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Everything posted by Kalakbar

  1. Honestly, the only thing that needs to go is the knockdown on your opening attack. Being able to talent in a stun, even only a three second one, is absolutely absurd. Either gut the damage of the openers, and add some of the damage back to Shiv or Lacerate, or kill the stun. Operatives don't need a 30s cooldown stun, a 60s cooldown AoE CC, a 3s stun on opener, AND a root. Compare the opening of an Operative, a class that has heals, to that of an Assassin, a class with quite pathetic self-healing. Why does the class with the ability to heal themselves and others do so much more damage? Why does the Assassin's knockdown do 10% of the Operative's knockdown?
  2. I have 540 Expertise on my Sorcerer. If the Operative if any good, I can literally be taken from 100% to 20% in the opening stun, and then be immediately rooted. Since roots ignore resolve, I can't escape with Force Speed, and then the next attack after Backstab is usually death. Your only real advice is to trinket stun? Well, that's great if it's 1v1 open world pvp. In Warzones I am quite often using my trinket on cooldown to avoid being stunned in fire/acid, so I can't always save it to deal with one of eight other players in the Warzone. I'd also like how no one seems to care that the Operative has the best CC, with a 3s stun on their opener, a talented 30s cooldown on their 4s stun, a 8 second AoE CC, plus a single target root they can taken into. Their baseline heals are also fairly significant.
  3. Kalakbar

    Surge Rating

    If it was Surge rating's fault, all classes would be able to stack it up to 300ish and start hitting for 5k easily. This simply isn't the case. As a Sorcerer with mostly Champion, the highest hit I've ever seen was a 3850 Death Field crit, with Power relic/adrenal/expertise power-up. Keep in mind that is the hardest hitting ability I have, and has a 15 second cooldown. In similar circumstances/gear, I've been opened on by Smuggler/Operatives for 5k, 3k, 3k during initial stun. I have also been Smashed/Sweeped by Guardian/Juggernauts for 7k. I have also had tracer missile spam for 4200 per missile. Surge/Adrenals/Expertise power-ups magnify the issues, but certain classes/specs simply have too much burst damage.
  4. Sorcerer is an incredibly strong solo class. At 50 with gear and a hybrid spec, I am able of soloing all the heroic 2s, and some of the heroic 4s for daily comms (can't do one of the ones on Belsavis, but the other isn't bad). Sorcerer chews through the world champions as well, with me being able to farm a champion on Ilum that drops blues / purples in between warzone queues. Andronikus is the companion of choice for me, since Khem/Xalek take quite a bit of damage later on. You will be tanking with Andronikus out, but with the Empty Body talent you tend to need the same amount of healing as a companion would. We also do really well in small groups also. A Jugg buddy and me solo Hard Mode Black Talon each day for the daily with our companions out, and we don't even hit the enrages for bosses
  5. Pretty good gameplay, but yeah, the commentary was literally the most annoyance I've had since I worked in a special needs group home. I'd recommend just music next time.
  6. While I appreciate your feedback, you by your own admission aren't 50, haven't run hardmode flashpoints, and haven't any experience with how this build plays in these circumstances. Force Lightning is a filler spell in this build while no one needs urgent healing. I've never prioritized damage over healing, other than a boss enraging at 2%. As far as Electric Induction, it's a great talent, but one I found I haven't needed. At lower levels of gear, you might need it. I am at 1717 Willpower in my PvE gear, and really haven't had issues. I used this spec while gearing up as well, so I don't think you actually NEED it if you are comfortable with your force management.
  7. You could absolutely drop the extra burst/CC for more efficiency, but I personally haven't really seen the need to yet. The one thing I really like about having Haunted Dreams / Oppressing Force is that I pug a lot, and most of my tanks are both undergeared and not good with adds. I can burn down regular 5k hp adds quite quickly, but with a squishy tank that is often dangerous to do as they tend to need a constant stream of heals at the start of a pull. I like being able to instantly CC 1 elite and 2 normals, which helps reduce damage incoming by quite a lot. The normals in some hard modes can crit for 2k at speed, which adds up if you are dealing with an undergeared group, as I often am. But it is all personal preference. I think the only bits of this build that aren't up for negotiation is 21 in Corruption for Innervate as well as 14 into Madness for Madness and Sith Efficacy.
  8. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGMRbd0zZbZsr0RsMz.1 is my build. I took both Empty Body and Haunting Presence, as I felt the other low tier Corruption talents weren't worth taking. Tier 2 Madness I went with the 50s stun / and two additional normals on Whirlwind, as it's very useful in HM Flashpoints. One in Sith Defiance because I don't like Chain Shock or Parasitism.
  9. Hi there! Sorry to hear you had some difficulties on that boss. Rotation: --Static Barrier buff or debuff on tank at all times. --Resurgence HoT/armor buff on tank at all times. --If the tank is at 80% health, use your Force Bending to channel a full Innervate. --If the tank is below 80% and taking heavy damage, use Force Bending to use two Dark Infusions on him. If other folks are taking damage, use Resurgence >>> Innervate on them. Try avoid spamming Dark Infusion by keeping up with your Static Barrier / Resurgence on players. If you must spam Dark Infusion, make sure you are using Consumption every 10 seconds, or twice every 10 seconds, depending on how much Force you are losing. Never use Revivication on one target. You are giving up 100 Force (or 50 with Force Bending) for a HoT that doesn't do much on one target. As for that fight, the damage spikes are coming from two places: Full Auto casts, which must be kicked, and probe droids exploding on the tank. Feel free to help interrupt Full Auto, otherwise let your DPS know it is their job to stop that cast. If it is left to channel the full duration, it can be full to dead on a poorly geared tank. You should have a ranged DPS pull the probes off the tank, otherwise your healing aggro might bring them away from him long enough. Make sure the tank knows NOT to aoe or put any threat on the probe droids, or you are going to have some issues keeping him up! As far as gearing, try out the +crit +surge mods you get from the Ilum Heroic 2 daily. I recently made the switch to surge and noticed a HUGE difference in my healing/damage with only 200 surge rating. Best of luck!
  10. With respect, my build actually works out BETTER with incompetent groups since I can meaningfully help to beat the enrage timer, which is what usually wipes bad groups in HMs. I disagree with healing being "extremely difficult" with this build, because the only single target output you're missing is 6% healing and 2% crit. The only times I've ever felt my healing was not enough was in circumstances where no amount of healing will help, such as HK in HM Foundry not having his locks broken and then one-shotting everyone, or letting two ticks of Revan's force lightning tick on a tank, which is approximately 40,000 damage in 1.2 seconds. The majority of covering mistakes in HM flashpoints is a matter of either using Extricate to pull a ******* out of the fire, using Jolt to stop a "HERE COMES THE DAMAGE" ability, or DPSing down the boss before enrage. Also, having 18 in Madness gives an instant cast Whirlwind, which is very useful on boss fights with adds. Have it instant cast means you can manage to CC them before they get to melee range with the tank, which puts them at risk of AoE. As far as force management goes, each stack of Consumption is -20 force regen over 10 seconds. So with two casts, you gain 96, but lose 40 less regen over 10 seconds. You cast a Resurgence on yourself to heal up, and you are at 26 additional force. Absolutely worth casting in longer fights to keep your resources up.
  11. Oooh, RNG trinket procs for 40k during 28k Spambushes? Instant cast GHW from 5% to 100%? Endless CC chains with MLS? Yeah, totally miss that.
  12. Resolve does nothing until your bar is white, at which point you are immune to all CC (interrupts/snares/roots still work). As for the delay, what kind of FPS are you getting in Warzones? I'm usually around 60 fps, and haven't noticed any delay. Only delay I noticed before was on my old computer that was getting 10 fps in a WZ.
  13. After the adrenal/expertise boosts no longer stack, the only thing that seems questionable to me is the knockdown on their damage opener they can talent. It would be one thing if it was like the Shadow/Assassin one, but theirs hits for 700 vs. 5000+ sometimes. Also, Smuggler/Operative survivability isn't THAT bad out of stealth, they still have a sprint, a 1 minute aoe 8 second CC, a 30s talented 4s stun, heals, a snare that talents into root (ignores resolve), and a passive 2% HoT they can talent.
  14. At 50, Andronikos is the most DPS. When I use him for my dailies instead of Xalek **** dies so much faster it isn't even funny.
  15. I am spec'd 21 Corruption, 2 Lightning, and 18 Madness. I have healed all the flashpoints on hardmode except for Foundry (end boss has bugged 90k dmg a tick lightning). I have also done all the operations on normal. Going from 31 to 21 in Corruption gives up 6% bonus heals, 2% crit, Force Surge, and a bugged AoE heal. Revivication is really handy for two of the fights in Operations, but you can do without, spamming shields instead to help soak AoE damage. Even on Soa, you have more than enough time to heal up your group with Innervate/Dark Infusions before you the platforms will drop. Is force management harder without Force Surge? Of course, but it is far from impossible. I usually use two Consumptions back to back, followed by an Innervate on myself. In EV, I pretty much sustain a constant stream of either healing or Force Lightning, depending on what needs to be done. Good force management is mainly about avoid Dark Infusion as much as possible, and instead using Resurgence / Innervate on cooldown, as well as Static Barrier. The really nice thing about having 18 in Madness is that my Force Lightning regens 26 Force (I have the 4 piece pve force mystic) over each channel, making it only cost 4 force for 3k+ damage. Not only does this make bosses die before enrages, it also really helps for burning down Mind Traps, adds, etc.
  16. Reconsider Sorcerer. I'm Valor 51 myself, and spend most of my time solo queueing. I am a hybrid build (21/2/18) that is incredible at 1v1 fights, plus is capable of medal whoring with the best of them. My best game was 400k damage, 310k healing, and 12 medals. As far as being vulnerable to stealthers, pretty much all classes are vulnerable to an Operative's opening, since they have 50% armor penetration on their openers. A Sorcerer at least can CC / heal up to reset the fight, while others have to try to burst down a full health Operative from 30%.
  17. At 50, Andy is the best DPS overall. While it can take a bit of time getting used to tanking yourself, the amount of damage Khem/Xalek take compared to you is quite comparable. The amount of DPS Andy does vs. Khem/Xalek is not really comparable.
  18. And that is the real difference between Hidden Strike / Shoot First and Smash. The prep for the first one is a 15 Energy ability from stealth. The prep for Smash is a charge, a full channel of Choke/Stasis, PLUS the ability itself can be ran out of. As far as Biochem goes, not all classes scale like that with Biochem. My Sorcerer's Force Lightning goes up about 150 a tick with my Rakata Adrenal popped. The damage on DoTs is even less noticeable. Please don't try to compare that with crits over 7k, ty
  19. You can throw the ball at the "goalie" to kill them instantly, btw. Also, "Someone kill this loud little man!"
  20. There is nothing so satisfying in PvP than taking off the last two percent of a melee's healh with Thrash. So good.
  21. Keep in mind there is a 30% mortal strike built in to any PvP combat, so lack of other mortal strike effects is kind of a moot point. Also, while the interrupt only interrupts a single heal ability, global lockouts in WoW are what lead to massive 50% of your HP on an instant cast style of healing. Are you sure you are kicking the right ability? OMG KICK: Dark Infusion, Deliverance. These heals can outheal your damage. Ignore: Healing Trance/Innervate, Dark Heal / Benevolence. These heals cannot.
  22. On a really good game I can get both 300k medals as a Corruption/Madness Sorcerer (21/2/18), with 10.11% Expertise. To do so this requires us to be fighting in middle the entire game, and I pretty much have to have a Guard on me at all times =D Valor rank 47 btw.
  23. I don't think this is true, since I tend to channel Force Lightning for like 650 a tick, but against a Vanguard with no cooldowns it's like 350 a tick. I've seen it as low as 200 with CDs.
  24. It's also money for hybrid Corruption/Madness healing, extra force from Sith Efficacy? Yes please.
  25. Kalakbar

    No Man's sand

    Fly to the Dune Sea. Head east along the road, and then north when you can. Welcome to the pvp area
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