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Everything posted by Nymaeria

  1. The very first thing I'd suggest is hit up the Correlia commendation vendor, the PvP vendor and GTN to see if you can find some level 50 gear. Don't spend massive amounts of credits but if it's a decent upgrade and you have the cash to spare it can help you get into groups. There are daily quests to do on Belsavis and Ilum. There are PvP and Flashpoint and Raid dailies/weeklies that you pick up on your fleet. Once you have some daily commendations stockpiled (if I remember correctly, the cheapest thing is 120), hit up the mission reward vendors (there's one on Belsavis and one on Ilum) to spend them. These dailies also offer reward you with a good amount of credits (roughly 10k each) and one gives you orange level 50 weapons for your pets. If PvP is your thing, you can queue up and farm WarZones or run around Ilum and complete PvP objectives (or just kill people, whatever floats your boat). If PvE is your thing, join or create groups for hard mode flashpoints. In my opinion the easiest ones are Black Talon, Boarding Party (the last boss can be a doozy if you don't have a decent healer), Foundry, and False Emperor. I don't know what server your on, but on mine, people do PuG the operations (normal and hard but not nightmare yet). The raids are all really easy. Naturally, finding people to do these things with is easier if you join a guild. Go check out the server groups forums and create a looking for guild post. Talk with any friends you've made on your server about their guilds or if they know of any. Putting up a message in general chat can get you some information as well. If soloing is your thing, you have a couple options besides dailies. You can hunt datacrons. Fill in your Codex. Max out professions. Play the GTN. Farm pet favor and/or light/dark side points (low level BT is best for this, imo). You could finish up any quests on planets. Or you could always roll an alt. Friendly warning: Gearing through both PvE and PvP can be a bit of a nightmare. It's based very heavily on RNG. Best of luck to you!
  2. First off, you should think before you write. Maybe spend a little time editing to make sure you're writing makes sense, is organized and isn't plagued with spelling and grammar errors. It might help people take you a little more seriously. Second, I think I saw two or three people agree with you. Pretty much everyone else said you're way off base. Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. However, when you want to spout it off to others, try to say what you mean instead of constantly 'revising' your point in comments. Lots of people don't take the time to read all the comments. Third, if you want people to agree with you rather than flame you, it's good to have related details to back up your opinion. That works way better than saying, "this game is hard because older games have copse stealing and experience losses and hard mobs," and "this game is hard because one of 8 classes is hard." Fourth, I know you didn't borrow the phrase, "easy to pick up, hard to master." I did. Reading comprehension, get some. Finally, it's fine and dandy, fantastic even, that you have found a game that challenges you. However, if you're going to make a post about it, make sure you at least take into consideration my first three points. Goodnight.
  3. The title of this thread is, "Ahh Swtor has the old mmo feel," does it not? In your original post you say, "this game just takes skill to play." You go on to talk about things that don't pertain to this game at all - like corpse stealing, experience deficit and being unable to kill level 1 mobs. And then you tell people who began their MMO hobby with WoW that those are the reasons this game is harder than WoW (ie. "To the players who began their MMO exp with easy WoW understand that when we say Swtor isnt unplayable just has a learning curve so L2P its not to be rude...its.just cause we r already used to these types of games!"). This leads me to believe that you think, after having played one class/roll to max level, SWTOR is more challenging than WoW. Am I incorrect in reaching that conclusion? In your many replies to the responses your original post generated, you elaborate by saying you find SWTOR challenging like "old MMO's" because your Jedi Sentinel is, to borrow a phrase from another poster, "easy to pick up, difficult to master." To me, that is you saying, "Jedi Sentinel is hard to master so SWTOR is more challenging than any other 'new' MMO, particularly WoW." And that is where I take issue. If you have only played one or two classes/rolls to max level in this and other games, how can you say a game is challenging or easy? Especially if I also happen to play a Jedi Sentinel and think it's not at all challenging. Furthermore, how do you know you're any good at your Jedi Sentinel? Or that you were any good at any of the other classes/roles you've played? Does that answer all your questions?
  4. level 1-49: 6/10 level 50: 2/10 Overall: 4/10
  5. Out of curiosity, have you played every class in recent games to max level to see if there was one that was challenging for you? Because if you haven't, I'm going to completely disregard everything you've said. There could have been challenging classes/rolls you never tried. Additionally, have you played anything other than the Sentinel in SWTOR?! There ARE quite a few specs that are just as easy if not easier to master than classes from other games, let's say WoW (since everyone likes to default to that one). To base your overall opinion of a game on one tiny part of it is ignorant. EDIT: Also, I really am not trying to be a jerk but I can think of no other way to phrase my coming point, have you ever considered maybe you weren't good at a particular class/roll in other games?
  6. Games don't typically start doing guest passes until they've been out for a little while (Rift seems to be the exception). If you can, I suggest having that friend come over and play on your account for a bit.
  7. What bothers me..... That's a REALLY REALLY long list. For the sake of brevity, I'll try to use general statements to lump things together and not add 'ie.'s or 'eg.'s: 1. The amount of nearly game breaking bugs the game was launched with. 2. The amount of tiny, reported in Beta, bugs the game was launched with. 3. The terrible customer service. 4. The lack of communication with the community. 5. The amount of QoL features the game launched without. 6. The length of time it takes them to respond to and/or resolve a problem. 7. The things that stupidly rely on RNG when they shouldn't. 8. The rabid fanboys/haters that can't seem to be rational and/or mature about their opinions. 9. The fact that the game is advertised as an MMO when it's really nothing more than a glorified single player RPG with optional co-op.
  8. Definitely a contender for best single player game of the year. Unfortunately, it's a pretty big failure as an MMO. I enjoyed (for the most part, anyway) leveling my first character to 50. End game is practically nonexistent and what there is is a complete joke. The loot system is positively horrendous (and this is coming from someone who has had ridiculous luck with the RNG). Every time I've tried to level an alt I've given up on Nar Shadaa (traveling through those hallways is akin to seeing how many needles I can shove into my eyeball before passing out) due to the insane linear progression. I would love it if they cut out all the planet and grouping crap. Just let me follow each class's quest line and cancel the recurring payment. $60 is about all this game is worth, at the moment and I seriously don't foresee it getting much better. Thank goodness Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 and Tera are coming out soon. Won't be stuck in this stale, static, empty galaxy much longer.
  9. Will never happen. But if I were to call you a name, they would close the thread in no time flat.
  10. Well, you could do the EXACT same dailies from Belsavis and Ilum.
  11. I got to rank 4 with minimal grouping from level 1-49. At 50 I've hit a wall. It would help a lot if you actually got your social points from conversations in hard mode flashpoints. It would also be nice if they gave us the light/dark side points we earned in hard mode flashpoints.
  12. ^This, so SO SO much, this^ And this as well. Only I don't think this game is any more difficult than WoW at all. At least it took me a month or two at max level before I was fully geared in WoW. After completing 2 raids in TOR (literally 2), I was fully geared.
  13. Everybody has different priorities and expectations when it comes to gaming. But to say that other peoples' opinions are wrong is just plain ignorant. I neither love nor hate this game. It was an okay ride to 50 with pretty terrible endgame content. I picked it up to kill time until Guild Wars 2 came out thinking even if endgame blows (which I assumed would happen since BioWare is new to the genre) I can roll alts to keep me busy. Unfortunately, the linear leveling process makes rolling an alt akin to seeing how many needles I can cram into my eyeball before I pass out. It will forever be impossible to satisfy everyone. But it seems like the game is unpolished and rushed (even many self-professed fanboys/girls have said that) and that turns off a wider consumer base.
  14. I don't mind the loot treadmill. It is a visual representation of the progression of my character. What I don't like is the massive amount of stupid RNG in SWTOR's loot system. Some people get decked out in gear quickly while others raid/PvP for weeks and get nothing. See, this just doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't matter how hard you try. You could show up and AFk and the game could still choose to give you gear. To me, this RNG based system pretty much destroys the loot treadmill progression system. For the record, I'm one of those people that are ridiculously lucky with RNG (2 raids and I'm pretty much fully geared) and I HATE the loot system.
  15. Somebody obviously hasn't been raiding or working for PvP gear. In normal mode raids the game decides who gets gear regardless of if they need it or already have it or someone needs it more. After that we finally get a Master Looter option similar to what other games have but there is no /roll system. There's no trade or vendor buy-back policy. Grinding out 600 warzone commendations so you can go to a vendor to convert half those into mercenary commendations (a completely pointless step added just to make to process more complex) to purchase a bag that may have a piece gear for you but it could be something you already have or something you can't even equip. Unless you've been incredibly lucky with the game's RNG, I fail to see how you can seriously say the game has a good loot system.
  16. If I was going to start a ridiculous thread about how awesome this game's graphics are, I would NOT have used those screenshots. I probably would have used this one.
  17. My Imperial Agent threatening somebody with . . . thin air? [image] Prettiest scenery in the game [image] My main being depressed by her ridiculous armor [image] Tank stuck floating in the air [image]
  18. I agree. For the record, I actually LIKE WoW's graphics. It's cartoony and simple, but it does it well, the textures are high quality, it's very pretty for what it is and it does all this while running well even on my high school graphing calculator.
  19. Don't forget that it had a WAY smaller budget and was made by a brand new company. Cannot wait for GW2. That game is so freaking pretty!!!
  20. I still fail to see how using your interrupt throws your rotation off at all. It's off the GCD and it's instant cast. Also, if your problem is that you aren't living through his AoE then interrupting it is FAR more important than getting maul off. If you're not using a pet to hold aggro you pretty much need to used to not using maul. It may take a little bit longer than if you could just run in and blow him up, but you'll live. If your maul and discharge damage is really that sporadic (800-3k is a pretty ridiculous difference) you obviously don't know when to use them or you're failing to get them off in time to take advantage of the proc. I was also under the assumption that we were speaking pretty much exclusively about PvE. PvP is an entirely different can of worms.
  21. I honestly don't care what most critics have to say. The majority of them are paid to give overly positive reviews so they can't be trusted. I based my statement of them being widely panned on the response I get when I mention the game to people. If I say something about Rift, people rag on the game. If I mention SWTOR, people rag on the game. Thus, it is my opinion that both games don't have a very good image with consumers. Personally, I find ToR's graphics to be meh - neither bad nor good. Either way, your screenshots were terribad and did nothing to make people rethink their opinions of the games graphics. EDIT: ToR also suffers a lot with performance issues. I haven't really had issues with either (save ToR's ability delay but it is much improved now). I'd rather say that Rift is prettier than ToR and let my screenshots (compared to the OP's) speak for themselves. ^.^
  22. LMAO! For a moment I actually thought it WAS WoW! I'll counter that with: - This - This - And this I'd also like to point out, the game they came from is, like ToR, widely panned. It's INFINITELY more aesthetically pleasing than ToR, in my opinion.
  23. Yeah, because BioWare reads tickets and then provides the best customer service..... /sarcasm lolz
  24. The story is great, too bad pretty much everything else is sub-par...
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