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Everything posted by Kerplode

  1. Made a few empire characters and I can safely say people are MUCH MUCH MUCH more mature on Republic side (in my experiences) Dromund Kaas is full of jerks, awful trolls, and arrow-to-the-knee jokes. Dromund Kaas is Barrens Chat 2.0
  2. I would literally pay for this game twice if there were Ithorian choices
  3. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    Sometimes I wonder if ANYTHING goes into your brain. You're too stubborn to accept any other fact that isn't remotely similar to your opinion I'm out of here
  4. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    Yes, I get rewarded for trying and failing. Because I tried, I failed, and I am given EXP, Commendations, etc. So, yeah, there you go. I invest some time in PvE, but Warzones are fun. And no, I'm not saying you should hand gear away. I'd be all for a severe raise in gear's price. I'm just saying that punishing somebody for not being the best player ever isn't the wisest choice to be made. Nor is severely limiting their compensation for wasting time on losing. One good reason why I should be rewarded when trying and losing? Because I'm new, and not the best player in the word. If I want to learn to PvP, I'm not going to sit through 5,000 losses with no compensation or reward to keep me motivated.
  5. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    Your arguments are extremely bad. Raiding has nothing to do with PvP. That's PvE, if I'm correct. And I'm not really being handed stuff for being a bad player. I'm being giving experience for a game I rightfully played and tried my best in. The Valor, Credits, and Commendations are pretty much there to compensate for the time you invested in the Warzone. And you're going to compare CRAFTING with WARZONES? Just what? I don't even have to argue here And what the hell? You're going to attack me and tell me I have no reason to get better and I'm dragging my team down? I play to get better. I learn every game what is a smart idea and what isn't. Who to give my Guard to, and who to leave be. I don't play to get free rewards, nor do I play to drag my team down.
  6. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    You have a bad analogy there. You forget this is a video game. If I get nothing for trying my best in PvP, then what's the point in even playing it? I could just go play PvE and be rewarded far easier. Video games are supposed to be fun, and if I can't have fun, I can't play the game. I can't have fun in PvP if I get rolled every game and get no compensation for the waste of time that was me getting rolled.
  7. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    Why do you sound like a raging 12 year-old? What happens when they get their amazing gear? IF they lose their way to it, then they don't know how to use it to its potential, because they didn't even play to get it. And don't tell me that I do warzones for the gear. That's a baseless assumption and just makes you look more juvenile. I do Warzones because they're FUN, and I want to PVP, and to have MORE FUN PVP'ING I NEED TO GET BETTER AT IT
  8. Personally, I'd prefer Jedi Knight, because from the get-go you're thrown into a good story. I had so much fun with the starter planet (First 10 levels). It's preference, really. You want Republic? My suggestions: Jedi Knight, Trooper (These are the only 2 I've played on Republic, though) You want Empire? My suggestions: Sith Warrior (Like the Jedi Knight, only he's really evil. ), Sith Inquisitor (was pretty fun) I'd suggest Imperial Agent, but their starter-planet (Hutta) was my worst experience with the game so far. It was just an ugly and boring planet. Don't get me wrong, the story was good, just not the beginning planet, it has potential to turn off new players.
  9. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    I know I am bad, and giving me no incentive to improve will never change that Why are you complaining? Even if you lose, you get experience, credits, valor, and commendations. Why are you angry that your team isn't very good or are purposely playing badly? You're rewarded in the end. Give me 5 PLAUSIBLE reasons why somebody like me (who is bad but wants to improve) shouldn't be rewarded when losing a Warzone.
  10. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    So I should get like 20 Commendations and like 20 credits and like 200 EXP because I tried really hard and wasn't good enough? How about no, we leave it like it is, because there's no problem so far?
  11. Kerplode

    Change Warzones

    Because I try my god damn best and I suck hardcore balls (since this is my first MMO) If I lose, and I don't get commendations, what the hell is the point in even playing? It would discourage me from getting any better so I could win more often. And besides, at least I'm getting rewarded for TRYING, and getting rewards while working towards the Daily "Win 1 Warzone today" which is almost impossible. I pull off about 1 win every day. If I'm lucky, 2 wins. Removing the rewards for losing is just a horrible idea.
  12. My Jedi Knight is only level 15 and it's much more interesting to me than my level 24 Inquisitor. Jedi Knight's starter planet was actually FUN, compared to the rest which were boring and a chore to get through.
  13. You think Armormech is useless? Go Armstech
  14. Honestly, maybe 2 years? Made a Jedi Knight yesterday and couldn't stop playing him until I absolutely HAD to get sleep. Who knows how much fun the other classes could be?
  15. Will the White+Gold Full-mask clip? That's all I'm really worried about
  16. I was planning on going with the final mask option (White + Gold, which covers most of the head) but I have the biggest feeling it'll clip like crazy. People have been complaining about this since beta, and BioWare has done nothing. That's a little odd.
  17. Want to make a Miraluka Jedi Knight. Wondering which of the face-masks clip on Hooded-Robes. Thanks
  18. Both Anakins were whiny and emo Plo Koon was a bad *** He alone wins
  19. I hope it's fixed for good. A few days ago it was really frustrating to lose most of the Warzones, then when I finally won one, it didn't count towards the Daily. REALLY frustrating (Especially when most of it was Huttball)
  20. I would refrain from PvP Warzones if this was ever implemented. I come for Objectives/Killing people, not racing. If I wanted to pod-race, I'd whip out the ol' N64 and play the Star Wars Pod Racing game made directly for that. However, I do support it being a mini-game. Just not a good idea for Warzones.
  21. I'm keeping Armstech (Because I hear it's fine when leveling) and hopefully by 50 they will have done something for it
  22. Yet I hear at 400, and at Lvl 50, Armstech is completely worthless.
  23. Yeah, I do make Barrels (Currently have a Purple [Legendary?] Skill Barrel 5 I think) on my 15 Sniper. But I feel cheated with it since Artifice has 3 sweet items to make if you're a Warrior/Inquisitor. Not to mention they can also make Shield Generators and such. Armstech just feels like a wimpy version of Artifice for non-Lightsabre characters
  24. This picture was taken my first semester of my Sophomore year of highschool. Currently in my Junior year. 16 years old. Also my first MMO! My Pants Are Awesome
  25. My Sniper is 15 and frankly I feel disappointed in Armstech. It's utterly useless except for making Barrels. If you already have an Orange blaster, there's no need to craft a green one. I preffered Artifice, where I could make Hilts, Crystals, AND Enhancements. Why don't we have a skill that useful for non-Lightsabre users?
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