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Everything posted by Nymaeria

  1. I think you're missing the entire point of this thread. Once you hit end game, pretty much every crafting profession, aside from Biochem, is absolutely useless. And even while leveling, many prefer Biochem to anything else. Sure, as a Synthweaver I could have awesome purple gear (if I felt like sinking a bunch of time and money into farming mats and breaking down what I made) but what's the point when in just a few levels that gear is going to be replaced anyways. It's not even sell-able on the GTN because gear from quests is good enough. The fact that there's no way to turn off experience gains further trivializes pre-50 crafted gear as there are virtually no twinks in ToR.
  2. Forgive me, but I think that is a little bit obvious. I was saying that while bosses (like Karagga) are being turned and repositioned it is possible to DPS them while moving with them. What you can do while you're out of range is throw out ranged abilities (electrocute, force lightning, crushing darkness) to supplement your damage loss, especially if you're going to be out of melee range for a bit. I just did Karagga last night and didn't have any trouble getting my rotation off. Staying at the side the whole time means you never have to move to avoid his butt flames or cluster rockets (or w/e that frontal cone is called). You don't always have to move for the mice if you're paying attention - especially since most raid groups favor ranged (I'm the only melee in mine). lol, gotta love people and their hyperboles. There's quite a large difference between a game's mechanics and civil rights. Even ranged people have to move occasionally. The big difference that you aren't accounting for is that interrupting a caster's rotation (we can agree that most ranged classes are casters, yes?) usually has far more detrimental repercussions than interrupting a melee's. Also, if nobody moved ever, fights would be incredibly boring. This makes me wonder if you read my entire post. I agreed with this almost completely. The only point I might disagree on is your claim that we are terrible damage. As BioWare decided not to include a combat log (stupid stupid stupid), I cannot tell you for sure. All I have to go by is what I've seen/experienced. In single target encounters I HAVE to be guarded or I will pull aggro (even later into the fight). Also, in watching friends play, they do not see as many large numbers as I do (maul, discharge and shock are all usually right around 4k while voltaic slash adds up to almost 3k). I'm sorry to hear that. I'm pretty happy with Deception and have no desire to try any other DPS tree (though I am contemplating trying to roll a sorc so I can heal [my mains are usually healers]). The style of play just works for me. Hopefully they'll get around to fixing up the trees some time soon. And if their goal really is to have all DPS classes put out the same numbers, I hope they revise that and quick.
  3. I remember having trouble with him too. I started it with Khem (even though I despised him, I hadn't figured out that Talos was leet yet), and we wiped twice. Even toggling his passive command he would spend too long in the AE and die. At a friends suggestion, I switched to Talos and we wiped once because he wasn't geared (I was notorious for neglecting my pets in this game). I left, bought him some gear and one shot Rolan when we got back. Some tips that helped me: - Make sure Talos' DPS abilities are off and his medic stance is on. - Make sure you have Dark Charge on. - Interrupt however you can (electrocute, low slash, jolt, overload) - Move if you can't interrupt - Move pets via the passive command if they're in it (a little sluggish but minimizing damage even a little is good). If you've already done all of this and are still having troubles, I'm sorry. >.< When all else fails, ask for help.
  4. Actually, you could just reset your points and put them into the darkness tree as it's still Assassin. ^.^ That said, I do agree that our damage can seem a little bit sporadic. What you need to do to regulate your damage is figure out your rotation (I could give you mine, but where would the fun be in that?). Your Maul will do way more damage and use way less resources if you use it at the right time. Same with Discharge and Shock. Also, you shouldn't lose any dps when you interrupt. Our interrupt is off the GCD.
  5. So, people who paid $60 to purchase the game and $15 each month they play can't be upset that what they're paying for doesn't work?! How does that make any sense? If I remember correctly, Rift launched with 4 warfronts. You could choose to queue up for a specific one or all of them. Shortly after launch they released another one and soon after that they created alternate versions of the ones that already existed. Just saying... They were fixed like a week or two ago. The fact that flashpoints weren't dropping loot for 2-3 weeks is almost inexcusable to a lot of people and I don't really blame them. Oh really?! This week's Eternity Vault raid would like to disagree with you. We had people dying on the speeders for no reason. We had bosses resetting at 7%. We had platforms not being put together. We had people fall over dead for absolutely no reason. And now let's have a little chat about normal mode gear distribution. The game assigns gear to people in the raid regardless of whether or not they can use it or already have it or if other people need it more. If you are saying that operations are bug free and highly enjoyable you obviously don't participate in them. Farming Datacrons is boring for some people. Also, I know people who got them all in just a few short hours. Could have been even faster if it wasn't such a pain in the butt to travel from one planet to another. Wow, really?! It's fun making dozens of a blue item and reverse engineering all of them for a chance to get the purple?! Some people have claimed to have made hundreds of a particular item and still not getting the upgraded recipe after breaking them all down. Also, selling the epics on the GTN might actually be enjoyable if the system worked better (and if people actually bought them, it's so quick and easy to get PvP gear most of the stuff I put on the GTN never sells). The only crafting profession that is worth having is Biochem, even after the minor nerf. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, after reading your post, I find it hard to believe you have even reached max level, let alone done anything there.
  6. I have noticed that people tend to assume all assassins are sorcs or tanks. But maybe you should state that you are deception speced in your post. Then, if people tell you to use an ability that isn't in your build, you can safely call them an idiot and disreguard anything else they say. ^.^ Until I got Talos, I occasionally had some minor troubles with some parts of my class quest. One thing it seems a lot of people neglect to do is interrupt. Our base interrupt is on a twelve second cool-down but we also have a stun (electrocute), a cc (whirlwind), and a knock-back (overload) that interrupt enemy casts. Use them. Our survivability isn't amazing but if you put on Dark Charge, you gain a lot more mitigation and don't really sacrifice too much damage. Once you get Talos, the class quests are easy as pie. Throw on Dark Charge and destroy the enemy while Talos hangs out at range and heals you. If you find Talos has gotten behind on healing, whirlwind the enemy and let him catch up. Also, I keep all his damage abilities turned off for important encounters to ensure that he isn't wasting resources on damage when I need to be healed. PS. if you don't have Talos, bind your pet's Passive to a key and use it to move the idiot out of pbAoE's. Happy questing! *note: I did just copy+paste my response from another thread but figured in case you don't look there, I'd put it here as well.*
  7. I have noticed that people tend to assume all assassins are sorcs or tanks. But maybe you should state that you are deception speced in your post. Then, if people tell you to use an ability that isn't in your build, you can safely call them an idiot and disreguard anything else they say. ^.^ Until I got Talos, I occasionally had some minor troubles with some parts of my class quest. One thing it seems a lot of people neglect to do is interrupt. Our base interrupt is on a twelve second cool-down but we also have a stun (electrocute), a cc (whirlwind), and a knock-back (overload) that interrupt enemy casts. Use them. Our survivability isn't amazing but if you put on Dark Charge, you gain a lot more mitigation and don't really sacrifice too much damage. Once you get Talos, the class quests are easy as pie. Throw on Dark Charge and destroy the enemy while Talos hangs out at range and heals you. If you find Talos has gotten behind on healing, whirlwind the enemy and let him catch up. Also, I keep all his damage abilities turned off for important encounters to ensure that he isn't wasting resources on damage when I need to be healed. Happy questing!
  8. I disagree. This is the first time a melee DPS character has been my main in an MMO and I'm not having any difficulties following my rotation while staying in range and behind the mobs. Yes, being melee I move a lot more than ranged DPS but it IS possible to attack while moving. Especially since none of the abilities in our primary rotation have a cast time. Running out to avoid knock-backs and pbAoE's does suck but it's par-for-the-course when playing a melee character. If it bothers you that much, melee is perhaps not the role you should be playing. I haven't seen anything as to BioWare's balancing goals but if they are trying to keep all DPS rolls doing roughly the same DPS, I think it's a pretty terrible goal (and one they're failing at, currently). A class that requires more set up (ie. has to be in stealth, has to run into range, etc.), is at higher risk (hugging a mob's butt is inherently more dangerous than standing 20-30 meters away), and has to react to the majority of the encounter's mechanics (avoiding pbAoE's, avoiding knock-backs, etc.) should do slightly more damage. I do agree that Deception could use a little work to improve PvE viability. Some sort of teleport (eg. Shadow Step) would be nice. As it is, I just use Force Speed to get into position at the start of a fight. No, it's not quite as awesome as Force Charge, but it works for me. Also, as it's cool-down isn't ridiculously long, it's usually up again when I need to get back in position after a pbAoE. Now, when I chose to be an Assassin, I kind of assumed AoE damage wouldn't be my strong suit. Assassins typically (in literature and film) shine at taking out single enemies. That said, I am extremely saddened by Lacerate. For me, it does about 700 damage to everything it hits (I'm in mostly Columni gear) and the tool-tip says it hits all mobs rather than having a maximum number of targets (though I haven't tested to see if that is indeed true). Unfortunately, it does not do nearly enough damage to warrant the force cost. Pretty much the only ability that I think needs it's damage increased is Assassinate. My Mauls are criting for 3.5-4k but my Assassinates are 2.5-3k. Doesn't seem like an appropriate amount for a finisher type ability only useable once your target is below 30%. Especially when the damage from the main ability in my rotation (Voltaic Slash) adds up to roughly the same amount of damage as my Assassinate. TL;DR - Yes, the Sin's Deception tree could use a little work (as could many trees of other classes). - All classes' melee trees should have slightly higher base damage than ranged. - Lots of movement is part of being melee, if you can't cut it, roll ranged. - Some sort of teleport (eg. Shadow Step) would be nice, but Force Speed works okay for me. - Lacerate should have it's force cost lowered. - Assassinate should have it's base damage increased. - Force Cloak should also remove all harmful effects (ie. DoT's) in PvE. Force Shroud should be for the Darkness tree. - Increase Whirlwind's base duration to at least 15 seconds to give us a little more utility.
  9. It's obviously supposed to be a PvE oriented game. Too bad the end game PvE is so bugged it can be un-playable. That combined with the fact that you can AFK through warzones and still get gear is why you see more PvP gear than PvE.
  10. Lol, I'm going to assume you're talking to me (if I'm wrong, oh well). If I didn't think the game had potential, I would leave. I'm not a fan of paying to Beta test. The whole point of my last post was just to point out that the door swings both ways. Some people like the game, some people don't. Saying that you're 'side' is the majority in either case is silly.
  11. Just because you like it, doesn't mean millions of others do too. The game is terrible and boring. You can stay if you want, we won't miss you. *Walks out the exit door.* See what I did there?!
  12. Excellent post OP. I agree with all of it. Dragon Age 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic are the two grey marks on BioWare's otherwise stellar record.
  13. I've seen this happen to people in my groups a few times. Tickets have been put in but no, BioWare has not given them anything more than the same robotic response they give all tickets. Horribly useless customer service....
  14. I'm glad you're enjoying SWTOR and if you think the game is great, that's awesome. The above statement irks me a bit though. It seems like everybody likes to complain about how other games don't have a story and leveling is just a boring grind - go here to collect/kill/interact with X of Y. If you'd take a minute to look at the questing in SWTOR you'd see that it's still EXACTLY the same - go here to collect/kill/interact with X of Y. The only difference is instead of getting text you can ignore and hit accept, you get 2-6 minutes of the game talking to you. If people would take the same amount of time (or probably even less as most people can read faster than they can talk) to READ the quests in other games, they might feel like it's less of a boring grind. /rant
  15. Happens to me when I zone, when I take a shuttle, when I run down a hallway (of which there are MANY in this game), if I get to close to a wall or other part of the environment... Yes, I can (and do) just scroll back out. No, that's not terribly difficult. But it is annoying and something that I should not have to do. Bioware needs to fix all the stupid little bugs in this game. Each one by themselves is easy to overlook, but as there are so many of them it's all starting to add up into one big headache. I don't think I should pay $15 a month for something that gives me a headache...
  16. It's my opinion that this game is merely okay. But, to each their own.
  17. Gear bought with special forms of currency can be sold back to the vendor for a full refund of the purchase price provided you do so within a certain time frame (usually 1 hour). Most other games also have a way to trade even soulbound gear provided the person you're trying to trade it to is eligible (ie. they participated in the earning of said item). Some games have stipulations on these policies like you can't do this if you've enchanted it or equipped it or modified it in some way. I wasn't talking to you about the people thinking they're infallible bit. Sorry if it seemed that way.
  18. How about they just implement the same policy on this as virtually every other MMO I can recall?! Works pretty well in other games and it has the potential to reduce the amount of tickets they get. Gotta love how so many people act like they've never made a mistake before. ***** happens, people mess up, you're not perfect either.
  19. Nope. Happened to a person I did HM FE with. He got knocked off the platform just before we threw the boss off and couldn't get back in to loot. Luckily, the chest token that dropped wasn't for his class. EDIT: Also, Bioware seems to refuse to retroactively award commendations that you miss out on due to this and every other loot bug that has plagued the game since before launch.
  20. I don't think LFR or phasing were good. HATED phasing in WoW. Also, due to the sharding, TOR already feels empty and lifeless to me. I would like to see the rest of the list incorporated. But first, they need to fix all the broken crap that is already in the game.
  21. In games with a fully customizable UI, I would agree with this. However, the only things that can be 'set up the way someone wants them' are the Keybinds and chat (channel colors, channels and tabs). It took me no time at all to set up keybinds for my alts. That said, I do think it was incredibly stupid that Bioware did not give an import/export/copy type setting. But then, I think Bioware has done lots of stupid things with this game. ^.^
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