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Everything posted by Kuronan

  1. Kuronan


    LucasArts declared canonically, Revan was male and romanced Bastila, Meetra was female. Arguing Lore with George is like asking an individual atom to split and create an atomic explosion entirely on it's own... It's his Galaxy, his rules, everyone else can go suck on a cactus. I think Revan could have gone either way really... I myself am inclined to male protagonists, doesn't mean I wouldn't appreciate Lady Revan kicking my sorry healing butt in the Foundry.
  2. I have been waiting for this moment, Dread Masters... I have meditated upon the Hypergate Monstrosity at Asation... I have brought a planet to it's knees, it's people begging for mercy as I quietly looked down and whispered... No. And I have even brought down one of your number... I have forced Armies to bend knee to my power, even other masters of the Dark Arts I have bested... Not even the strongest in the Galaxy have truly killed me, only stalled my plans. When you return, I will be waiting, and my power shall send what remains of your mangled essences to Chaos... Death is my domain now, and if you dare show yourselves... You will become all too familiar with it, as I.
  3. I thought he was referring to this instead of that, although I did not realize before now Asexuality could also mean one who has little to no sexual drive... (please note how it says estimates are 1% of the population... That's not something you'd really find easily just having a conversation with people.) Now that I've had time to catch up with the argument, I think even putting the slider for hetero/****/bi/asexual at the character creation without any option to change it later may be a bit... out of control. While I approve of the option to shut up everyone crying about how they don't want SGR, it should be put into the game's preferences menu rather than character creation.
  4. There used to be a time where, if the server was offline for a day, they gave the subs a day in their subscription to compensate... Those were the days before F2P Now they are gone, and they decide what we get when we pay for the game, rather than offer use the services we hope for and expect when we pay.
  5. 1. Static Barrier: Perhaps the only non-heal heal a Sorc has. But it is no WoW Priest shield. The absorption needs to be improved and heal for 1% of total health on the Sorc and party members. Unlike the Op, flashpoints and operations requiring constant movement prevents a Sorc from effectively healing. Placing a revivification down is unreliable under such circumstances and all a Static Barrier does is buy time but, unfortunately, can make a tough encounter even more difficult. Sorcerer Bubble did heal 1% for a while... but this healing is minimal, wastes our healing relic, and I'm pretty sure a few people complained about other stuff, so Bioware took it out. It's really not as game-changing as you think it is. 2. Dark Infusion: Or Dark Suck is quite simple a joke. The healing it does compared even to Dark Heal makes Dark Infuction worthless. Of course Dark Heal is another story but seriously? Dark Infusion, for the time invested in casting it, does way too little healing. With heath averaging 30,000 and topping 35,000 or more, my preset Dark Infusion with about 2800 Willpower is a paltry 5500 healing. My gear is Crit and Alacrity oriented with about 250 power and a 5500 heal from Dark Infusion on a tank with 35,000 health ... well you do the math on that. This heal should be healing upwards of 10, 12, to 15,0000 health. It is strange the force cost is lower than Dark Heal but the healing is lackluster terrible. This is our sustained healing button. This is what we use when Static Barrier, Resurgance, and Innervate are all on cooldown. I don't know what you are talking about, but I have like no power and I still get 7k on an average, not even SPECIALIZED into healing. If requiring to get a tank up from about 5% health, the Sorc doesn't even have a way to do that without hoping a Static Barrier holds long enough to resurgence, innervate, and then start the long and arduous process of spamming Dark Baddie until nearly at half force power. This spell simply must, must be improved, raising the force cost and, for the time invested casting, raising the total heal. That's just it though... this spell is designed as an inbetween... maybe at lower levels, it's your go-to, but later on, this is what you cast between Static Barrier, Resurgance and Innervate. And I can tell you from experience, it does it's job. 3. Dark Heal: I don't get it - what a faster heal should cost more force power and do even less healing? Where is the logic in that? Then there is the whole notion of it healing about 2000 less than Dark Infusion which costs less force power and heals slower. This should not be and clearly the force power on Dark Heal should be lowered, the heal improved, and it become useful for actual fast healing. It's the emergency spam button, it's not MEANT to do a lot, it's meant to keep them alive for five seconds while your Resurgance and Innervate come back up. A Paladin in WoW has two heals mirroring Dark Infusion and Dark Heal -- they are Holy Light and Flash of Light. The same with a Priest. WoW healing makes sense to me and, as one Who healed as a Paladin and Priest in end-game, the fast heals were appropriate in cost and power and the slow heals appropriate in poor and cost. I think your comparison from WoW to SW:TOR is the entire reason this post doesn't seem to be accurate. WoW has health in the hundreds of thousands right now, of course their heals are fast and they do a lot. SW:TOR is meant to be harder because our health values are scaled down. 4. Innervate: Shaman anyone or even a Druid? This ability could so be better such as healing one target and jumping smartly to another for 1/3rd less and again for 1/3 less -- yeah I am referring to the Shaman chain heal. I would so like to see Innervate do that. It is just so lackluster when combined with resurgence on cooldown requiring me to use Dark Ugly or Dark Silly to heal with. Revivification is far too static but I will speak about that soon. Seriously, make Innervate more useful. Are Sorcs supposed to be Tank healers and OPs/Mercs raid healers? It is not clear to me the point of innervate, For one, channeling a heal is bad. If I need to get going, I have interrupted and put on cooldown Innervate while having spent all the cost for it. Seems so much of Sorc healing is just stand there and cast but problem is there is no fight mechanic in the game that caters to this style of healing all the time. I'd actually compare this to the Priest spell Penance. If you wanted Shaman healing, go back to WoW. If you want Druid Healing, go back to WoW. This is SW:TOR, the healing mechanics are different for every class, and the closest comparison to healing you could make is Corruption Sorc=Disc Priest, Lightning Sorc=Shaman, and Madness Sorc=Warlock, no other class could be accurately compared to another. If Innervate were any more powerful, it would need to be nerfed... I've literally brought a tank up from next to nothing with Resurg/Inner combo to at least 50%. Sure, I had some crits, but still... And moving while channeling or casting anything is never fun or easy, but this is our big heal, this is the one that we are built around, even if it has a cooldown. It doesn't need improvement, you need to learn how to use it better And don't get me started on resurgence. A weak instant heal followed up by even weaker periodic healing. I am just unhappy about Sorc healing and I think it could be far better, more useful with more options for different situations, with better force management. Consumption is nice but I have discovered its use far too much in an effort to compensate for spamming bad healing abilities to keep folks alive. Anyway this is my opinion of Sorc healing from my perspective as a healer of many years. I am rolling an Op healer and a Merc healer to examine those classes. Resurgance is basically Renew. Your entire argument is established on playing an MMO with much bigger numbers, and that's the thing: Scaling does that, by it's very nature. From what I hear, Vanilla WoW was one of the most difficult games you could play, and Raids were nightmares if even one person didn't follow the strategy exactly. Overall, this is a very L2P issue. Heals are not designed to do a gazillion in one cast, they are meant to be low, and not do a lot, as to make it more difficult to do so. I remember that when RotHC launched, it was next to impossible for me to do HM HS without either a secondary dispeller, a Sith Warrior tank, or a Sith Assassin who realized 'Oh siht, my Healer's Dispel is on cooldown, better pop my Dark Shroud!' Uh, I think you may wanna look at your gear again... Force abilities have a natural 100% hit chance, and healing abilities are designed not to incorporate accuracy as a factor and automatically hit. Yea, we could use one of these ourselves, I think... I mean, make it like Diagnostic Scan, in that it's really not powerful enough to spam, just something that we can use for healing and maybe recover a BIT of our Force Pool with (although THAT part is optional) And preferably without a cooldown.
  6. Why not just swap the animation with Voltaic Slash and say 'Hey, if you actually SPECIALIZE into Deception, you get all the actual benefits and procs from the original!' For the single-saber animation, just spin it like this one, but with a single blade... I think that'd be better, to be honest... In fact, there are a lot of abilities that could be better like that but, rather than just buff the ability itself, Bioware takes the time to make an entirely new one! Like Charged Rounds could apply an armor reduction instead of inventing Grav Round in the first place!
  7. This is easy to say for anyone that isn't a Sage or a Sorcerer actually... Personally, I'm a healer, I have my first bar set as a sort of Lightning set up, and my healing bar separated. My Lightning Strike is bound to my Right Click, but I'll agree with a few of the people here, we should be able to bind it to whatever key suits our needs best, or be able to disable it entirely. That said, I actually vastly prefer the way this works over the way it used to... The other classes don't really notice, but as a Sorcerer, I used to have my right click as a Melee Attack... (and really, what Sorc would want that?) and now I have it bound to Lightning Strike, which is far more convenient.
  8. Well this is for Balance reasons... IRL Snipers could wipe out an entire Ops before they even started the battle... that's not really fair, is it? They just did it for balance bro.
  9. Bwahahahahahahahaha-NO!!! We have Companions here... They are awesome, and no MMO has 'Combat Pets' that work anywhere near as well. I've played other MMOs... Some of them I actually have to individually tell the pet to attack or they just sit there and watch me kill the mobs. Companions have a story, they can be outfitted in anything you want (and I do mean anything) they can have different skin customizations, and they actually have a story and talk to you... No other MMO does that... This is the reason I still play The Old Republic, above anything else, is because NO ONE does Companions, they do Pets. And I have no desire to see them bring in a Pokemon-style system like WoW did... I'll admit, it was kind of funny the first few times (even downloaded an addon that played the Pokemon themes from the original Red/Blue all the way to Emerald) but it quickly wore out as I realized I'd have to go back and level HUNDREDS of them... Not to mention this was ALL OVER AZEROTH! Not confined to a continent I could explore on my own time, regardless of level, but actually tired into leveling itself. No, No, a TRILLION times NO!
  10. I think this is what he meant... I went through a lot of time to unlock the class emotes and buffs, I'm personally going to say 'How About No' on the idea I have to do it all over again... But they should rework some of the class emotes... (Inquisitor/Consular for example, are kind of understating it... Maybe for the Consular you could clasp your hands and glow gold all over for two seconds, and for the Inquisitor, your cross your arms and either Lightning sparks around you or sort of dark energy/ghosty things like in the final battle of Chapter 2? I think that effect was awesome.)
  11. Would you like the Seizure or the Flop as well? I have no idea what these dances are, link please?
  12. I think this would be cool... I doubt they'd implement it, but I'd kind of like my lightning to be Red or Red with a Dark Core. Voting yes, but I doubt I'll see it. Maybe for simplicity, they would tie it to the color crystal installed in your main hand?
  13. Kuronan


    To be honest though, I like this more... Malgus was awesome, his Empire would have been so much more awesome to work with. Revan, Meetra, HK and everyone are awesome, but killing off Malgus was a bad call.
  14. Kuronan


    I'd like to imagine he Folded Space (the name of the ability is Fold Space, it allows you to teleport, but corrupts you the further away you teleport/the less familiar you are with the area.) But he also could have died in a Force Explosion (People of both alignments have been known to explode upon death, though it's far more common to see a Sith do it.) Revan and the Exile should have more place in the story, as should Bastila (Perhaps if the Inquisitor once day decided to-guess what-assassinate the leader of the Jedi Council, or perhaps if the Bounty Hunter was hired by Marr to do it, then (s)he would research her family history to know what to expect.) And we never got a real ending to KOTOR2, or a real ending to anyone besides Revan, HK-47, and Meetra. Bring back some kind of Legacy for ALL the characters! (And yes, I know Vette was based off Mission Vao, but maybe we could expand upon what actually happened with all our crazy companions after the game ended.)
  15. Smash Monkeys are the only thing that deserve a (HARDCORE) nerf... (Like Bioware, how about we reduce Smash to say... 60-75% of it's current damage output? It can literally rip off 1/3 of a person's health bar as is INSTANTLY, and being able to do that every 7 seconds isn't what I call balance when it can hit 5 people at once, not even looking at anything else.)
  16. 1- I would like to know what are your biggest issues about this game? The fact that not enough of the developers actually READ these forums and listen to the community they are supposed to serve, and instead think they can provide us everything we want by relying on their gut. 2- Why are they your issues? Because I've been supporting QoL things since launch that have not even been looked at, such as preventing renders on Ignored characters, beginning to release player-selected ships-Or even just letting us get ships from other classes-to visual swaps on animations, faction transfers, visual transfers, etc. There are a lot of good ideas on here they never bother to look at. 3- What can be done to improve those issues, or what do you think should be added into the game that would greatly improve SWTOR? Hire like one to five people minimum wage, that just browse the forums, listen to the community, gather ideas, and present them to the developers. Not just have them scroll and nitpick every once in a while, but have someone ACTIVELY SEARCHING and reading these ideas, writing them down, and bringing them forward.
  17. Dude, look at a video (not cinematic) of Raid on Orgrimmar, or any Pandaria raid for that matter... they've put so much freaking detail into other stuff that characters, unless hiding everything under armor, just look plain out of place-Not even addressing anything else, but the graphics alone are WoW's biggest joke now. Should we get started on how as awesome as some moments can be, all the quests are text and scroll? How about how much of a joke the storyline became after WotLK? I mean sure, Pandaria made it worse, but we all know when Deathwing became the antagonist we all just stared and some of us wondering (you know, actually READING the Lore.) How the hell we were going to kill the most powerful of ALL of the Dragon Aspects, empowered by being so powerful, even Sargeras was afraid to invade Azeroth until they were banished to the core? Do you want to discuss Metzen's recent fetish with the Pandaren and his obvious favoritism towards the Horde? None of those? How about we talk about how, with so many servers blizzard still has up, Moonguard is still essentially the only go-to server for roleplay? (Yes, I know the others do roleplay as well, but everyone goes to Moonguard at some point.) WoW has a lot of flaws too, and I'm honestly surprised you want to tell people to take their money away from the game to bring it back to a game that, sure, back in the day was amazing, but is finally reaching it's old age... I mean, the new class mechanics in Pandaria are pretty nice, but aside from hardcore gameplay, WoW doesn't really offer anything anymore...
  18. You misread my point... When I said 1k, I referred to Cartel Coins, not actual IRL dollars... If I honestly spend that much, I'd be busy right now cashing in on Revan's Armor (because how many masks could I have gotten within the packs having spent that much in US currency?) And I wish I could have that much left over every month xD But the economy sucks... And it will continue to suck, due to the nature of inflation and the actual process and System of the US Dollar.
  19. Do you honestly want me to get started on how many times I attempted to actually RIDE the Jawa Balloon, disconnected, logged back in to discover I was now on the ground and had to walk all the way back to try again before I hired a Mercenary to Jump me to the datacrons on the Crawler? or how many times the rest of us essentially did the exact same thing? How about that one on Corellia, I think it was Willpower, where I had to jump off a cliff and hit the platform EXACTLY or get thrown off by a minor collision glitch and had to run over and do it again? I haven't even gotten all my Belsavis ones because he Green Matrix Shard, the ONLY one I have not completed aside from Rep-side Balmorra, will literally takes me at least twenty minutes of research likely accommodated by 6-8 HOURS of grinding mobs for four Rakatan Energy Cubes (NOT the Crafting Material) that I have to use to unlock the single datacron once?
  20. Ah... I wish it were that simple, but if you checked around the other romance suggestions, you'd learn of a pestilence among a FEW of the romance players... that the companions don't give up if you give them a line the first time... *Willy Wonka Meme* Your knowledge of Sexual Reproduction in the Human Species fascinates me... please tell me more of how we can breed children without the help of a partner... That's the actual definition of Asexuality-breeding without any partner. The term mostly relates to plants, since almost all, if not all known species of mammals and reptiles do need the help of a partner for reproduction. I believe however, you may be referring to hermaphrodites. If this is the case, I must tell you they still need a female partner.
  21. I'd have to disagree there... the Cassus Fett armor looks pretty nice, going to have to look for that on the GTN when it unbinds, but generally they want to put more effort in keeping it locked to crates than actually selling it... And that's what irks me... I have 2150 Cartel Coins in my balance right now, that number would be close to 0 if I could actually buy the sets direct from the market, but since they don't want to do that, I don't want to play Russian Roulette with my wallet, so I'm keeping them in reserve for when my subscription runs out.
  22. Yes, please add this as an actual mount... I'd like to see it as an actual jetpack myself, but I understand a lot of armors won't work with that... Still, it'd be nice to have a more permanent rocket pack I could use.
  23. Cartel Packs are a really stupid way for EA to force Bioware to milk them money, and I've spent less than 1k on them before I realized how ridiculous it is. If they had any respect for their player base they would not release 'Cartel Packs' and sell us the armor directly. They would see a lot more of my wallet if they did that, but instead they want me to bid for 1 affection item I don't want, an EXP boost I'll never use, and 2 other useless items and then 1 item from the actual pack? Oh hell no... I'd rather grind the credits and buy the sets and weapons on the Galactic Trade Network... Seriously EA/Bioware/whoever the hell is listening... I'm not paying for your packs. If someone puts up the item on the GTN, I'll pay for that, but I will not pay for the armor I want on a game of Russian Roulette with my wallet. You want my money? You can offer me competent services and sell me the armor directly.
  24. Yes, keep the level requirement, allow us to buy the gear early but not put it on until the level it requires... then I can sit at level 40 and grind out full Partisan and at level 55 I can charge in and rip everyone limb from limb with little to no effort... No money fee though, Bioware is forcing us to pay enough as it is for the game, I should not be required to pay for twenty more authorizations >.>
  25. The only racial ability unlock I'd really like is the Miraluka Meditation... because only they and Jedi Consulars can meditate properly and regain resources... I'm lucky to have the Life Day Orb to be able to meditate and not have to Seethe on my Sorcerer. But yea, all abilities are race specific to add flavor to each race... (although the Pureblood one is lacking in real roleplay versatility...) and that includes the meditate.
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