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Everything posted by Vodrin

  1. Purple crafted wrists, gloves, boots, belt are better than the PvP pieces at level 40, but only by a little bit. The advantage is gone by level 50.
  2. Only bracketing that is needed is removing level 50's to there own queue. Bolster works great in all other cases. I also think that segregating 50's at launch would have been bad. Give it another week or two when most launch player's mains are at 50 then separate them out. Warzones will still pop for most folks and the matches will be more fair.
  3. Don't use force leap to close as you need it to return to target after the inevitable knockback. Also recognize that Sith Warriors and Jedi knights don't get some of their better tools for dealing with ranged classes until later. Classes like the trooper and sroc/sage get their goodies sooner and will seem OP at first.
  4. I pull 5K crits on a fully buffed force sweep on my level 40 sent. Just wait until I hit 50 and stack some PvP gear. 7K crits on an undergeared level 20, and 11-12K damage or more in 3 GCD's is quite possible.
  5. PvP definitely has some issues right now. 50's in champ gear or better are a real problem for players not yet leveled to 50. Once the population of 50's supports it, it would make a lot of sense to segregate 50's from the rest of the warzone population. There are also some imbalanced abilities (as opposed to classes) that could use some "adjusting"(tracer missle/grav round, and agent/smuggler stealth openers come to mind), but otherwise PvP works pretty well in this game and is generally enjoyable. Give the dev's a chance to respond to some of these problems and we will see a pretty good game I think.
  6. For pure financial gain, I've had luck selling synth pieces at lower levels. Mid 30's stuff is significantly better than items gained any other way. But gearing out alts and selling to lowbies is the only real use of most crafting professions unless you put a lot of work into grinding recipes and mats.
  7. So your problem with the valor system is what exactly? That it will take longer than you expected to get the T3 set when the T2 set is readily available and nearly as good? I just don't see anything worth getting bent way out of shape about here.
  8. I tend to agree with this. I don't consider myself a hard core raider, but a hard enrage as one of the primary mechanics in a raid doesn't work well in my opinion. The most enjoyable raids I every did in other games (AoC Tier 3 raids are a good example) had mechanics that required a higher level of coordination than just tanking, healing, and DPS'ing. Those raids left you with a great sense of accomplishment when you completed them, as they required the entire team to be on there game or you would wipe. They became relatively easy once you had a well geared team that understood and could execute the raid, but were tough until them, and you were reminded how difficult they could be whenever there was some turnover in your raid makeup.
  9. How often are you selling scavenging mats or crafted items for a profit. I'm not seeing it and have leveled synthweaving and archeology pretty aggressively. Both can generate some money influx, but nowhere near the rate of what slicing missions could. Granted, they may have over killed on nerfing slicing, but it definitely needed to be adjusted to give similar financial returns to the other gathering professions.
  10. That's the key. Once he starts his AoE it will not relocate, so move. If you do that you should be able to pull it off (although it's still a tough fight with only two people.
  11. I'm always fascinated by people who don't like a game spending so much time and energy on that games forum. Look you don't like how the game turned out, and I get that. I even get being pissed enough to put a big post on the forum before going back to wow, but I don't get staying in this thread and arguing with folks who disagree with you for 42 pages. It's not something a well adjusted person does. I strongly disagree with your assessment as well. What will determine if this game has a substantial population in 6 months to a year will be how well the end game content functions, and how well they are able to push out more good and bug free content. Making a functioning and meaningful reward system for world PvP would also go a long way. Whether or not the UI is as polished as possible, whether they have auto attack, and whether or not they have a LFG engine are really rather inconsequential. There are as many people that hate these features as there are ones who like it. Personally I am ok with the stock UI, and I despise LFG dungeons and auto attack (a combat system with more active control is always better). In any case only time will tell the fate of this game, and the determining factors will not be the ones you listed in your OP.
  12. Don't forget the taunts that reduce a targets damage by 30% unless they are attacking the tank.
  13. How's that exactly? Grinding fosters no skill at all, and random gear fosters no skill at all. The ultimate skill fest would be forcing everyone to fight naked. At least this system makes the majority of the population progress there characters at relatively the same rate where PvP is concerned. On another note it always amuses me when people who consider themselves PvPers complain about not being able to easily establish a gear advantage over the rest of the population. If you need a gear advantage to beat others you suck and need to look at another style of gaming.
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