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Everything posted by TheWhiskey

  1. I'm sometimes on voice with a scoundrel and I play exactly like you do by coordinating with him to get insta kills on their squishies. In random WZ though no matter what you do, most people don't focus the important targets so you contribute very little.
  2. I normally find that I get that one extra focus that I need from the burn effect, so thats why I wasn't bothering with it. As for the immobilize I can see where you are coming from, I just find that a one second extra on them really doesn't help that much. I either get knocked back and need to reset my attack or I make them waste their CC some other way and don't need it any more. One thing I'm really not doing is popping my relic and adrenals in the opening, thats one thing Ill have to improve on.
  3. TheWhiskey

    WZ Crash

    No when swtor crashes it takes up 4GB extra of RAM, this means that the program has a memory leak and taking up much more memory than it should.
  4. TheWhiskey

    WZ Crash

    Sometimes my WZ just stops responding and swtor takes ~4GB of RAM up to 8GB. Seems like it's a memory leak issue.
  5. The only thing I see here is that they are pretty hard to kill and they have one displacement move on a high CD? I have a lv50 vanguard and a lv50 sent and I can tell you right now that a tank vanguard doesn't do a lot of damage. Sure if he is ignored for a long time then he might get mortar volley and pulse cannon off on a group of people which will give him a big dmg boost, but in reality it really is rather bad damage. His utility and damage mitigation to other players is the only thing that makes him viable.
  6. Tanks are useful in PvP? Oh dear, nerf them. Nerf them hard.
  7. Yea well I got lv50 about 5 days ago and have 5 champion gears. I'm not lucky, I'm annoyed that I've pretty much used up any excuse to grind until I get enough valour to start grinding battlemaster. I hope that that takes sooo much longer than champion gear.
  8. So a DPS class that is left alone does a lot of DPS? AMEGOSH ***? Range DPS will always do a ton of damage unless you get your assassins or whatever to jump on his face. It's a TEAM game, if you were a DPS class that was left alone all day on the ledge on huttball, surely you wouldn't say that your class was overpowered when you did upwards of 300k damage? A lot of people might not want to hear this but there is a big skill difference in most PvP games and swtor is not an exception. Learn to counter classes first, then move on to learn how to counter team compositions. Granted it is hard and if you are getting randoms then it might be an unpleasant experience, but thats what guilds are for. Get a crew together, get them on voice, sort out your team tactics and make sure you counter their team setup.
  9. TheWhiskey


    Yea I hope gear becomes rarer as well, I want this game to last longer than a week.
  10. Tbh I'd like it if it took months to get the best gear in the game. Getting all the good gear instantly is pretty darned retarded.
  11. Same spec as me except I grab the defensive roll and the dual wield mastery with my spare points. I find that they provide much more defensive and offensive power than the very little utility that you get from 1 more force and 1 more second of immobilize on your leap.
  12. I haven't played it myself but from the vid it looks like it's a bit clunky to play. Anyway I liked seeing the spec played just to know what that spec actually plays like.
  13. I think most classes have a base dodge chance of 5%, so the most you need when targeting non tanks would be 105% acc. It's the trade off between hitting harder (spec power instead of acc) and hitting more often.
  14. They have different play styles whilst completing the same role, which is DPS. Shadow is more of a true assassin class with more burst DPS, whilst sentinels take out people just by being on their face all game. One thing I would tell you to bear in mind is that shadows can tank or DPS, while sentinels can single target DPS or AoE DPS. If you fancy playing more than role with one char then you should try shadow first.
  15. Amegosh it's luck based and some people are more lucky than others?!!?! GET OUT THE PITCHFORKS LADS!
  16. I found Illum pretty entertaining, even though it can get frustrating from the lack of republic numbers.
  17. If I can't play this game for 6 hours during one day of the week I will freak out and make a thread about it.
  18. Wow what a bad whine thread. I know it sucks when you don't get gear out of bags, but the commendation route is there so that everybody can grind their way to somewhat decent gear. Great gear comes through luck, deal with it. /Relevant post in this thread.
  19. Sorry but regarding the final boss I managed to do it at lv49 with an UNGEARED T7. Didn't use any medkits or stims as I thought I would be dying several times to it. Just keybind your interrupt and pop zen often, I was also using lv40 PvP gear.
  20. What above said. It can give you the edge in most boss fights and it gives you reusable stims, adrenals and medkits late game where they more than make up for the money you spend leveling it up.
  21. Actually I also did notice the chronic lack of sentinel gear. It's appalling that we can't take the hood off but I don't mind the robes. As you said, it's not big things but rather the accumulation of little niggles that makes our class actually frustrating to try and customize.
  22. Learn your rotation, learn to prioritize classes and get a healer. I'm finding my sent so much more fun to play than DPS or tank vanguard.
  23. The problem is that when they entrench, they are immune to CC (leap, kick and stasis) whilst being able to immobilize us 3 times. Avoid them if you can and just get them when they aren't in cover.
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