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Everything posted by translucentwolf

  1. Ah, I'm sorry. I thought you mentioned a lack of pve action. Well, if you want to pvp regularly, I suggest rolling Imp.
  2. You should probably wait till there's another 'good' event. You see, merges happened, and then there was the need to log in and play to get Hexid, and Life Day, etc. So, fleet was a bit heavier there, after the merge. Life goes on. People got their Hexid. People shot some snowballs. People tried out the latest Op boss. And then the seasonal people left again. Never fear. They will return when the next new bit of content is released. They will play for a while till they've seen it. And then they will depart again. Note: when I queue for flashpoints, I get an instant pop on either tanks or healers. Roll one of those? If you are queuing with a tank or healer, and still not getting pops very often, remember that when someone puts you on their ignore list, you won't get grouped with them via groupfinder. If enough people have someone on their ignore list, the groupfinder pops for that person could become rare.
  3. Nobody said 'it's friday night and everyone goes out'. Oh, wait. I'm wrong. *You* attributed it to 'these people'. Clever. Spin it how you like. You're misquoting people to try and look either intelligent, or witty. Unsuccessfully. As for my reading of your posts, I don't need to look any further into your history than this thread to prove that you're willing put words in the mouths of others. When someone says something that isn't true, what's that called again?
  4. Funny thing about this... The only poster in this thread saying 'everyone' ( as opposed to, say, "a lot" ) is someone with a forum handle of TrixieTriss. It *is* funny how everyone named TrixieTriss is saying everyone a lot.
  5. They might not know the state of things, without timely forum posts by alert community members. Thank you for updating them.
  6. Good news! There are *new* monthly passes for CXP. You can buy them in a couple of different ways. It ends up costing between 12.99 and 15.00 for each new monthly pass for CXP. As a bonus, this *new* monthly pass also gives access to the following features: Ops Unlimited Warzones A 3rd crafting slot Each *new* monthly pass also grants a onetime ( per month ) grant of 500 CCs! It's a really incredible deal. PM me, and I'll be happy to let you know where you can go to obtain this *new* monthly pass. Cheers
  7. 7:30 Friday night is prime time for who? Might be prime time some other night, but in America, a lot of people go out on Friday and Saturday night. And anyway, there are 157 in instance 1 and 13 in instance 2 right now. Thanks for another 'game is doomed' thread though. It is appreciated.
  8. Content is harder without gear. Your stats will be lower. So, just strip down. You can use the appearance designer to still look like you're dressed any way you like. Then pull your outfit off, remove implants, relics, earpiece. If you're not a dual wielder, drop the offhand. Then stroll out and see if you can just walk through the content. You can't remove companion gear though. So, if you must have a companion, make sure it's at affection rank 1. This should provide a challenge. Enjoy
  9. Play through the main game, and look at the mission Jedi Prisoner, which tied into the Taral V / Maelstrom Prison set of flashpoints. This was non-required 'story' content, given in the form of flashpoints. And they are a couple of the better flashpoints from the original content. Story and FP can go together. In fact, it is *better* when a flashpoint has a good story. Life is change. Sub and play, or don't. The game will go on, even if the more vocal members of this forum are no longer here to complain about it.
  10. This game is not a 'b2p' game like GW2, for example. This game requires a sub for full access to all features. This game offers players who do not want to pay to support the game a subset of features. An *extremely generous* subset of features. The problem with offering anything to people for free is.... Some subset of those people will look at what they are *given for free* and say "this is it?". In days of old, children were taught by their parents a simple phrase: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" I guess parenting, and society in general is in decline. *Sigh*
  11. Different directory structure for smilies: Smilies: http://cdn-www.swtor.com/community/images/swtor/smilies/smile.png Format Buttons: http://www.swtor.com/community/images/editor/bold.gif They could just do the format buttons using straight css, as they do for the preview post / submit reply buttons. *shrug*
  12. If you bought an 'unlock' that let you do 'x' activity permanently, you'd just unsub. CXP encourages subs to continue to sub. And it encourages those who aren't currently subbed to sub. If you had an unlock for 99% of the game permanently, with a one time fee, why would you *ever* sub. If you want to play, and have it all, then pay and have it all. If you want to be f2p, then deal with the limitations.
  13. Wrong forum to post this. If you really wanted it to be reviewed as a suggestion, you would post in suggestions. Posting it here is a transparent attempt to spark up another 'free vs. paid' argument. Don't feed it.
  14. You can find the urls for the missing images easily enough. They're in the source, not embedded as css backgrounds or anything. For example: http://www.swtor.com/community/images/editor/menupop.gif This link pulls up a 404 error. Perhaps someone wiped a directory? Gotta keep the interns off the prod environment.
  15. Any chance of getting your in-game info? Toon or legacy name or something? In case I want to put you on one of my lists. Not the friend one. Don't worry about that
  16. So, the 'best' you can get now is that Tesla car that costs like 6 grand at new egg. Let's say you just want to run everything max on what? 4k? Get a 970 if you can find one at a reasonable price. Alternately, look for a 1060. That should be enough to max everything in SWTOR.
  17. Someone willing to part with 100M to for a speeder probably doesn't really notice the loss of 100M.
  18. You can set up a hotkey mic toggle for Skype, which will in effect add Push to Talk to Skype: http://www.almarsguides.com/free/Computer/Programs/skype/
  19. Try a refurbished Dell. They come with a 1 warranty that you can extend if you like. http://outlet.us.dell.com/ArbOnlineSales/Online/SecondaryInventorySearch.aspx?c=us&cs=22&l=en&s=dfh&sign=PXhcOSHtr1T4IOw%2fPR7UdZvOu5DRVt2deasmf2HBcwZYbJG4H2C6qYTUnZV7TLou4O5Uoyrr6RlgJ%2bX7ZMi0Rlf0vy1HiSEjLDrqPQG4kTvQw2sciBNa3ZAuuAZp3ts0AN6loPMaV8Xt5%2f6Vkr0clR6TBA7v%2fkljmYhZ1u%2bROrd3xdVbI2pax5M6OnPCfkHm The card in that will play swtor quite nicely, and it'll look cool on either a desk, or in the livingroom next to a television.
  20. Preferred no longer pay for sub. Preferred no longer have endgame access. You want endgame you pay for endgame. Seriously. This is a capitalist society. If you prefer to get everything free there are places for that. Try the game culture there.
  21. Waits are short enough now, thank you very much. I get an immediate pop when I queue for groupfinder. I never wait more than a few minutes for a pvp pop. Your argument is invalid.
  22. I believe they get 5 pvp matches/week? And some GSF. And heroics. So, you're not getting it. They help me. I kill them now and then. I don't need them in Ops.
  23. Must take you a while to get to Social X, what with you know, getting kicked from groupfinder content for 'unknown' reasons
  24. They're flourishing well enough as is. F2P gets you to lvl 50. If you want endgame, you pay for endgame. Nuff said.
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