Make sure thats turned on too...
  4. I'm going to assume you dont play the game.
  5. Sounds good to me. I still have to go to ilum for my dailies so I always check out the action anyways. A few from that/crates and the rest from wz is good news.
  6. Whats the wz rating for prestige gear then? They arnt talking about ranked wz comms? Thats fine if solo/premade ranked gear is same (fine for me)
  7. I dont see a problem with it only affecting ranked wz comms. I wouldnt want ranked wz premades getting gear thats not obtainable to me because of my work schedule. If they get prestige gear, that sounds good....
  8. How did you open 6 bags and end up with 40 expertise? Did you forget to buy cent/champ gear?
  9. Pretty sure those markings are to indicate their class type. IE lightening bolt for sorcs, blaster pistol for a merc and so on and so on.
  10. I've decked out Pierce, but hes still crap. Just needed to spend some cent comms
  11. Merc forums are probably not the best spot for this
  12. First 45 seconds of huttball, I charge in... get the ball.. force charge to a guy on their ramps then I get stunned.... I break it because theres a team mate thats ran ahead and I want to pass. Before I can pass it I get cc'd again and now I have 4 or 5 on me and I die before the cc is over. Teammate thats ahead of me says 'this is why i hate pugs, the players are horrible' and rage quits. (also we won) Apparently people leave because I'm horribad.
  13. I play a ball carrier jug and also an arsenal merc. A jug does boss things... a merc stands near mid and tries to control it for resets. Its boring and the merc doesnt have anything cool. You can stand on the walkways and push back people as they come up, either preventing them from using ramps to your side or helping fight back people after your ball carrier. You pretty much do as much dmg as possible and thats really it. So yeah I agree with the OP except on the useless rapid shots.
  14. I use Soresu so I'm talented: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101cZhMkZGr0rdrMdhR.1 I'm not super fond of brutality, but you need it to move up. Plus after your smash rotation, a force scream + viscous slash while your relics/adrenals are still active is another 6-7k and you'll still have your finishing throw. Also, I like Payback when it crits.
  15. Anyone speak bad? I'm lost
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