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Everything posted by exphryl

  1. Rail shot, Unload, Rapid Shots = Weapon Damage Everything else = Tech Power.
  2. CC works relatively fine. I disagree with Roots not being part of resolve at this point though with as many classes (Warriors) have charge anymore. It creates a pretty frustrating environment in that sense.
  3. In general there isn't a "Best" Spec. The Pyro role is a pretty flexible talent tree to fit a variety of build while keeping good damage up on the opponent. Here are some to think about. Basic 4/6/31 2/6/33 - Sacrifice some DPS for Heat Management 7/3/31 - Max Damage on TD And so forth down the road (I could list about 5 more variations but just to get your started figured I'd list 3) I prefer builds with TD (31 point) over non-31 Point builds. But that's my preference.
  4. Yeah. I found that kind of an odd spec to be "most commonly used". More like it's what the author likes best.
  5. So what you are saying is most people can kill an operative once every 2 minutes?
  6. Not sure what I find more funny. A dumb name for the closet point, or the OP telling us all he quits after a 2 cap.
  7. I think the article is a good ground work for stats. Although I disagree with Crit being where it's at. I have always preferred lower crit in favor for higher power any chance I get. But that's my play-style.
  8. I tried streaming before, but I couldn't get past the lag I had in game as a result. Haven't fiddled with it since so dunno if it was a setting I had wrong or just my ISP being bad for upload speed.
  9. Simple benefit to Eliminators in a nutshell, if you are Pyro. 4PC: 15% Crit bonus to Rail Shot. The 2PC, does not benefit us so don't worry about it. You are focusing on the Rail Shot Crit. Rail Shot is our hardest hitting ability, and is pretty much the core ability to Pyro entirely. Sure you got flame burst and TD, but it's Rail Shot where the big power large numbers comes in. Having 15% Crit Chance on it allows you to forgo a large amount of crit on the rest of your gear for the sake of getting more Power on your gear allowing Larger Rail Shot hits as a result. I sit roughly 25% Ranged Crit. With IA Buff that's 30%. With Bonus i'm at 45% Chance to crit on Railshot which is pretty good chances. Add in Explosive Fuel i'm up to a 70% crit chance.
  10. I was merely asking a question on the gearing you were using. Gear does play a part in being efficient with a class, if you are taking offense to such a small question perhaps coming to a forum looking for advice isn't something you should be doing. And you wear Eliminators over CT to have higher damage potential. It's a pretty obvious reason (That's me getting "smart" that time)
  11. A bit curious why you start a thread asking for advice and the first question asked is responded with "It's my preference".
  12. Can't RE War-Hero Implants like I could Black Hole Implants though SO PvErs win on that account.
  13. Err. Are you wearing Combat Tech?
  14. Because nobody is RE'n drops from 1.2 Yet where you can learn the shell. I've spent my Blackhole Comms on learning some Implants, but that's it. You can't RE War Hero stuff and learn schematics, you just buy them outright.
  15. Guild has 16 Man HM Denova on farm. New guy dings 50 and gets carried byguild. Is full Campaign after a run. Clearly fair compared to the grind that PvPers ALWAYS have to do right? 3 Hours of "work" trumping weeks of "work".
  16. We should start a pool. What gets fixed first. PG Slow (since 1.2), or Ion Damage (since beta).
  17. 5K+ "Consistently" is with full cooldowns available and on most likely a Sorc. (While achievable on Medium/Heavy BM Player it's rarer) 6K+ "Consistently" is with full cooldowns + Mara buff on an undergeared target. I've topped out at 6.8K Myself, bu tthat was on a 10K HP Sorc with 0 expertise. They are also not going to "Range you to death" unless you are terrible since at "Range" we can't proc PPA for Railshot Resets so we can do some damage for 15 seconds, Rapid Shot (Basic attack) 15 secs later we can use our abilities again...
  18. I've not been a huge fan of jet charge either. Unless we are talking about Huttball because a charge is pretty clutch on that warzone. The other 3, eh, not so much. Rather have snare/root immunity.
  19. Daragon Trail: Morning till about 2PM EST: 5mins - 2hours 3PM Est - On: a few minutes tops. Definately a nighttime server. Not that I mind much, gives me some time to catch up on some alt leveling or other such things in the morning. We've been getting a lot more Imperial vs Republic matches latetly as well.
  20. It's always been a fun stat to look at. I don't think a medal added to it would make much sense though.
  21. You seem to be overlooking the aspect of this is a Pre 1.2 Video and Heat Management of that magnitude is NOT possible anymore...
  22. PvP isn't about Apples to Apples though which is where I see so many threads on this forum falter. It's hard to say X class has this so I need it too! While ignoring Y ability you have that the other class does not. For example, people like to constantly whine about Tankasins. Yeah, they are tough and have a lot of survivability. Their damage is overall mediocre though and win through attrition in a 1v1 setting. People see that and say "I need that to!". Hell, I'd love to have force shroud and self healing on my powertech. But I'm pretty sure the server would crash the second I zone in due to the imbalance it would cause.
  23. Thermal Detonator: 15 Seconds Railshot: 6-15 Seconds. Nothing else could be considered a "Big Hit" I wish I could have knockback roots while not being able to be stunned as well. But people just like to compare damage of a class and nothing else as usual.... PS: As stated earlier, heat management in a hectic 1.2 battle is not as gracious as it was pre 1.2 since you can't get back to back PPA Procs anymore over a long course of a battle. It takes at LEAST 4 GCDs to get a chance at the proc now where previously you could go 16 Heat + PPA PRoc (-8 Heat) +16 Heat + PPA PRoc (-8 Heat) +16 Heat + PPA PRoc (-8 Heat) which would effectively keep your heat near 0 the entire time.
  24. Mara's can do that too. Also the two people there, were terrible. I've won 1v3s against terrible players. Again, not a good basis for an argument. I"m assuming you are referring to the two that start at 3:13 as I didn't see any other 1v2s in the video that would be applicable.
  25. Heh. I caught on when I watched Part 2 and saw Immortal at 9 medals.
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