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Everything posted by somnang

  1. Thanks for the info!! I'll go back to my full pvp gear for a bit. A little bit offtopic, how's the 28/0/13 build? I thought about it at first, but eventually using the 13 pts in Concealment.
  2. Yeah I'm not there with BM pieces yet -- only have Implants, Ear, chest and belt. I'm working on it though. So it's any combo of 4 BM gear with Rakata weap + another Rakata piece? I'm almost full Rakata -- just missing gloves, knife and another implant.
  3. I've been experimenting with mix and matching different gear for pvp and so far I haven't really notice any significant changes. I'm an Operative healer (28/13/0 spec). Currently I'm using the following gear setup: Head: Rakata Field Medic Chest: BM Field Medic Gloves: Champion Enforcer Belt: BM Field Medic Legs: Champ Field Medic Feet: Rakata Field Medic Ear: BM Field Medic Implants: BM Enforcer 2x Wrists: Rakata Field Medic Relics: Matrix Cube M7-R3 & Perpetual Healing Device Weapon: Champ Field Medic Rifle Knife: Champ Field Medic (The BM pieces I listed above are the only BM I have so far) With the above setup, I have 438 expertise (that's +9.28% increase in dmg, dmg reduction, and healing boost on/against players). My HP is at 17913 (unbuffed), Crit chance at 29.18%, Cunning at 1526, Power is 365. Now, the following is my setup with the most expertise I can get so far: Head: Champ Field Medic Chest: BM Field Medic Gloves: Champ Enforcer Belt: BM Field Medic Legs: Champ Field Medic Feet: Champ Field Medic Ear: BM Field Medic Implants: BM Enforcer 2x Wrists: Champ Field Medic Relics: Champ Relic of Boundless Ages & Champ Relic of Forbidden Secrets Weapon: Champ Field Medic Rifle Knife: Champ Field Medic The above setup: I have 672 expertise (12.32%), BUT my HP is at 16662, Crit chance is 28.60%, Cunning at 1376, Power at 315. My question is: is having more expertise (about 3% increase), worth it over decrease in other stats? My HP, Crit, Cunning, and Power drops. I've done warzones and Ilum with these 2 setups and really I haven't notice much. It sucks that there aren't any dmg/heal meters or at the very least, combat log. What do you guys recommend/think? I read that there's a soft cap on expertise at around 500?
  4. When I was leveling, I was heal spec all the way. I tried him and Ensign for dps -- but I prefer Ensign more. I tried to gear Vector up and use him more, but I always turn to Ensign for dps. Now all I use is Ensign or Lokin
  5. Here's my build (28/13/0): http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/imperial_agent/operative/#::f3e3f4ef2ef2e2fe3fe5fe3fef2efef20: You can take out 1 pt from Tox Screen (doesn't seem to be working properly) and put it somewhere else. So far I really like this build. I really like Laceration for that extra dmg - when another player try to jump me 1vs1 or stopping the ball carrier in Huttball. Also Revitalizers is nice for extra healing. I've used this build in both PVP and HMs (FE, Battle of Ilum, Foundry, Kaon Under Seige). Been working really well for me. I have a raid tomorrow night (hardmode EV). I'll update on how this build will function. This is my Concealment build (3/31/7): http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/imperial_agent/operative/#::e5fe2fe6fe3f19ef6ef5ef2ef4: I used to use this, but I switched to 28/13/0 so I can do both PVP and PVE stuff, without have to respec all the time. It really comes down to this: If you want the easy method to getting metals in pvp, go Concealment. In dps spec, I can easily get 7 metals without much effort whereas in healing spec, I have to work freakin' hard. And in healing spec, you WILL constantly get chased by multiple people.
  6. Rift had a system where you can increase your stats called attunement. It was pretty cool. I just hope whatever they plan with Legacy system is rewarding.
  7. How often do the BM commendation drop? I don't want to make the same mistake with Champ gear where I took a mixture of 3 sets. Took me awhile to get a full set because I had pieces from each set. Good thing the commendations are easier to get... but I'm not sure about BM. I was thinking of BM Field Medic, but not too sure.
  8. For those who are Concealment dps, which sets are the better one?
  9. The trick is to do it after the weekly patch. Usually on the first day, it'll be good. But any time after that, it gets bugged. I've already submitted like 5 tickets for this. I've come to terms that this won't be fixed anytime soon.
  10. Hey guys so I recently switched from heal to dps spec (Concealment mainly) and I'm curious on which is the better pvp gear sets -- Enforcers or Field Tech. Which would you guys recommend? Thanks
  11. Reminds me of my server Except there are a few Republics who are really persistent.... Which is good. Rather have that than going in circles looking for armaments
  12. I'm on my 2nd char (Sith Assassin) and is one level away from 50. My first char is IA Op, who is 50. I might pvp a little bit here and there, then probably go on my 3rd char (BH Powertech) who is level 33. Storyline is really good, but not much else. PS... just grinding out until GW2 beta comes out in a few months.
  13. My server is heavily Empire and it's hard finding Republics since 1.1 patch. There were a few skirmishes here and there, but it's really a hit or miss. Either you log on and a bunch of republics are there or it's just dead -- mainly dead though We spend more time fighting one another for the armament spawns than actually battling the Republics. PS... they need to really really fix Defending the Shipment. It would work for a day or two after a patch, then gets bugged again.
  14. I sent an email to Bioware. I received the email for the Founder title, but I don't see the in game email to claim it on any of my characters. On a side note, I'm starting to see more Founder title on everyone. Like the above comment, it's pointless right now. Everyone is a founder lol
  15. I agree with customizable speeders! I'm still using the 100% one because the 110% is pointless, other than the looks. They really need to bump the speed up or at least allow mods.
  16. Yeah I should have rolled BH Merc as healer... but it's cool with Op
  17. Thanks, think I'll give this a try.
  18. Yeah, which is why I hate Huttball lol, but I like the other 2 WZ. The only problem is, on my server (Shadowtown), it's really rare that I get the other warzones. Past few days, I've been playing my SI assassin (lvl 48) more because I feel more beneficial to my group.
  19. My Ops spec: 31 Med, 3 Conceal, and 7 Lethality. I've noticed, especially in Huttball, my Op is really gimped -- no force speed/pull, knock backs, or 'jump to' type of abilities. It really sucks to not be able to do much when the other side's ball carrier is on a ledge or having a burst of speed to get that extra meter to reach the end zone. I recently read about Ops dps (which I knew nothing about when I rolled this class). I was wondering if it's better to respec to conceal/lethality. Any Ops here originally heal spec'd, but switched to dps have any thoughts? What also sucks is that I have 6 Champion Field Medic gear so if I switched to dps, I'd lose the bonus.
  20. I have a 50 IA, 48 SI, and 32 BH... Imperial Agent storyline is very addicting. I actually started my IA as a 3rd character alt, but I was hooked and didn't want to switch to my other char. Now I want to finish SI... it's alright tbh.
  21. During Beta, I tried out Jedi Consular. The storyline was boring to me -- I found myself 'space bar-ing' at each cut scene. I really want to try it out, but Empire storyline is really cool. Currently I have a lvl 50 IA, 43 Sith Inq, and 32 BH. IA storyline is incredible!! My Sith Inq was actually my first char, but when I started IA -- I was hooked from the start. How's the trooper or smuggler storyline?
  22. I'm probably among the few that likes the maintenance time. I'm in west coast and I usually don't sleep until 12 or 1am and wake up around 8ish. This is perfect timing... by the time I wake up, servers would be up.
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