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Everything posted by Kerplode

  1. Wahhhhhhh zero point 5 seconds wahhhhhhhhhh i'm so impatient wahhhhhhh
  2. Would like to know if there's a fix for it, because it bugs me quite a bit
  3. I've had this happen to me twice. Once on my Imperial Agent, I was supposed to bash this lady with my rifle, but there was nothing in my hands. I was holding an "invisible" weapon. And today on my Sith Inquisitor I was killing this woman that was a traitor to the Empire. All I held was a lightsabre handle, with no blade coming out of it. IS this a known bug?
  4. Yes, but crafting 5 things which will only gain me 5-8 levels and while I'm logged off for 8+ hours isn't necessarily efficient. I'd just like to craft without losing my companion, who has a +15 to Artifice, while the droid on my ship has no bonuses what-so-ever.
  5. Like, I can't send my Companion out for missions or to craft things because I need them with me to fight, and I don't want to do it when I'm not fighting because I'm talking to NPCs and I want his affection to go higher so missions take shorter amounts of time, etc. So how do I get my Skills up? Currently a lvl 17 Sith Assassin, just finished Dromund Kaas.
  6. I believe they stated they were going to put in Neutral equipment, for those that are not Light or Dark side.
  7. Of course, Mr. Sketchy is here to dull everybody's day.
  8. Why do you think? People want to be Boba Fett and Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. Nobody wants to be Luke and Obi-Wan. A small fraction wants to be Han Solo. It's mostly about the image with the population. However, I'm trying out most classes (Not making a Bounty Hunter, because after I made an Imperial Agent, I vowed NEVER to go to Hutta again. Most boring planet in the world)
  9. Like he said, it's choice. They're pretty much equal. If you want to craft some super cool Lightsabres, go for the Artifice one he posted. If you want to just craft some super cool Armor, go for the Synthweaving one he posted. If you want to craft Stims and Medpacks, go for the BioChem one he posted.
  10. I'm making a Sith Assassin and I don't know which Crew Skills to use. Any tips?
  11. Think about other galaxies, or even universes that have TOTALLY different laws of physics and gravity and all that jazz. It could very well be possible they're here, but not in our galaxy.
  12. Oh the tears! If slicing doesn't yield you great profit then take a different crew skill and stop whining
  13. When you make a Jedi Knight or Consular, can you pick what color your first lightsaber is, or do you have to find a crystal yourself?
  14. Ah damn. Oh well, thanks a lot for the help, sir.
  15. Bump. :/ This is like my 10th thread, all of which had ZERO replies.
  16. First off, when I move my camera at all I use the A and D keys. I just cannot use the mouse buttons, I just can't. Now, when I "Take Cover" with my Imperial Agent, if I use my A and D keys to move my camera to a more preferable angle, it take me out of "Cover" and I have to use the "Take Cover" ability again. But if I go out of my way to use the mouse buttons and drag my screen to the preferable angle, it keeps me in Cover mode. Is this intentional? Or can this be fixed? Much obliged!
  17. The Voice Acting pretty much makes the game. You ACTUALLY FEEL like you're playing your character. It's what actually MAKES the RPG aspect in MMORPG. WoW will never be as fun as this because you can't control your character's life or story. You're just a mindless killing machine, accepting orders from everybody.
  18. Will they ever implement this? Because I join my server yesterday morning and it was "STANDARD" I try to join now and it's VERY HEAVY or FULL and I'm placed in a queue.
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