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Everything posted by Vodrin

  1. And almost all of those with the very top scores (at least in group ranked) were healers. DPS sorc's have taken a significant hit in 4.0 and are certainly not OP now. I think madness is probably OK and lightening needs some love. Corruption is a completely different issue, but not what I think that poster is referring to.
  2. I think the last quote referred to the fact that fury is only supposed to build with rage consuming abilities, but viscous throw does not consume rage with the proc in carnage but still generates fury. Same thing as pooled hatred. Although maybe you are thinking of the way pooled hatred was in the 1.x patch cycle where it only affected melee abilities.
  3. Would need to transfer it to Force Charge/Obliterate. Otherwise you would lose the bonus when starting a rotation from outside of 10 meters. I personally don't know that it makes that big a difference. It only really changes when Furious Strike and Raging burst are triggered in relation to one another. Not really that big a deal to me.
  4. The heals are still pretty mediocre. Damage is really good though. You can frequently just overwhelm a healer from full health to 0 without heal debuffs. Combining beserk with annihilate does give decent burst and pressure damage is pretty consistently good otherwise.
  5. This is basically what I am doing with my Jug tank as well. Really fun how much DPS you can generate while still being pretty tanky.
  6. According to Krea's recent thread power augments may still be pretty good. If you are less than 35-36% crit though I would go with crit augments.
  7. I don't feel like it's a massive difference having played both. Jugs just feel stronger now due to some higher hits and many of the advantages listed in this thread. I would say that I still think vengeance beats rage in overall strength.
  8. Watchman has the best single target sustained DPS, but will be outperformed by combat and concentration in fights that require frequent target switching and thus favor higher burst. For PvP concentration is the easiest to excel with due to CC immunity of force exhaustion, very high burst damage, and a CC resistant rotation. Combat on the other is very vulnerable to being shut down by CC during precision windows, but has a higher DPS ceiling with fantastic burst. Watchman can still be effective in regular warzones. The DPS is high enough that no healer can heal through you damage and as different as the rotation is, if you understand priorities it's not hard to put out really high damage.
  9. Funny thing is that solo ranked would work much better with cross faction. Especially if you put in code to balance the teams based on rating as best as possible. Will cross faction the odds of getting bad teams repeatedly would go down and rating in solo would be a bit more representative of player skill (still would be far from perfect, but better at least).
  10. Anni is actually pretty effective for warzones yet, and still has the highest single target sustained damage of any marauder spec, so it is far from useless. Just harder to do well with in PvP than the others. You may want to try it again after you get some more experience with fury and feel confident in you ability to stay on target without obliterate and the CC immunity.
  11. No there are not, the quest description is just bugged. You don't get ranked comms for anything anymore and further you do not need them to purchase anything.
  12. I hit a 28K concentrated slice crit on an undergeared sniper this past weekend. Should sentinel damage be nerfed too?
  13. I pulled a 3.3K DPS game with 16 killing blows as watchman this past weekend, and have topped 2K DPS with all three specs including a 2.8K DPS Arena as concentration. Concentration is still the strongest spec due to CC immunity and heavy burst, but the gap closed in 4.0 with combat and watchman both getting stronger in my opinion.
  14. I feel like my mara in fury spec is considerably more durable than my jug in rage spec unless ED is available. Cloak of pain is a big deal. Jug definitely has some advantages, but it can still be stunned immediately after leap. the 6 second immunity on force crush is huge, and I don't find myself using viscious slash often at all. Between Force Scream, Obliterate, Ravage and Force Crush, you should only need to use viscious slash if you are on target continuously for more than 2 full rotations and that rarely happens. That said, jugs are generally stronger than marauders right now and have been since 3.0 hit. It's just not an overwhelming difference so if you are a better player you can still take a rage jug as a fury mara. Just don't expect to win against a good player.
  15. Agreed. The fact that crit rating now determines surge as well, and the way crit chance works with auto crit abilities makes it much better than power or mastery until you get well up the DR curve now. How far to go before switching to alacrity I have yet to determine though.
  16. Concentration is the sentinel version and is the most CC proof of any sent spec as others have stated. Feel free to alter your utilities before entering a warzone as well and load up on those that break snares/roots and make you more resistant to kiting. I consider Ardor and Fleet footed mandatory, but there are several other options to help you stay on target.
  17. Just need to wait for some of the pub players on harbinger to level their healers. For some reason it is all DPS right now.
  18. Are you seriously trying to say that sorc/sage was underpowered in 3.0? If you are then you have little if any credibility here. That said I don't think sorc's are as bad as they are made out in this thread. Phasewalk just needs to interrupt channels.
  19. My concentration sent is hitting harder than ever, even relative to the health pool increases so they may have missed their target with lightening. I hit a fully geared sorc for 33 K with two moves this morning. Granted that was with two lucky relic proc's. In any case, killing power still feels like it's there with Fury/concetration, although there are some times I feel like I completely implode with a sniper and PT on me.
  20. I don't really agree with this. It's only slightly harder to stay on target in my experience, and if you team has a decent healer you can still really do well with the class. Mad dash/Blade blitz is a really good closing tool if you can anticipate a little. It can negate a lot of damage if used properly.
  21. It's a great way to close with a sniper without breaking LoS in PvP. You can almost feel their rage as a potential 20-25K ambush crit misses.
  22. They said that with each of the two previous level increases as well and both times TTK went down slightly. Just par for the course with a new SWTOR expansion I think.
  23. If you are using dual saber throw prior to your first annihilate, it will always crit. I think for the purposes of a boss fight that getting rend off first will maximize DPS, but for PvP (where I do on occasion play annihilation) I think you need to prioritize annihilate as getting the cooldown on it minimized as quickly as possible is of so much importance with the amount of target switching that goes on. And in response to the merciless slash question, I still have it at a base 12 second cooldown on my sentinel, same as prior to 4.0. This means that it has a 6 second cooldown with full stacks, same as prior to 4.0.
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