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    Da 561
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    Sports.Friends.Video Games.
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    Work in Warehouse
  1. Thanks for the find I would buy it if I could but I just can't. Guess I might just have to put in on Low to Medium settings. I wouldn't mind either as long as it runs smoothly
  2. Yea but either way I can't pay for $220 card plus a new Power Supply. I'm probably only going to be able to spend $200 dollar max on both this is turning out to be a very expensive game and Im still going to have to pay for a subscription lol
  3. Lol actually its about 300 just looked it up at Newegg don't got that kind of money man gotta get people christmas presents too man lol
  4. My price range is $100 or maybe a little more and going to have to buy a new power supply with it also thx for the replys guys
  5. So I need a new graphics card and I was wondering what kind of graphics card would I need to run Swtor on high to medium graphics setting with about a 30-40 fps. What are you using and how is it working. Any recommendations would be appreciated
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