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Everything posted by Jeedaix

  1. Keeping the sub for a very long time, And when GW2 comes out I'm gonna roll a fat one and laugh at all the rage on their forums when the armchair developers infest there.
  2. Someone help me here, IF SWTOR is bleeding subs, this would mean they bleeding cash to right? So when they give a free month to existing customers, they would be throwing 1 month of cash flow out the window to right? Bad Business that would be...... NOW lets say.... If the game was healthy and making cash then lets say they can afford to blow off 1 month of revenue to to existing customer base.... <==== I can believe this much more then they are losing subs so they give a free month and lose all that cash. Thoughts?
  3. I'd say the servers ques and feedback from most are that this World Event is a success, less much less the cry babies
  4. Very much along w/ the 100 plus members in my guild..... Dogs of War, Jedi Covenant
  5. Placing bets on when GW2 comes out you could cut and paste the nerd rage post from these forums to theirs.... whose in.
  6. Pfftt I win some, I lose some, I get a comms both ways, However if you are a quitter you get nothing and deserve nothing
  7. Most of the post here from Europe I'm guessing? Cause US servers on weekends and especially after 1.2 been rocking. Hope they merge the light servers for our friends over seas, they count too!
  8. Awesome fun, love the new content, and on top of that a FREE month, I for one appreciate it.
  9. Entitlement crowd gone nuts, gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme or I'll "quit and and go to game X"
  10. Servers are not dying some were underpopulated at the tail end of being created during launch and def need to be merged. Who said it should have been released at launch? You? and the couple thousand armchair designers? When they have an expansion is that the right time to launch it? Or do they need the permission of a kid sitting in his basement nerd raging about 1 part of a major release not making it in? IF they released it and it didn't work what the heck would these cesspools of a forum be then? Crying about releasing it premature, right? ALL games get patched, are you people seriously deluded that they don't? This is my last post on these forums or whatever you call them, its one cry fest after another. Going to where good conversations take place on some of the same concerns, but without all the stupid fake rage.
  11. What kind of question is that? Make sense and Ill answer
  12. Worst community ever, You would think they paid for the FREE content. The fake rage is so pathetic. This is the age of entitlement gone nuts. You pay 15 bucks a month, they have had patch after patch, 1 content update, and 1 huge game update, since launch. There are blogs, podcast, all kinds of communication with customers, AND still the people cry, rant, rage quit like the little kids they act like. What game has had this much released in a 4 month period? None that's right. Get a grip people its not the end of the world.
  13. Really? And every single person here or who play GW2 will nerd rage on that game as well. This generation of entitlement is pathetic.
  14. Ghost Town? Are you people OK? All servers except a few are either heavy or standard on the weekend.... I'm always checking cause I always see this crap being posted. Now there are 20-30 servers that do have light populations who were at the end of server selections when the subs began to slow down some. These need to be merged. You can tell when your dealing with a dishonest poster who is obviously shilling for another game company, just look at there prior post to confirm this. There is so much dishonesty on these forums though I don't know why I bother to come here. I normally go too OldRepublic.net for some good discussions and not a whole lot of nerd raging. But all this sanctimonious anger is beyond ridiculous.
  15. LOL at all the crying, see you when they release it. All this fake rage is amusing tho.
  16. BW this is exactly how you do it, if its not working right, get it right. I truly doubt most of the rage quitting being displayed here anyway. I also believe there is a certain sect of people who can not be happy with any news PERIOD. Dogs of War on Jedi Covenant has well over 100 members, we are disappointed but understanding that it is not the end of the world either.
  17. Sinking Ship? crash and burn? This a joke right? They post notes on a huge game update and this guy...get this... complains they didnt do it like DAoc?...... /slitwrist
  18. Why dont you look at the server status right now, Mostly standard which is good and few heavys, and a few lights, hardly fading, and with Asia, and down under getting started riiiiiight.
  19. I see because you dont like means it a terrible story....maybe really it's you
  20. Because Blizzard bred a generation of impatient kids that want to stand around looking at glowies all day, dancing nekid, and not care about story.
  21. Honestly this community is truly the WORST of any game that has ever existed.....No matter what is said, what they will do, you have some 17 yr old gas station attendant (glad you are working) posting something about why they think it suxs, is stupid, or think THEY think THEY have a better solution.....worst ever ever ever
  22. Ive seen it all now complaint wise.......
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