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Everything posted by Kerplode

  1. As much as I want to be a Jawa Sith, that would never happen, considering the Empire's feelings towards Aliens being Sith. So I guess I'd be a Sith Pureblood, 2 Lightsabres (Can't get over how awesome that is) both red, and Empire of course.
  2. On a scale of 1 to Mad, what are you? On a more serious note... People like to coin names for builds they "create" for a kind of fun factor. Like Build Orders in Starcraft 2 (Strategy Game) one is named Ice Fisher, coined by the player "Spanishiwa" It has nothing to do with anything in the game, it's just a little creative part of the namer that sticks with the build. If you made a build you wholly thought was yours, would you just name it "the Raific Tank Build?" Or would you call it something a little more creative?
  3. Everytime I see concept of Malgus I'm just like SQUUEEEEEE Malgus all the way (across the galaxy)
  4. Why do these threads persist? There has not yet been a flood of sub-cancels. And making this thread certainly doesn't help BioWare at all. And besides... 1.2 is bringing a lot of gameplay changes
  5. My only problem is I'm going to see everybody and their mother with a red sabre on Republic. And everybody but me will have red sabres in Warzones. Just not cool
  6. But I also can't stand having an unorganized hotkey thing. My top-mid action bar is 1 to = on the keyboard And my bottom-mid action bar is 1-9, /, *, and - on the numpad. For things like Heroic Moment and Quick Travel and Sustained abilities, I use the Left/Right Side Bars since I don't really need them at a hotkey.
  7. So are the ones at level 50 really hard? Because the gear in the Supplies section of the Fleet looks very interesting, especially in the looks, and I'd like to have them, but I don't know if it'll be really hard for my level.
  8. Hi. This is my very first MMORPG and "Raiding" seems to be the end-game thing in most, if not all, MMOs. - What is Raiding? Are these the "Operations?" And what level are they available? - Do I need to be great at the game to do them? I'm still getting used to using hotkeys, and even then I usually just click on the ability if its number is above 7 on my keyboard. I'm not the best at this game, although I'd like to say I'm not bad. Thank you for your time.
  9. The only time a goodbye letter is really necessary is when you're leaving a bunch of close friends/you've been playing for years. To have a goodbye letter because you don't enjoy the game as much as you thought? That's where nobody cares
  10. I'm sorry, but I could barely read this post. Was this in english?
  11. Thanks for your help guys! Seriously, you're great!
  12. So I do want to begin role-playing! The only role-playing I've ever done was in the RTS "Starcraft: Brood War" and I would have considered myself "meh" at skill-level. Anyways, so I want to begin and I don't know where to start! So here is my wall of questions... 1 - Best RP Server? - I'd like to go somewhere where the role-playing is taken seriously, but not strictly, and has the best community for both masters and beginners. 2 - How is it done? - With Starcraft, you could spawn units to simulate armies, and spawn Hero units to simulate characters. With The Old Republic, I'd like to know how it's done. You are allowed only 1 character at a time, it seems like all you can do is have a hero-fest of people trying to outshine eachother. This may just be an ignorant assumption, but I'd like some help. 3 - RP Clan? - Is most RP'ing done in a group of friends (or clan) or can I walk around, doing my class quests, and begin adventures with enemies and/or friends? - If it's suggested to join a clan, I'd like to know a laid-back community that fits the description of the above server (serious, but not strict) and has some good times out-of-context as well as in the RP's universe. 4 - Character Parameters - Is there a certain template I should follow when making my character? Like, are certain traits/talents/histories forbidden to certain classes/races? - Can I make my character be part of my own non-canon ideas? 5 - Lastly, Where do I Make A Character? - Is there a supported Character Sheet on this website, or would I need to join a certain guild/community to access such a feature? (Because my character ideas all stem from their biographies, and I can't just tell a random person "Hey, my guy is a Sith Lord" when role-playing with him and go off on his history with the Empire/Republic.) Thank you to all of those who answered or at least read my post.
  13. My server is usually Standard and sometimes on primetime it's Heavy. I can find PvP in at least 20 seconds, and at most about 10 minutes. I can't even find a low-pop server (US)
  14. I love Starcraft, and this thread is boss. You, sir, just brought a big happy into my head.
  15. Ewoks? NO My cute little Jawas will always win!
  16. I will agree that there are a lot of Sages, but I see a lot more Scoundrels/Gunslingers than I do Commandos.
  17. That had literally almost NOTHING to do with the original post. xD However, I think the Zabraks actually look better on the Republic side. I hate seeing Zabraks on Empire, they're all just Darth Maul clones and it gets annoying. But hey, that's all just my opinion.
  18. They're implementing it in the next patch, guys. Calm down
  19. I'm sorry, but TOR has had the GREATEST music I've ever heard in any video game. Just thought I'd share
  20. Sounds more like somebody's mad that their thread was closed
  21. The tears... THE TEARS THE TEARS!!!!!!! Seriously. It's YOUR $15/month, and if you are disappointed, there is a variety of other things to do other than SWtOR. You can go to the game-who-must-not-be-named, since that's what everybody who hates SWtOR goes to. You can wait patiently for the "WoW Killer" Guild Wars 2 (But that nickname gets thrown around too often). You can go on a nostalgia trip and buy a bunch of old games you enjoyed as a child/adolescent. You can even just stop playing altogether. My point: Unsubscribe if you're disappointed.
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