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Everything posted by Killadrix

  1. Removing expertise is a terrible idea. I know that most of the following posters will never understand why (as I've explained it to them many, many, many time). But it will be bad.
  2. The reality is this: WoW is a decently built game, and has become so through trial and error. 8+ years of development has gotten them to some of the best solutions in the MMO industry. The very reasons that SWTOR is struggling right this very minute is because they went off the beaten path when Blizzard had already done their homework for them: Look at Wintersgrasp: Blizz knew the population imbalance would ruin gameplay for underpopulated factions so they created Tenacity. Tenacity wasn't really doing what they needed it to do so they capped the populations 1:1 and carried it into Cataclysm with Tol Barad. 50's are suffering from PVP queue times: Blizzard developed cross realm PVP, which Trion even had the brains to use in Rift. Look at all this wonky gameplay which could be solved by macros and addons: SWTOR wants none of it. Look at the AH: Blizzard has a great system, this one is total garbage. Everyone claims they don't want to play a WoW clone, but the reality is that trying not to be WoW is going to make the game subpar because Blizzard has perfected nearly everything. Reinventing the wheel is a really, really bad idea and I am shocked that with examples such as Wintergrasp and Tol Barad that the BW Devs somehow decided against doing ANYTHING right as far as Ilum goes. It's not even like they sat down and said "WG and TB were done like 'this', how can we improve upon it?" - they went straight to the drawing board and screwed the pooch.
  3. Such a load of crap. I won't be playing this game for much longer.
  4. Oh, my bad. I didn't realize having a feeling was empirical evidence.
  5. I think you might just be used to level 14's plinking away at you and now you have full teams of 50's tearing your face off.
  6. I do believe that there could have been more foresight placed into player decisions. However, I do feel that BW is ultimately responsible for creating a game where each side is equally appealing, allowing players to choose what they want to play to have fun and not need to play a class/race/etc. they don't want to play in order to have fun.
  7. Remeber how everyone used to complain about the 1:1 in WG and TB in WoW? lololol @ those people.
  8. omg we have almost the exact same keybinds.
  9. This has absolutely nothing to do with PVP stats, so please work harder to find a more convenient excuse to crap on about Expertise, Resilience, Valor, etc..
  10. Pretty much this. I have defended Expertise, defended premades vs pugs, defended the one PVP bracket on these forums for the last month. I'm an idiot for defending any decisions these guys make.
  11. I'm sorry, BW. I REALLY want to enjoy your game as I find it a very nice change from the normal fantasy MMO's out there. The issue here is this: I've spent the last 3 weeks grinding out Valor rank 39 on my Trooper and find your choice to allow Ilum to go live in such a state that people can accomplish the same feat plus more in a matter of hours while AFK and/or spawn camping a severely underpopultated faction absolutely reprehensible. The simple fact that you have trivialized all of the work that people have placed into ranking up since launch really casts some doubts on your judgement in matters of game development and balancing. Thus far I have dealt with: Raid Frames which do not update properly Abilities which do not activate properly (Full Auto) Getting kicked to the character select screen when I accept a WZ queue A Ridiculous PVP DR system A Ridiculous PVP Gear progression system ...and I keep telling myself that BW is going to work things out, and I will enjoy this game. Unfortunately, things like the recent Ilum debacle make me realize how wrong I have been. I work in Human Resources, and we have a saying as it pertains to promoting people: "Don't promote based on potential". This means you don't reward someone because of what you THINK they are capable of; you reward them based on what they DEMONSTRATE what they are capable of. No matter how much potential I believe this game has, you have failed to demonstrate that this game is worth my $15/month. Best of luck to you, and I hope for your sake you take a good long look at the people you have hired to make decisions for this game.
  12. Horrific UI Broken Raid Frames Abilities which don't go off half the time (Full Auto) Ridiculous DR system Ridiculous PVP Gear progression system Now..Ilum. Not even sure why I am still playing this game.
  13. I'm actually having a blast in the new Warzones.
  14. Yea, Repubs - quit your complaining and just find 100-200 friends to tag along with so you can enjoy Ilum.
  15. This is clearly the work of one of the "most experience PVP MMO Teams" there is.
  16. Bleh, take a game I marginally enjoyed for PVP then make it not even worth getting to 50 as Republic. Seems legit.
  17. lol level 45 Combat Medic in new WZ's. I pretty much never...what's the word for it? Oh, that's right - die. Healers are the new 50's : (
  18. As I said in another thread, this is the exact reason that xrealm WZ servers are needed (sooner than later). However, anyone interested in PVP so much that they would quit a game over queue times should have done some homework and made sure they weren't leveling on a low/medium pop server. I don't mean to come off like a jerk, but I know that's the first thing I looked at while I was downloading the game.
  19. Yeah, and because that was total fail they removed said mechanic and forced even sides.
  20. I agree that your situation is crappy and is why they need to implement xrealm WZ queues. However, any veteran MMO player who PVP's should know to research their server before choosing it to avoid ending up on some ghost town server with major queues.
  21. Because as we all know, this never happened when all levels were in one bracket.
  22. I like how people always claim that a SWTOR (a game dependent upon subscriptions) should use the same gearing system GW (a game not dependent upon subscriptions) used. /lol
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