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Everything posted by Vodrin

  1. Part of this was that overload/deadly saber was bugged for much of 1.0 and 1.1 and did double the damage and healing that is was supposed to.
  2. This is all correct assuming you are talking hatred sins. Deception is not OP right now. Both sorc specs are overtuned a bit right now, and only AP can be considered at all OP for PT.
  3. Nice ridiculous overbuff. As was previously stated, taking predation/trans off of fury stats would not be a flat buff as you would lose the ability to use it back to back, and would probably have it available less often overall. Would probably be a better buff overall if it were more possible to get a full 30 stacks more often. Also, the only way than predation/trans could grant root/snare immunity is if it granted it only to the sentinel/marauder and not his team. I'd even give out the buff to defense in return for the immunity. I also think that sents should get a full purge. Probably best if it were tied to undying/GBTF as the dev's would probably feel that force cammo has too short a cooldown to get a purge attached to it, but undying would need to be reworked to make this as beneficial as it should be. In any case, there are lots of reasonable ways to buff the class without going over the top as the poster I quoted suggested.
  4. Primarily that from a PvP perspective guardian/juggernaut does the same thing with better defensive cooldowns. It is rather viable though as it has better anti-kiting tools that are unique to the discipline, and it has better base mitigation.
  5. That was a really bad idea on their part. They would have gotten more comms not allowing you to score and scoring quickly for a 6-0 win themselves.
  6. You are so far off with all of this but particularly this comment. The answer, of course, is to compete against the better PvP players on your server and excel against them. Rated PvP should never be about getting gear. You should already have your gear before you go into it. Rated should be about beating good players and getting a rating. And if more players approached it this way it would be more reliably enjoyable. Inexperienced and poor players queuing to get rated gear is one of the big things that ruins solo ranked for me. Additional gear rewards for ranked should always be cosmetic only and then tied to rating. Being better at the game should not also give you a gear advantage. This just drives new players out of PvP. As for the OP, I don't know what is more sad. The fact that he is obviously not a good player and had to come to the forums to cry about the fact he got stomped, or that he has advocated quitting when one falls behind. Both are pretty pathetic.
  7. At level cap jugs are the most survivable tank right now hands down. They are incredible in ranked 4's as a tank. Their DPS is lower than it should be right now as the penalty for being in tank stance is bugged for them. Hopefully that will get fixed fairly soon, but in the meanwhile they sure can soak up damage.
  8. Well the thing that most who play this class would agree on is that it needs another tool or two for dealing with roots and snares. There are multiple ways of doing this though. From what I have seen the class does quite well at staying on target if you use all your centering/fury stacks for predation/trans. Problem is that berserk/zen is required to match the damage output of most other DPS classes. So we either need another tool for dealing with roots and snares that is independent of fury/centering, or we need a way to build it fast enough to use berserk and predation together more frequently. A massively reduced cooldown on inspiration would be another possible way to accomplish this.
  9. I think the buff only affects the first target hit. That seems to be what is happening when I have tested it. And interestingly when used with precision slash in combat spec the damage boost seems to affect all targets hit equally. this was all from some pretty brief testing though so it is hard to draw definitive conclusions.
  10. The problem is that target swap comps are really not viable at all against a comp with sorc DPS as long as they are johnny on the spot with cleanses and are smart about positioning. DPS either needs to lose their cleanses, or they have to do away with the idea of cleansing hard stuns altogether. Otherwise hard swap comps are dead against good teams.
  11. Hold the line would be much better than barrier. Force cammo essentially accomplishes what barrier does now on a much shorter cooldown.
  12. Heavy armor adds very little to survivability in this game. There were a number of patch cycles where guardian/jugg DPS were easily the squishiest DPS in the game.
  13. This guy has some good advice, although I still gore to devastating blast sometimes, but this is mostly when the target is distracted or when I can force choke them to make them eat the whole thing.
  14. They really need to consider nerfing some of the CC access that sage/sorc's get through there utilities and this alone would greatly increase sent/mara mobility. I also think that something like root/snare immunity during predation for the sent/mara only could be considered. They could also consider a masterful utility that gave root/snare immunity during saber ward.
  15. It really would not be hard to make the sent as OP as serenity, but doing so would hurt the game. Better to nerf serenity.
  16. Always. You should also take brooding unless you are sub 60, and then this discussion really does not matter. I personally favor nerfing sorc/sage utilities, and nerfing hatred/serenity in multiple ways before doing anything other than buffing undying for the mara, but in truth mara will probably need some utility related buffs in addition to nerfs to some of the over the top classes to be viable in ranked play again. Annihlation should also have DoT spread on DST instead of smash, or smash needs a larger radius. Despite this you can still do fine in reg warzones with it if you know the class and play well though.
  17. They were actually one of the strongest classes in solo and team ranked last season, but sure just because there were gobs of them with high rating does not mean they are viable.
  18. I'd be interested to see what a annihilation Mara could do if all 8 were AFK for the same amount of time in a 4m radius. I'm betting it would out DPS the sorc.
  19. Sadly neither of these things is going to happen. Bioware is afraid of an unranked arena only queue killing queue times for regs, and they have repeatedly said no to removing boster from ranked. No matter how much players like you and I think it should be removed BW is not going to do it. If they were going to consider it it would have been gone patches ago. I think advocating for a better, more transparent, and more predictable version of bolster is more likely to be successful.
  20. This exists now and is anything but balanced. The best teams will always have a large advantage against newer teams and this effectively locks new teams out of team ranked in many cases. Solo ranked needs to continue if you want any ranked at all.
  21. It already roots the target, so why not make ranged give up something to get those root immunities that allow them to so effectively counter this utility instead? Going for the correct solution (nerfing some ranged utiltiies, particularly sorc's) is the better solution than giving buffs to melee that either don't work (giving ravage channel on the move as a heroic utility to maras would not help at all because of what they would have to give up), or will be impossible to balance later.
  22. [quote=Powerhearse;7912899 Lot's of really laughably off base comments Less QQ, more l2P I really look forward to watching many more players like you force speed backpedal in warzones.
  23. If you do not recognize that hatred sins are overtuned right now (and they are the only sin spec that is currently OP), then I do not know what to tell you. Hatred is currently the most powerful spec in the game and blows madness away in damage output and strength of utitilites (due to CC immunity). And you are way off in what you said. Stun immunity on deflection and egress also were not in their "kit" pre-3.0. DoT spread is also new, as is the completely ridiculous life leech/serenity strike. If you think the spec is anywhere near balanced right now, you have a problem. The sad truth is that if you are bringing anything but a hatred sin, vengeance jug, or madness sorc to yolo queue when there are no healers in the queue, you are hurting your team.
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