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Everything posted by RyderQuanTy

  1. Focus defense is a life saver don't go nerfing it like I said when the pressure is on force focus and focus defense the rotation force management is very easy under some damage u can still repost at no cost to the rotation and I use the term rotation loosely
  2. Sunder strike 7 focus + 3 focus from zen =10 focus every 12 seconds PB 4 OHS 3 BS 3 = 10 how hard is that 3 sec MS 1.5 sunder 1.5 OHS 1.5 PB 1.5 BS 1.5 FS 1.5 dispatch 12 sec = 1 force extra focus add saber through and force leap u have 6 in the bank that is assuming u don't get attacked too how hard is that
  3. I pvp with this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MZcRrRrRsRrcczZf00z.3 Gather strength is underrated u will be rooted and knocked back all the time u need the focus when stunned is for focused defense when stunned no the armor reduct from saber through can be switch with gather strength but when switching targets but not critical which is why I take gather strength better for taking heals the armor increase in the tank teee is worthless over all like 3% dr soo no need to go there as the accuracy debuff imho let the tanks debuff and u stick to dps
  4. also a few post up quoted something about needing it for aoe damage well narrowed focus give extra focus during aoe so there is additional mechanic to gain focus to fund focused defense
  5. Focus generation is so easy you can pop force focus and focus defense and not miss a beat dps wise I don't pve so I may not understand how is it a problem. I see it like this u pulled argo agro droped and reduced any incoming damage. In pvp I mostly keep not always use focused defence when stealthe assuming I have been stunned 4 focus from the stun funds Focused defence most likely 1 focus from taking damage by stun ends pop force focus to fund the focused defense and stay in my normal rotation. I can see focus spec complaining some but I anot focus so who cares about those guy right....
  6. I have said in other posts and I keep repeating the stealth classes alter the meta game. They are now relevant which they were not for over a year so people need to adjust let the meta develop and stop crying. Maybe put time into discussions and threads on how to counter ops/ sins in the various wz. For ev I have a sage I was playing balance in arenas and switch back to tk the mez bubble stops the sneaks in their tracks and I try to stay close the other ranged which set us up for more aoe dps. So now players need to keep an eye on what classes they see. Maybe mark smash with a saber see the meta No class right now is op maybe some need to be brought up a little but no one needs a nerf So stop the Nerf crying and start discussing how to play and various ways a team can counter various classes and team comps. PS I started a thread etiquette in QQ if u qq about a class state your class and why the qq class needs a nerf. Ex I play smash and snipers need a nerf -I play sniper and ops need a nerf I play ops and smash need a nerf.
  7. I was just thinking that it would be awesome to put a bounty on someone I sais before if caught the player go to jail or frozen in carbonite and need to be rescued by an alt or guildy. Could be instanced to avoid server lag . Down side it would encourage ganking. A bounty game like that would be fun maybe some pve could put you on the hunted list so pve servers could play to.
  8. the problem with u asking for more anti kite tools is the sage/commando are complaining that they are getting wiped out and are not viable because they can't kite and I agree with them a leaps 5/6 seconds of roots a spamable snare 2 10m attack,s awe, stasis and force push you can pick a target if they get no support they are dead hands down to be able to do this and not be a stealthier is very strong. I haven't played my vig much since 2.0 just uz I was so automatic with my buttons I needed to give it a rest so I can relearn it but right now it just reduculus in pvp. The only class in the game that can solo a ops healer. That is where we are at. Think about it we are doing so much damage our complints are now we need a better agro drop.
  9. the dots add 20 % damage with 100 % armor pen (to the dots) to overhead slash and blade storm that is significant
  10. Overall the stealth changes the meta game let it develop.
  11. To the op I think the stealth increases the level of play in the meta game. your arena ex If a tea with a sage, sen, slinger and shadow face a eam of all stealth the non stealth team need to be ready. Sliger in front sent and shadow cover his back sage aoe dps the rear and well as random fire from the slinger make them com to u. they will have a very hard time not being detected. Someone brought up merc/mando maybe give them a spamable stealth detection can be recast at any time and off the gdc it will give them a role
  13. I did not bother to watch the video but is looked like an ad for elder scrole online I looed at the game real quick and saw everyone has 6 abilitys for each class less tha what we have at lvl 2 can't immagin 53 more lvl and never getting an ability so it will be fun for like a day. Also This posts screem of someone promoting other games directly to a core audience
  14. I just deleted my 55 lethality op it sucks so bad not woth the character slot and frustration
  15. What is this game going o look like if vig becomes fotm no one will ever move, perma root, sounds fun it righ up there with stun bubble. So 1/3 of the time 5 0f 15 seconds a vig can have u rooted and then I will snare u. BTW vig is now un kiteable. It just not fun when one class totally dominates. I am happy or very happy they fixed the rotation but the root needs to go.
  16. I play a vig and it just fine nerf operatives. No really it a little strong remove the root from MS rework gather strength 2 stack 10% per
  17. I am waiting for a new England tour how about during pax east and bring the entire bioware team
  18. OR JUST REMOVE THE CLSSS FROM THE GAME COMPLETELY since it will be useless for pvp and pve again
  19. I started a thread about Etiquette in QQ. If you are qqing about a class pleas state your class and why the the class you are complaining about is unfair. Like I said in the thread come here and say you play smash, pt, assin, slinger, combat sent, vig guardian, sage, because everyone of those classes are just fin with operatives in the 2,6 version. I am playing a lethality operative and I say mercs and sages need a nerf. As those are the classes that give me the hardest time. But when I play my sage please buff sages as smash and electro net is op to my sage. When I play my vigilance guardian well everyone dies. When I play my shadow nerf Ap power tech. When I play my slinger nerf all stealth So the game is pretty balance right now and did they nerf smash because I don't see anymore smash is op threads
  20. lets be hones it way more fon if you and your team is compative bolster is great it makes the wz fun please do not remove bolster
  21. As of today the rage in qq is to complain about concealment operatives a few months ago the qq was all about smash. As it stands if u play a vig u can pop focused defene when stuned, Ap PT 30%DR when stunned, Lightning sorc has a bubble that will stun back on tp of a 10 bubble and root knock back, so all thos classes are more than equipped to handle an ambush if u play a combat/focus sent well are u seriously qqing, sniper I dare u to say I am a sniper and it not fare that someone killed me. I am currently playing a lethality operative and I think mercs and sages need a nerf . They always blow me up. Everyone else is fine. I am serous about who is killing me on my lethality ops to I am not a troll. I can give melee the slip but ranged classes = death. The perception of another class is all about who you are playing so say what you play when you qq so we know where u are coming from
  22. If you are going to QQ about a class please state your class and spec. State why the class you are qqing about is unfair.
  23. We need a pvp area in a neutral hutt bar with pvp dailys and vendors and gtn. The area need access to multiple instance zones where players can enter via elevators by clicking a red and green button up to 16 players this making teams faction would have no bearing totally neutral . the zones should be colicum style so other players can view the match from above as spectators. Maybe clickable binoculars for camera view or disared instance. Now we get creative so long as we keep the T rating matches can have player choosen prizes and entry fee(betting on who wins) and 3 party bookies such as huts so spectators can bet on the matches as well. It could have pve type matches so groups could fight pve monsters and get timed betting over best time. It would be fun
  24. my 2 cents I haven't played a ranked solo in a while I roled an alt and now need to grind out gear, auguments and datacrons it will be months befor my toon is geared and ready to compete gear limits the number of participants period. maked ranked gear free. no rewards. At 55 u should get a box of gear for ranked
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