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Everything posted by Killadrix

  1. They can't code health values on raid frames to update properly or mortar volley to actually begin firing when the animation starts - I think we are a long ways away from them coding xrealm Warzones.
  2. They can't code health values on raid frames to update properly or mortar volley to actually begin firing when the animation starts - I think we are a long ways away from them coding xrealm Warzones.
  3. This, and when damage reduction increases, so does the effectiveness of heals.
  4. Ya, I find it ironic that they don't want xrealm WZ's so there is more community, yet they don't include server forums.
  5. I am Repub on Sword of Ajunta Pall, and the real issues there are the sheer number of premades and the number of 50's queuing combined with the fact that Repubs here are terrible. My recommendation is if you start getting premades, just go level and alt or w/e; if you get non-premades, then try to squeak out a few wins.
  6. Easily one of the most Elite PVP videos I've seen.
  7. Clearly if people don't subscribe to your definition of PVP then they aren't PVP'ers.
  8. If only this were mathematically possible due to bolster, you might have a point.
  9. Because PVP will be more exciting with level 15 players sporting 1k hp on your team?
  10. I can't really tell if this is a: 1) Remove Bolster thread 2) Nerf Sorcerers thread 3) Buff Tanks in PVP thread
  11. It's not a red herring at all, it's an analogy. Every single person subscribed to this game (who hasn't lost their posting priveleges) has the right to voice their opinion about what would make the game better for them. Telling people to stop crying or quit is ridiculous.
  12. And you are certainly entitled to it. I just think it's easy for us to sit back and shoot holes in whatever they decide and gripe, complain and make suggestions with very little thought placed into: 1) Will unintended consequences of this decision break the game 2) Will this cause PVP/PVE/Timeline/balancing nightmares 3) Does BW currently have the resources to dedicate to it 4) Millions of players with millions of frames of reference and playstyles play this game, how will it effect the greater population Sometimes we all need to think a bit deeper than "HERPA DERPA EXPERTISE!"
  13. Hey guys, nobody vote in the upcoming November Presidential elections. If you don't like who the country is run, just leave. Don't voice your opinion, don't rock the boat, just roll over and keep paying uncle same or get out. Amirite?
  14. Because decreasing the Trauma debuff means everyone across the board gets a healing "buff", whereas tweaking it through expertise means those with more expertise are gaining the most effectiveness from heals.
  15. There are many things wrong with this design: 1) For it to be equitable, every time a PVP or PVE tier is released, then BW will be forced to release a new tier of the other which has the potential to increase the speed of the gear grind. 2) For it to be equitable, they will have to ensure that PVP players and PVE players are able to gear equally as fast (or slow) as the other. 3) It will not go over well with the PVE'ers that PVP'ers can "AFK" or "lose" their way to the gear they were required to defeat bosses for. 4) It will also not go over well with the PVE'ers that PVP'ers can farm similar gear to them through PVP and then with potentially zero PVE experience jump into high level PVE groups. 5) Then you have the issue of people farming PVP weapons to PVE with since it has the potential to reduce "waiting for a drop" off a boss. I'm sure there are more. I understand the spirit of what you are saying, but you need to look at it more realistically.
  16. Because lowering the Trauma debuff heal % will increase the size of heals whereas mechanics such as expertise increases the effectiveness of heals without increasing their size.
  17. I can't even being to see what your point is with this reply. The point of Trauma is to help balance PVP and PVE healing.
  18. /facepalm To make healing more effective.
  19. Hey guys, any class can hit for nearly 10k under the same circumstances as evidenced by the fact that we have seen no videos of any other class except Ops/Scoundrels doing it. Wait, what?
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