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Everything posted by BardaTheHobo

  1. IMO, it would be better "for everyone" to make them tradeable. Pvprs can buy them, raiders can make mula, and crafters that have a small guild can get the resources they need.
  2. I second this. I hate when people start using WoW as a reference. I have never played it so all they do is confuse me :/
  3. The closest i know of is the rakata gear. Its similar style but reverse, mainly black with some white
  4. yeah ir is not a reliable means of dots unless its a 1v1. Good news though is that sorcs/sages cant cleanse tech. Only scoundrels/commandos can. Commandos is not that good and is "expensive" Scoundrels however, 4 second cooldown and heals (removes two) so if they have a scoundrel/op healer you are going to have a tough time. Especially since ir is such a noticeable ability when used.
  5. As having done both, I prefer the smuggler story. The trooper story imo was kind of plain, but it does have some cool moments
  6. change re-open wounds, keep it 2 point box, but make it so each point reduces the energy cost of shrap bomb, vital shot, and wound shots by 2 per point. Would be a net of 12 energy saved on a standard rotation.
  7. would you mind showing your point distribution. I saw that you had the box that gives the aggro dropper a snare break (thinking about picking it up myself), just curios where it came out of, im guessing experimental explosives/arsonist? (atleast thats what I think I saw) Oh and what was the first song hehe---nevermind, saw it in the credits
  8. Awesome video, missing the second blaster to make it epic tho
  9. In 1.2 you can wear any orange item you want since you will be able to remove all the mods from pvp/pve gear, armor,mod,enhancement
  10. I took your advice and tired it, and I love it. I tried dirtyfighting initialy at (35?) (when i could get wounding shots) and was not a fan due to energy issues but it seems to be better now, probably becase I play better now hehe. This is the build im using now, (only level 41) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZrI0oZGbbkrMhz.1 Open up with my two dots, cover sab charge, woundingshots and usualy Quickdraw is finising players off hehe. So thanks for the reccomendation One question tho, what do you do when you have a enemy operative/scoundrel healer cleansing your dots? I only ask because on my vanguard I queue with a scoundrel healer and he is constantly removing dots to make cull do less. Just curious what you do in those situations, just reapply the single target dot and cull/wounding shots again? Thanks again
  11. So my gunslinger is nearing the 50 bracket. I have been leveling up my gs so far switching between SS and Sab. I tried df but wasnt a fan. What I am wandering is how does a "full" saboteur spec gunslinger do post 50? It has been working alright for me so far but a lot changes once you hit 50. Thanks. This is a build Ive been looking at: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bc0MZMI0rRRbRrsZh.1 or http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZMI0rRRbRMcZGbbkM.1 I know that fresh 50 will be bad no matter spec becuase of gear hehe. But im more looking at after gearing.
  12. If i remember right I had a chestpiece that looked exactly like that, maybe a little different color, at around 21, but it was blue not orange :/ Edit: NVM, the part around the neck was a little thicker
  13. whoever is on at the time but preferably 2 tanks 2 healers, 1 mix of tank and dps (like assault vnaguard running ion cell, rest fulldps
  14. umm what are these arenas and seasons you speak of?
  15. Atleast we will be able tp ut the stuff in orange gear is 1.2 :/ I would refuse the stat boost on my smuggler if I had to wear that stuff
  16. Exactly, people say wow didn't so this game can't (i never played wow so I don't know wth they did over there) But the same argument could be made with the games that did allow you to change your class, like you listed, swg.
  17. I also run Tactics most of the time (spec into assault sometimes, like to change things up) but 85% of the time im full tactics. I would be cool to have is root or atleast a snare attached to it (if specced into tactics, unbuffed no snare) or even a range increase. /signed
  18. its the one that poped up with the other republic armors http://video.mmosite.com/default.php?controller=resource&action=play&id=17888 around 1:40
  19. lol, thats a very fitting name
  20. The article also says that every class will get changes. Whether they are all benefits or not we will see in 1.2 patch notes heh
  21. BardaTheHobo

    Fix Guard

    I think the way it works now is fine, but i think that the value needs to change, 50% is a little much
  22. I have 2 questions, maybe no one knows, but with the talk of being two different queues, one group, one solo. 1) Will people be able to queue up a full 8 people? 2) If you group with 1 or 2 other(s) will you be in the group ranked wz queue or solo?
  23. I read that the if you keep the blaster it looks different. But than again it could be wrong, theres lots of misleading info on the internet hehe.
  24. At the end of ACTI there was one as a optional reward, I think the choice was between two different pistols or some lootchest.
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