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Posts posted by Godsfear

  1. When re-spec concepts first came out, they weren't meant to be something you do often. Even once a week. They were meant to be done, maybe, once a month. Because you slipped a few points or something.


    They're to correct mistakes, and not to change your spec because today you want to do <x> but tomorrow you want to do <y>.


    When re-spec's first came out in 1998.....................



    Hey Joseph............this is 2012 now.


    We all want dual-speccing. Why control how other people play?


    You some type of dictator? Are you a member of the Saudi Royal Family?


    Am I talking to Kim Jong Il? I thought he died.


    Oh yeah, you're just some troll who likes games to be anti-fun.

  2. In any terms anyone is able to play all the aspects of the game because of the companion system. You can do instances in all the specs available wiyjout changing them.


    If you feel that being dps is too much restricking the amount of instances you do then by all means roll a tank or healer. 8 character slots ius quite enough. There is 4 classes per faction and 3 roles so you can very well create char of every role you like.


    If group is looking for healer and you wanna help you log out and change to healer char. It is that simple. If you want to pvp you play pvp character. This also allows all your characters be ready equipped on that sinngular role they are created for without need to carry numerous outfits for different roles with you.


    And if you dont have so much time to play it only prolongs you ability to enjoy the game as you have things to do for longer period of times when needing more characters than just one for all.


    In general what is the purpose of class role if you can chage it on will? Why not remove specs art all then and do a character model that suits all needs?



    HAHA, I love people like you telling everyone else how to play.


    I play 1 toon period. I don't water down my play time or my server identity by playing alt's.


    Alt's are for noobs in my personal opinion but that's my opinion and I have no problem with you rolling all the alts you like.


    I don't roll alt's period. If the game requires multiple toons then I'll just quit a poorly made game.


    There is nothing wrong with people respeccing. I have no problem with people playing the way they like.


    don't claim to support freedom then act like a dictator.


    I honestly have no idea why anyone cares what spec another player rolls except for a self centered idealism that they feel they must push on other people much like religious people.

  3. IGN reviews are useless. They gave Dragon Age 2 an 8.9 when it deserved a 6 at most.



    I only trust the metacritic user score now. That is the true source for understanding whether or not a game is up to quality control thresholds.


    Pretty much this ^


    I don't care how much people think metacritic is skewed. It's not. If you average in all the user reviews you get a fair and balanced review for the most part.


    SWTOR is a 6.2 or so now? Sounds spot on.


    Metacritic customer reviews when averaged is more accurate than any one individual.

  4. The OP's write up is pretty spot on.


    He nailed all the key points involved in the financing of this game.


    The fact is BW WILL probably hedge their losses seeing as how EA has handled itself so far cutting corners I see no reason to believe they will do anything different now.


    If you really think the management at EA BW is now going to throw more money at this game when the safe bet is to break even and try to make as much profit as possible now then I hope you're right.


    If the managers at BW can convince their bosses that the game is salvageable that's one thing but knowing how money minded people think it's unlikely.

  5. Rift > WoW > SWTOR in terms of difficulty (cutting edge raiding)

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of combat smoothness

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of accessibility

    SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of story

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of efficiency

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of PvP

    SWTOR > Rift > WoW in terms of levelling

    WoW > SWTOR > Rift in terms of balance

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of playable content

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of 'size'

    WoW > Rift > SWTOR in terms of MMO~

    SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of RPG

    SWTOR > WoW > Rift in terms of number of cinematics


    This is pretty fair.


    I realized now after playing swtor that RIFT was alot better than I thought.

  6. I hear the Amish don't like pockets because pockets are for lazy people.


    The Amish also don't use electricity.


    The Amish also don't drive cars and must feed and clean a horses poop up so that they have some form of transportation.


    The Amish don't watch TV


    The Amish don't believe in many modern conveniences.


    I guess we should all become Amish then since they're less lazy and more unique.


    Think about it, being Amish will make your decisions super impacting since you'll be the only one!


    I think we should get rid of TV remotes since they make you lazy.

  7. After just dual-spec, no I won't cancel but Bioware will no longer hold a high place in the gaming industry for me.


    I will also shoot you the same question, what will you do if Bioware doesn't allow you to do somthing simply because you are lazy?


    You have to have huge balls to call someone lazy while you sit on the forums playing a video game.


    How is the convenience of repeccing quickly and easily lazy exactly?


    So are all Rift players lazy cause they all have 5 specs?


    So the only non-lazy gamers in your esteemed opinion are gamers who play mmo's with no respeccing?


    It sounds like you would like Darkfall or Mortal online then.


    Most of us play games to have fun and relax, not do chores and work. I have a house to clean for that.

  8. Precisely. The guy in the video acted as if games should suit only his preferences. Games like all products are consumer based. The majority of the consumer base usually gets its way--not the elite 5%--as it naturally should.


    And this is why you can beat MW2 on the hardest difficulty without firing a single shot.




    Housewives need a game too I guess.


    Too bad though people don't value good gameplay anymore. SWTOR's ability lag is beyond good enough.


    PVP is a joke until they fix the lag.

  9. Well, whichever the case, props to them. I am a big fan of Rift's engine myself.


    I played Rift till I had full Rank 8 and some hammerknell gear and yea, that game runs rock solid.


    If only we could combine RIFT's gameplay with SWTOR IP and artwork.

  10. Whats wrong with gamebryo? Civilization Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Bully... Freedom Force!!!


    It´s not the engine, its what you do with it.


    Well, the latest iteration of Skyrim was done on the new Gamebryo engine. I would argue that every game you mentioned actually was worse for it's self being made on the gamebryo engine.


    You don't remember elderscrolls horrible running animations?

  11. The Hero Engine was chosen at the time for the capabilities it had. Early during development though, the engine needed to be tweaked for the purposes that BioWare wanted to use and they ran into some problems when to many people worked on the game at the same time.


    It was stated that the decision to go with the Hero Engine instead of a custom one, was not the best idea. However, when the engine was first licensed, BioWare did not know they would run into those issues.


    Thanks for the info, but which person actually made this decision. That's the guy's name I want.


    Not so that I can troll him and send nasty email's to his work place but simply so that I can avoid games in the future where this employee make work.


    As far as I know ex-mythic employees are in the leadership positions for SWTOR and I'm wondering if this is truly the biggest troll in gaming history.


    After WARhammer you would think companies would know better by now.

  12. Bioware made it multi-core


    interesting because it plays just as poorly as champions online. It is plagued with the same ability lag which I believe is a flaw of the engine it's self.


    It's not a coincidence that the hero engine has been dropped from the market. This is pretty much the first and last game made using this engine.

  13. Which staff member at EA/BW was responsible for choosing the Hero engine?


    Anyone know because I would love to attach a name and a face to this decision so that I can avoid any mmo this person works for again.


    Could this be the same person who chose the gamebryo engine for WAR? Maybe they're the ultimate troll?

  14. Why did you choose an Engine that wasn't developed to your exact specifications? I mean, EA and BW make enough, you could have outsourced your Engine development and made the engine fit your game.

    Instead, you chose the lazy way and are trying to make a game fit an engine. Not only that, you picked a terrible single-threaded engine that can't even process commands before animations finish, hence all of the ability delay rage you're seeing.


    Seriously. Blizzard built an engine to fit their game, they're billions (trillions yet?) richer. You didn't, and you're missing out on Billions in part due to this decision.



    Warhammer did the same thing. If I could kick the guy in the nads who chose Warhammer's engine I would do so gladly.


    The hero engine is bad. Champions has the same ability lag this game suffers from.

  15. It's for roleplay purposes. Just pretend you're actually live in the SWTOR universe and in the SWTOR universe architects have run ammok. Creating SUPER big hall ways and the largest empty corridors ever created.


    You see in the SWTOR's universe there was a ancient SITH lord who took over the minds of all the architects and forced them to create the largest most unfriendly spaces possible. He was eventually defeated but not before turning every planet into a series or hall ways and or empty spaces.


    Don't worry, i'm sure they're fixing it. :cool:

  16. You guys all need to leave Bioware alone. This game is the mecca of MMO's.


    oh boo hoo you ran into some bugs, LEAVE BIOWARE ALONE


    oh waah waah you are stuck on your ship, LEAVE BIOWARE ALONE


    Let them do their job, and give them time to fix THEIR GAME (ITS NOT YOURS REMEMBER THAT). I dont want this game sinking like the titanic because of you guys crying all day everyday on these forums and them panicing trying to fix stuff that should be LOW PRIORITY.


    oh you have combat delay? TRY CLOSING SOME PROGRAMS IN THE BACKGROUND. this isnt wow, the game engine is 100x's more demanding, and it shows in the sweet jesus-like graphics that we have


    oh you want addons? NO. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Bioware knows why you hackers want this stuff and they wont add them


    oh you're 50 and nothing to do? DUH THE GAME IS OVER BY THEN. it blows my mind lvl 50 people would even say that. when you beat KOTOR what did you do? you made another character or stopped playing. why is this game any different. make a new alt, that is how this game is supposed to be played


    15 dollars a month? what are you guys so broke you cant give bioware 15 a month to play this game? Jesus, you guys are so entitled


    I really hope some of you guys grow up soon, you arent going to want to miss this jesus-like game. I know I am




    I just had to hi-light that part. This is the only way I can express myself pertaining to this^ guys comment.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpuRcmPnSTM

  17. It's still too soon to post this. The lack of endgame content won't become a ripe issue until the masses reach 50. Then even the fanboys won't be able to hold back the screaming...


    I agree with this guy. These posts should wait 2 more weeks then the real poop storm begins.


    I can feel it building.....

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