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Everything posted by Manweth

  1. I think our tanks shouldn't ask for anything. Vanguards / PT tanks are seriously angry nowadays, and they keep getting angrier the more skills / buffs Guardian tanks get. And shadow tanks, while being mostly silent, are also looking jealously.
  2. I was like 11 and even I remember these things. Funny how grown men forgot how problematic even the original SWG was.
  3. A World of Darkness MMO? ....That might change things. IF the game is good. Then again, I'm pretty sure only the next LotR or SW MMO can tear me away from TOR? The only two IPs strong enough to do so.
  4. The force is with you, young Swagger, but you are not a Yolo yet.
  5. Turkish elections. I'm NOT in a good mood.
  6. I will keep repeating two things. 1) This is NOT laziness, or aversion to effort, or what sit not garbage. This is MORBID FEAR OF INSANITY. This is TERROR. This is f....g nightmare. I wiped on Styrak NiM fight for 3 weeks straight, not once it invaded my dreams or made me afraid... I had fun on those. Datacrons gave me NIGHTMARES. It scarred me. I still cannot go near a non-starter cron. I'm literally AFRAID of them. Why do you not understand this? 2) People who did them on all their chars EVERY SINGLE TIME? You are not human. You are borderline psychopaths. In your short sightedness, you fail to see we already meet those reqs. Bloody no lifers.
  7. SWORD ART ONLINE!!! as soon as VR hits the market. "Kirito-kuuun~"
  8. Manwelion, EU Farstar. I miss.... nothing. Past is in the past. There is nothing to miss for.
  9. D3 failed me. Never. Again.
  10. Those people are like boomerangs. The faster you throw, the faster they come back.
  11. Because I SACRIFICED mental health to do them first round. I suffered from PTSD for a week afterwards. I was jumping and failing in SWTOR in MY *********** DREAMS. This **** is NOT NORMAL. It gives grown men PTSD. It is INSANE. Datacron is *********** Vietnam! What part of "this is NOT laziness, this is MORBID FEAR OF INSANITY" you don't get? I'm AFRAID of datacron hunting invading my dreams again. Edit: here's an interesting example for you: I mostly get easy starter planet crons. See, this one time, I'm in alderaan, and I said "maybe I'll get it easy this time" and I was crossing near it on a quest. 30 mins later I found myself UNINSTALLING the game. It took me a whole week to gather courage and log back in the game. I'm AFRAID. I'm not the kinda guy that is scared, at all. Datacron hunting shakes me to my core. I simply cannot convey the feeling of TERROR to you.
  12. You know what we need? Not kiling Revan off for good, I like the guy, but he failed and bla bla.. I don't care about him that much. What I want is to KILL THE REAL EMPEROR. Not his "voice." Not his "children." Him. Personally. All his entirety.
  13. Not laziness. SANITY: Understand this already. The issue is SANITY.
  14. you don't understand: It's not simply time consuming and boring!!! It is torture! Hell! Nightmare!!!! It's unbearable!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Ofc it did, it was not 300 years after, for one thing.
  16. That's what I was mostly referring to, LucasArts had the post KOTOR2 storyline already mapped out by that time. Hence, Drew writing a tie-in --> MMO convversion ---> Drew writing Revan book ----> LucasArts Closing ----> Bye Bye KOTOR3
  17. The argument is not "I am too lazy." The argument is "I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SANITY LEFT TO DO THEM AGAIN." Get it right. Because this is a BIG detail. Not enough sanity, people, LITERALLY. Not. Enough. Sanity. Left. Datacrons are like an ex-wife that still lives in your house. Oh, and the "12/12 chars I got all cronz!" dude? Datacron Master title, in itself, just doing them once gives a guy like me an acute PTSD. If you farmed them on all your chars....... You are a sociopath. A psychopath, a sociopath and a schizo all in one. There is no OTHER explanation if you REALLY did all that. You CANNOT be human if you did.
  18. 42? Pfft. Lightweights. Go for a nice round FIFTY!!! 50!!!
  19. See, that's where the entire "KOTOR" name comes with convoluted ideas. The original original script that's Obsidian's work was never approved. LucasArts didn't allocate resources, and KOTOR brand inventor Karsphyn never had a hand in it. What did happen is that story and its elements were used in Revan book. So, you'd basically get Revan book as a game. That never happened. The license was given to EA, which at the time wanted to use SW IP in an MMO. That entire "Revan was powerful enough to understand the potential threat and worked to set up a situation where an assault from the ancient Sith could be repulsed by an alliance between the biggest factions in the Star Wars universe." part? That part is rumored to be the direction where Bioware left KOTOR1 at, and it was never fully Obsidian's story direction to begin with. Even weirder, that very idea was used in Mass Effect 3, which, was also written by Drew. Adversely, bringing back Revan fully was never LucasArts' intention, hence probably why they refused the idea as well. I personally think the overall storyline of was outlined by LucasArts after KOTOR, hence why the story Obsidian wrote for KOTOR2 and a possible KOTOR3 meshes well with Drew's book. At this point, it's almost impossible to tell what exactly was KOTOR3. However, Knight storyline is what Karsphyn wrote when Bioware asked for a potential KOTOR tie-in to the Revan's storyline. It was later turned into the state as it is now, after Drew left Bioware. Hence, why I call it the kotor3 storyline, since the decision of making it an MMO came after Drew wrote that story. He most probably had KOTOR3 in mind when he wrote it. If you want a resolution to Revan, read the book and run lvl 33-37 FPs in Rep and Imp sides. If you want a game with the name KOTOR3, keep hoping, but know that it will probably never happen. If you want a single player Star Wars RPG from Bioware, that is probably your biggest bet. Mass Effect is done with for the foreseeable future, Dragon Age will needed to be aired after Inquisition, and only othr IP Bioware has is Jade Empire, which I don't think will be funded by EA. So, EA which holds exclusive license to all SW games, would probably fund an RPG from Bioware. Would it be KOTOR, or an entirely different era is entirely upto speculation. But... Revan and all stories associated with him has ended / going to end with SWTOR.
  20. sorry, but even the most faceroll spec of all times ( DotSmash Sentinel) uses 5 buttons. There is no uber super faceroll spec with 3 buttons in this game. Maaaaybe Gunnery Commando. Maybe. If you are willing to forgo High Impact Bolt and receive a -600 DPS.
  21. Shadow did receive some very strong buffs. Ofc, they were so far behind, that they are still behind. Poor shady dudes.
  22. Meh, I'd like an even tick distribution on MS, but if my memory is not playing tricks on me, devs did say that uneven last tick was intended? I'm not sure but I recall a quote of some sort.
  23. Best convo options in this game are not the ones with a Force alignment attached. They are usually the middle choice and sometimes the [Flirt] tag. The amount of sarcasm that comes off even from Consular is astounding when you do that. Besides, Bioware never did any RPG with Black-White mentality, they like their grey areas. Choosing a flirt darkside as a jedi, well hey, it's not really you being a "Sith" if you kiss the girl, it's you being momentarily weak. Or well, your character loves the companion a lot. At the end of the day, some of those counter intuitive choices are what makes this game more fun. Here I am, a paragon of a JEdi, defender of weak and protector of justice all around, and you like this really cute girl that has been with you through thick and thin. Plus, there is little to no age difference. It only makes sense. Doesn't make it right by the Jedi Code, but it is realistic.
  24. I did like DA2. Not as much as DA:O, but well, it was a nice enough game. That, and DA:O was one freaking awesome game, and topping it while trying to innovate was a very hard task. I had a good 60 hours on DA2. DLCs and all. And whatever the ending was, ME3 rocked. Just like Me1 and ME2 did. Say what you will, but I'll always think Bioware does make good RPGs. I have not been disappointed wholely by them yet. NOTE: YOu NEVER spacebar a convo if you have not seen it before. This is what this game was made for, never do that! Make them listen with you! I'm all for skipping when everyone knows, but skipping it with a first timers is just stealing that first timer's entertainment.
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