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Everything posted by RyderQuanTy

  1. This in true in void star butt he others are fine I see it on my sage too
  2. The Guard mech is a very good one it also makes dot specs important. It add layers of complexity and a need for diversity in teams.
  3. weaken mind sage dot force breach shadow dot everything else is shared mind crush and sever force
  4. I was afraid this would happen i am lvling a new toon and arenas will be dead before i get to 55 geared ad datacrons how about scale pvp xp with lvl legacy datacrons and rerolers will be in the end game in no time and keep it alive.
  5. simple test remove all gear check the damage on tool tip take a strength stim check tool tip did it go up?
  6. Well said in fact very well said but In addition to what you said In ongoing large battles operatives can remain back support with heals, strong dots, and other attacks both aoe and single target from range assasins can not provide this type of support. operatives are far superior at defending a position. The fact is most operatives don't play with there full deck.
  7. I wish It going to be months before I can play solo ranked with my rerole or at least add cc coins unlock to datacrons
  8. I am lvl an operative and have been 2 lvls below recommended and am having no issues I see nothing wrong with operative,
  9. The tie breaker system just needs a tweek say acid does less damage and applys a dot on the entire field at the same time dot does 1st 10 seconds dot does 100dps 20 to 30 500dps if there are o heals the match will end soon enough and if thare are no attacks for say 45 seconds it triggers the tie breaker. The current tie breaker is broken or the tie breaker is random one could be bezerk attack droids with ranged dps random aoe from the sky how ever it done break stealth to start the fight and add dps slowly help the match along not create cheese mechanics.
  10. ^this most guilds that are in voip for regs are most likely socializing not strategizing
  11. or http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MfcZGddbdrkrGMR.3
  12. I like this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MccZGfdbdrkrGMR.3
  13. Poor grammer no doubt. No in short get to ranged support with dots and heal. Healing will provide TA when you are attacked u can Lacerate you should also have the enemy withering with your dots so 3 lacerates and role away again. Out last them A sins must burst them down an Operative can out last there enemy. A sin is better at taking a point and operative is better at holding a point.
  14. RyderQuanTy

    The Big Dog

    PT/Vg dps both ptro and AP are the best class in the game period. Can dps from anywhere most hold the line is one of the most poweerfull moves in the game, 2 hard stuns pull, heavy armor and defenses rival anyone in the game. This class is stupidly op and it show on the arena board. Hands down the only class in the game that need to be toned down. Tell me why PT should have 2 stuns guardians /Marades have 0 justify this damage reduction and defenses are equal and PT have some of the best aoe in the game. Just look at any regualar wz and see who did the most damage and kill, killing blows they are op and always have been. Further more they have better kiting tools than sage remove hold the line from all PT let the mers have it PT can hit from anywhere no need to root break and kite the 4 m melee it makes classes like watchman unplayable. Nerf PT/VG
  15. A deception sin can't role away as the fight starts then heal to full and dot the target. In an arena you need to let the party get started take out the weak, dot, and heal. Healing tree gives TA when attcked u have lacerate waiting. and role away. Unlike the sin out of stealth u let the fight come to u.
  16. this is actual great to know I have an alt that will be hitting 55 soon and its good to know that I don't need to grind for months to participate in solo ranked arenas
  17. No joke watchman sent may be the worst spec in the game for pvp it does need some love
  18. I will answer for them. You can heal to full, have stealth, and the best escape tools in the game. The class has a skill cap most players are not comfortable with. Working as intended.
  19. Hay O just lvled a watchmen sent and it will never see 55 I finished the story and I mostly pvp and this class may be the worst in the game period. The 2.0 changes greatly increased mobility in the game which bioware acknowledges in the vigilance tee changes movement speed and ms root watchman just can't compete I say increase the elf heals to 2% this class has the lowest survivability of any in the game and lower the cool down of orce camo to 30 seconds. you will be able to mach some of the mobility and have a little more up time and not be op at all
  20. mixed faction are badly needed I play on pot5 pub side and I fear after 2xp week end thing will be even worse leaving new players and the few die hard to be slaughtered it just not fun right now there is no competition at all just face role. competitive matches are the most fun blow outs are getting old real quick I say mix the teams and deal with the crying about lore rather than people just quiting from unsatisfying game experience I know I am close to giving up my new sent will finish the story and never see 55 pvp
  21. I play a balance sage and it has more burst than people realize you just need to set it up in saget erms weaken mind sever force force in balance tk through mind crush tkt and disturbance on proc gices more than enough burst thos dot criting for 1k per plus the channeled the damage is fine and surprisingly good
  22. how about a pvp event at outlaws den pug groups on both side can dual and work on making and finding teams. Would be good spot to pvp between Ques
  23. Logitech has a mouse with al 12 number keys and has a few extra buttons on top to have shift or control on the mouse if your It is bigger than the razor naga mouse so if you have big fingers the larger buttons are easyer to use and the 4 rows of numbers are angled so you can feel whee u are personaly I liked the nagas mouse but lie I sai if you have big handsn and finger the Logitech mouse will be for you
  24. Just my opinion is not a bug is an intentional miss mechanic add somewhere along the line to help the ranged classes.
  25. The mechanic for scoring need to be discussed before you can draw conclusions based on the leaser board. for starters. I play a sage and sages snipers ans commandos are always the first class targeted and those classes are usualy in the back what does that mean in terms of the rank? it means we will not get fist blow medal less likely to survive a round so we wont get that medal and if those medals are contributing to your rank well we will fall behind in overall rank that does not mean we did not contribute equally and our classs is under powered. The most overpowering class in the game is operative healers but they are not the highes ranked because thay are focused more often the melee dps are the last players targeted and should have the best stastics. That sais the tactics tree needs some fixes they should not be able to charges to pulse canon with a spamable attack out of combat so lets start with the simple, smash spec is a hard counter to sage which is ok as a sage if they nerf smash sages could get op real quick. But no aoe burst spec should be match the single target damage of the the single target dps classes and if the cmplaint is they have no role in pve than pve need and adjustment to have phases where aoe is critical to the group us over whelming number of *** the hit hard just keep comeing and people will bring the aoe classes along.
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