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  1. well bulwark gives shield chance and absorb and more endurance. Not sure where you got the defense stat from but I said shield chance aug to get it to about 25% or so then use fortitude augs for the rest? not sure how much i would get from going full bulwark but it it gets me to 25% from full ench then ill just go full fortitude. thoughts?
  2. Thanks for the input I'll give it a try. Should i consider gear more defensively? Equipping shield and going with sheild chance augs, using bulwark ench, and using relic of sheild & relic of reactive wardin? I know my health & dps will drop some but would the mitigation be worth the trade off?
  3. I feel like I'm paper thin.. I'm fully min maxed with power augs and ench & mods. I just not sure what it is i can do to help my team. I last about 15 to 20 secs max in a match just getting purely focus any help please? it's incredibly frustrating
  4. Also is one side better to join than the other?
  5. I'm almost fully geared that won't be an issue. And I think I already used my free xfer not too long ago. is there a limit to how time I can use one?
  6. I'm a huge fan of pvp servers but not sure where to transfer to as jung ma barely has ranked pvp going on. Any suggestions? I hear POT5 is good but want to get some input before i jump ship. I rather not waste my money on transfers.
  7. I was wondering how much damage or the damage formula is for the proc. I can't find anywhere how much damage it actually does.
  8. 2pc is the intercede heal 4pc 10% damage increase after leap
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