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Everything posted by translucentwolf

  1. Wow. You can't get 100% completion? That sucks man. You should probably just like... quit.
  2. And if he posted every day, and said 'Nothing to report' you'd be unhappy with that. They have nothing to say. But, keep asking.
  3. They must have been shutting down for a while now.... I've been seeing these sales for like, years.
  4. I'm not sure, but I'd guess that someone looked at the number of 'spanish speaker only' players who would be willing / able to pay a sub for this game, and decided it was too low to warrant the cost of translation. A lot of folks who speak spanish also speak one of the other languages that are available.
  5. You may not have noticed, but names now support spaces. So... the system has to know when the name is over. Example, under old system: /whisper Dakota Faith is unhinged and uses the "triggered" buzzword to try and seem edgy. The user Dakota would get: Faith is unhinged and uses the "triggered" buzzword to try and seem edgy. With the new system, we can use: /whisper Dakota Faith: is unhinged and uses the "triggered" buzzword to try and seem edgy. The user Dakota Faith will get: is unhinged and uses the "triggered" buzzword to try and seem edgy. Hope that clears things up for you Triggered much?
  6. It's easy to understand the angst that the closure of this game will cause. Some people have spent thousands of hours, and thousands of dollars building up their characters. I'll state this one more time, for those who haven't seen it yet. An MMO is not an investment. Your subs and your CC purchases are for *entertainment* for a set period of time. This game could be shut down tomorrow. Or while I'm typing up this message. *Shrug* When it closes, you'll have to learn to love some other game. Life will go on. You will still have to pay your taxes. Please continue to make new threads with unsub threats. They're the easiest to report and have removed.
  7. I never wait for more than 1 minute for a Groupfinder pop, when I'm playing a tank. I never wait more than 5 minutes as a healer. DPS ( the guys who can't / won't learn the mechanics to heal / tank ) I don't know about. Maybe their pops are a bit slower. PvP pops quite steadily regardless of what sort of toon I'm running. So, maybe you're just 'ignored' by a lot more people than I am. That's really unfortunate. Be nicer to folks.
  8. Shan dualsaber, and single saber. cosmetics. some mounts. some other armors.
  9. This petition should have been made *before* launch. Having a couple of hundred people ask for it now is just... a waste of the energy it takes to keep that page available.
  10. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And in the end, every day is a new day, and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on. Sappy quotes one and all. And still topical. In the end, do not mourn the passing of SWTOR. Enjoy these last days. And then go away.
  11. We've already had the 'think of the qol improvements if we allow f2p folks in. Well, son, they've been in for a while now. Ops fill up quite nicely, and PvP pops quite regularly without the new people you want to have join up, and get something for nothing. Your arguments for giving the game away are transparently *you* wanting to get the game, and not pay. Nice try, but no thank you. You have a pay what you want system now. You want to pay less, then you're gonna get less.
  12. Oh no. You said the E word. An attack Renata will be deployed to your location shortly. Please stand by.
  13. Nah. But profit is profit. The profit from subs didn't support 218 servers. So they got rid of some. Right now, it doesn't support 2 separate data centers in the US, with several servers each. So... we have 1 data center in the US. Yeah, there's a trend. Shrug.
  14. I didn't complain. I said I'm sure that the thread was enjoyed. I said it with a *lot* of sarcasm, but still, the text on screen was not a criticism. Ya'll wanna keep beating this dead horse, I'm happy to hand out bats and watch you go at it. If you can't handle the horse kicking back now and then, that's your problem.
  15. The current model *is* working, or there wouldn't be a game. You have no examples of what will actually happen to *this* game if changes were made. Sub fees will continue to pay for the East Coast datacenter, unless EA does something odd like.... no longer asking to be paid for use of those servers. I think the sub fee should be doubled, at least. This game is at least twice as good as WoW.
  16. Ok, honey, here it comes: I already gain xp faster than a free to play I already get 500 ccs My cost to change appearance is already lower. And the free ccs I get allow me to buy the other unlocks My sub already gives me 6.0 My sub gets me all that, *and* Ops, PVP, etc. that the F2P crowd don't have. My actual argument against changing the system is simply this: Removal of sub fees could ( no way to tell for sure, till the switch is thrown, is there, big guy? ) result in lower income to EA, and thus a greater possibility of the game being shuttered. I want to sub fee to remain, so the server farm bills keep getting paid, so I keep getting to play. So, I'm *perfectly* happy with the current arrangement. Actually.... *we* who sub, and are willing to *support the game* will continue to do so. The only people who can post here are subs. So you're paying now. Some of *you* who no longer want to pay and support the game want to *keep* what you have now as a sub, and just loose the monthly fee. Nice try. And please. Keep asking, every day, in a new thread when your old thread gets removed. If it makes you happy, ask more than once a day.
  17. I'm sure that we, the community, enjoy reading these long threads, a few times a week, by the same small group of posters, asking for the same things. Please feel free to continue to post, and ask for things which you think are reasonable. Just don't hold your breath waiting for your requests to be realized.
  18. https://vulkk.com/2017/12/08/swtor-interview-timothy-zahn/ They 'collaborated' with him. I'm sure he didn't do it for free. Some items from interview: Zenka, Saganu, and Valss' complete names may be revealed in the future. More information about Chiss culture may be released soon, at least in terms of what is relevant to Copero. (Codex entries, maybe? They did them for old flashpoints like Manaan). The traps and challenges in the temple are one variation of a part of the adoption ritual for Chiss noble families. The Chiss use of droids may be part of a treaty stipulation between the Empire and the Chiss - a trial technology. Copero is a Chiss world outsiders are allowed to come to, albeit rarely. EDIT: Someone asked if Copero was the Chiss Homeworld, to which they responded that it hasn't been established as such. In Legends, the Chiss capital is Csilla (and as far as I know, their homeworld), so it's interesting that they made this statement when the Chiss capital and homeworld is known. Zahn would like to write further for SWTOR, they discussed bringing in some of the other species from Heir to the Empire including the Bothans, and particularly the Defel. (I personally would love to see them bring in the Noghri, who were tied into KOTOR as a Rakata slave race via the Republic comics). SWTOR's storyline is currently on a roughly one-year-out schedule from conceptualization to release. Anything they collaborate on has to be approved by Lucasfilm.
  19. Nope. The Op said he'll unsub if they don't give him back a datacenter on the west coast. I'm pointing out that the OP and his sub don't matter, at all. His unsub has already been planned for. Goodbye OP. Your sub is no longer required for SWTOR to remain profitable. In fact, I salute you. The *loss* of your datacenter helps to ensure that *I* and the other east coast players will continue to have the game a bit longer. Thank you for your sacrifice.
  20. Hypothetical: East coast datacenter cost: 1x East coast players subs: 1y West coast datacenter cost: 1x West coast players subs: 1y Cost of combined datacenter: < 2x West coast subs lost: < 1y Remaining subs > 1y In the above situation, it is may be logical to cut loose the west coast datacenter. The lost west coast sub income is < than the cost savings of going to a single datacenter. As we don't have actual numbers to plug in up there, we can't know for sure that this scenario is what drove the datacenter consolidation. But, it's the sort of logic that would make sense to an accountant. Money will usually win out over public sentiment when the two are weighed by an accountant.
  21. I speak for every single human on earth when I say: Keep calm, and play on. /fin
  22. +1 for 'no change' Removal of the needless pvp set means that players no longer have to craft / purchase 2 sets of augments, on top of grinding for 2 sets of gear / relics / implants. Mastery is your pvp stat. Stack it if you want. Others will stack what they want. Pop a command boost and do a daily GF op, and you'll get about 20 of crates. And somewhere in there, you'll probably get a gold piece. Command Crates are working just fine.
  23. An overly vocal group of questionably sane people can do some fairly incredible things. They can elect a joke, for example. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0535/6917/products/idiocydemotivator.jpeg?v=1430423036
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