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Everything posted by translucentwolf

  1. A 1050 ti should run this game just fine at 1080. If your frame rates drop, lower some of the settings a bit.
  2. The usual ask from these guys is 'give out free items like mounts, armor, etc.' Which would, you know, give subs less reasons to buy cms to use on packs. I, personally, would be happy to see f2p and preferred players *all* cut loose. If they don't pay... **** 'em.
  3. Because... If social were legacy wide, we'd have people group up long enough to get social V and then.... Stop grouping up as much. Go back to whatever non social first person shooter you really want to be playing.
  4. This right here.... This right here. And the people screaming on the boards for 'more stuff for f2p!' today, will be the silent f2p players of tomorrow. Keep screaming if you like. But if you want to be screaming about Ops..... Keep paying.
  5. Correct. Weekly passes will just encourage people to unsub. Why pay a sub, when you can just buy a weekly pass every other month?
  6. I think ops passes should be purchasable for cash, only. They should, further be legacy bound. This would prefer 'referral link' scammers from paying nothing into the system. Blend all you want. You want ops, you pony up a couple of bucks. Capitalism.
  7. I would prefer that the armor from social vendors ( and the other items like the galactic party bomb ) maintain their current restrictions. This ensures that new characters continue to do group activities.
  8. "Tward the end of next quarter, they'll probably have some news." So, like, at the end of Spring they may have some news regarding passes. At no point did they say when, or what sort of passes would be coming back. So, the OP heard wrong I guess? Benefit of the doubt. Maybe a hearing check is in order. Those thick American accents can be hard to understand from time to time.
  9. Your stating something doesn't make it so. Allow me to demonstrate: The moon is made of pizza There. I stated it. Does that mean Neal Armstrong could have brought home a slice when he was there?
  10. Protip: Keep your sub. It costs less than you'd pay for 2 pints, and lasts longer.
  11. Well. True. If I want to feel good about myself, I play my smuggler, and fight the good fight. If I want to win, I play my operative, and stab smugglers in the back.
  12. You want to buy them with security key ccs, and referral ccs. And that, sir, would net the company 0 dollars, pounds, etc. currency. Your own words tripped you up sir.
  13. Links or it didn't happen. Also: Pay to play, or deal with f2p content. Also: Does anyone else get tired of these ' i want something for nothing ' threads?
  14. But, is your mara in 228 augs 'useless' ? Does that mara loose every match? In any case, a player that spends 100 million on augs gets the 100 million set of augs. A player that doesn't buy the augs, doesn't have the augs. There is no reason for the devs to waste any time on people who want BIS for free. The existing system ( two mat types required, 1 drops pve, 1 drops pvp ) works well. It encourages players to do content. If you don't like the content, you don't have to do the content. You just have to buy the mat that drops in the content you don't like.
  15. Bolster is a thing. It evens the playing field enough that a skilled player will make a difference on the team. Not everyone is a winner.... People who work for that 100 million set of augments... *have* that set. People who don't, don't. The entitlement is *strong* with this forum. Grind for tier 1 augs, or deal with non tier 1 augs.
  16. *shrug* If you have 248s, and decent ( not top tier ) augs, and you know your class / spec, you'll contribute / help in a match, ranked or non. And you'll contribute to ops / fps ( master mode included ). The 'I have to have the best, to be the best' argument has some merit. But... really... most of the people screaming for the 'best' are really just.... not going to be the best regardless of gearing. My post history is what it is. The constant 'Gotta have BIS' attitude in this game is, once again, laughable.
  17. We will mourn the loss of the referral link in your sig when you're gone.
  18. Augments alone don't make you competitive. One tier to another doesn't make you competitive. If you're in top tier gear, with 2nd tier augments, and you know your class / spec, you can compete with someone in top / top, you're not automatically 'non competitive'. The fact that you even pull the 'if you're not tier 1 augs, you heal for little' and do little to no damage is.... laughable.
  19. I don't always agree with TUX, but I do agree with this particular post. I was in the beta, and have maintained my sub since launch. For me, the game costs 12.99/month ( 6 month sub ). I think the cost is quite reasonable for the amount of time I can spend playing the game. If I only spend 3 hours a week, the cost is < 1 dollar / hour for a quality interactive game.
  20. There should be a red timer showing how long it's bound for. When the timer runs out, you can sell / trade / email the items.
  21. If you don't like what you see speak with your wallet. Unsub. If you stay than youre supporting the game and the developers.
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