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Posts posted by Godsfear

  1. Dual Spec isn't needed at all...WoW is a failed model. Go back to WoW for your dual spec.


    I'm sure the executives at Blizzard would totally agree with you as they drive their Maserati's and watch their 16 year old kid's drive to school in their 2010 BMW.


    I wonder if all the employees that have launched marketing, programming, customer service, managerial careers would agree as well?


    I don't even like WOW but comments like these just show you how strong the BW fanboi's are.

  2. I couldnt agree more. There are just so many parts of this game that seem literally undesigned. almost as if the dev's were simply unaware of what a mmo is even though there are tons of standards all around them.


    The reality is someone had to make a decision to do this with the camera and I have full faith that this person is a moron who has been promoted because they're a YES man and a nice guy. A idiot but a nice guy.


    Why would I want to constantly scroll my mouse wheel.?


    It's really bad on the capture pvp map inside the mid building. Your camera will actually creep closer and closer to you unless you are always pulling it out.

  3. I wasn't claiming that Rift was unresponsive at all.


    Simply that my sub had run out a few days ago, and I don't have the cash at the moment to re-up.


    Otherwise, I would have jumped in there and recorded some footage of me mounting flawlessly every time the cast bar was complete.


    Sorry, I misunderstood you then


    My apologies.


    I thought you were saying that Rift has the same problem as SWTOR. I pvp'd alot in Rift and it was always pretty nice and crisp in play and feel.


    Rift was ugly as sin but the core mechanics were as tight as you'd expect in a modern mmo.

  4. I was tempted to hack one together with all 3 games that I have accounts with... but then I realized that I'd have to give Rift and WoW some more money that I don't really have at the moment.


    I have full gear sets in RIFT. The ability lag is not even close to as bad as SWTOR.


    RIFTS launch and day 1 game features blow SWTOR out of the water.


    Rifts combat was not sluggish like SWTOR's is. You simply did not play the game much to claim otherwise. Rift wasn't as tight as WOW but it was much better than this.

  5. so if i can repeat that and upload to the nature that WOW also has that problem. do i get a cookie? because i'll do it. FRAPS and all. this is a common problem with MMO's


    its not twitch based game playing skills. you want a FPS style responsiveness you're in the wrong game type my friend.


    Proove it about WOW, go ahead.


    Let me see your frap video showing WOW's lag being even close to swtor.


    Go ahead. I'm waiting.

  6. This is a prime example of how the design philosophy of WoW has posioned the MMO genre.

    It used to be if you wanted to try another role you had to make a new character and in doing so you HAD to learn the role you chose by doing the leveling content the end result was that we had healer,tanks,dps and some cases support class that knew what they were doing.

    Now with entitlement mentality that WoW has breed we are stuck with people who think that MMO=Casual game which is about the farest thing from the true there is.

    Now I'm not saying casual gamers are bad or that they should not bother with MMO's however they should know that they aren't going to see everything in the game or get items of equal quality as those of a hardcore raider.

    You wouldn't pick up a Flight Sim and instantly expect to be able to fligh a 747.

    Sorry got abit side tracked :)

    Back to the point I was making Dual speccing has a tendency do the opposit to what it was made for making grouping easier, since most people have one spec they like more and therefor are better with and then they have a backup one which they keep just in case and know next to nothing about this spec which tends to be Healer or Tank and we all know what happens to groups where the healer or tank isn't geared and/or doesn't know what they are doing.

    My five cents on the subject



    OMG this guy can't play multiple specs in a mmo! HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA


    OMG, this is too funny. I'm simply amazed that anyone would think tanking healing or dpsing is hard.


    OMG tanks have to taunt and back pedal. OMG too hard.


    I played all 3 rolls in rift. Sorry man but if playing multiple roles in a mmo is hard for you that just means your special.


    Any pc gamer worth his salt can tank or heal easily in a mmo within an hour of learning hotkey's


    I had 5 spec in Rift and after 6 months All 5 sets of hotkey's felt like second nature.

  7. I don't get it?


    Why would people want responsive game play in a video game?


    Let's just look at some successful video game franchises.



    Uncharted series

    Gears of WAR. Flawless gameplay

    Halo series. Perfect targeting gameplay

    COD series. Flawless mechanically

    WOW standard setting

    League of legends. Competitive pvp environment.



    As we can see all of these games had loose gameplay mechanics and were super succesful.


    Players don't want tight gameplay as demonstrated by my list. all of these games built there foundation on sloppy gameplay mechanics.


    You guys just need to get on BW/EA's level.

  8. Lvl 44 here. EU server. Nightmare Lands. Hoth and Belsavis are my last 2 planets. Believe what you want to though. My rig is slightly above average. My sense of time though is perfect :p


    Belief? I'm living these horrible load times along with every single person in my guild.


    Ever since Tatooine the load times are atrocious. I que for WF's with friends while questing and have a actual 3 minute load screen leaving the WF.


    The high level players in my guild have all said it only gets worse. I'm supposed to believe you over guys i've been in vent with for 2 years?


    The load screens on the planet are fine. But leaving a WF is not even worth it. I have to go back to the ship to que and not make the whole party suffer.

  9. I am sorry, sir, but you appear to be speaking to yourself.


    The UI is drawn and highly controlled through the video card. In many cases MMO's see errors in UI related to non updated video drivers.


    all I can say is lol. If you are attributing the ability lag to GPU drivers your nuts. Maybe in 1 person's case somewhere on the moon but this is a systemic problem that is OBVIOUSLY not GPU related.



    If the UI was failing because of outdated drivers than alot more than the UI would be failing.


    I can also say that the Windows UI is highly controlled by the GPU driver. Is that the problem 99.9% of the time with a windows system error?


    No, thanks for being a devil's advocate though new guy.

  10. You complain way to much. You can either wait for the game to load, or you can quit. Be an adult, not a whiny little child.


    I had to buy a second copy of this fricking game on the 20th so I could log into my account.

    i have now spent 120+ on thsi crappy game and you're damn right ill complain.


    If nothing else with my 120$ spent on two fricking copies i'm going to point out how much of trolls you really are.


    Customers that pay for services deserves service at least as good as the competitor's give. After playing RIFT hardcore and having all of these basic features in the game from day 1 yes, I expect a company as RICH as EA and Bioware to do a better job. I've played every major mmo release for the last 8 years and this is not a finished game.


    Sorry if you don't want to read it, please put me on ignore if it bothers you so much. till then



  11. Playing my sorcercer right now, the problem for me is explained here.


    I try to form a burst on something, as follows:


    Lightning strike(1.5s cast) -> shock(instant) -> force lightning(3 seconds channeled)


    The best I could type how I think this should be happening would be here:


    LIghtning strike -> shock (wait gcd) -> force lightning


    The game is doing this though:


    LIghtning strike (wait) -> shock (wait, gcd) -> force lightning



    Maybe a better explantion could be said as, a good player imo knows how to chain the gcd with almost 0 delay inbetween. I myself am finding it impossible to do so in this game.


    What exactly does that mean? For some of you, you may recognize it as your running around, all the sudden you get hit and are like "*** just happened?" and you died.


    Someone probably just landed an ability with a cast time, followed by an instant or 2 to land in succession so fast on your end it seemed like you died instantly. This is pretty much the deffinition burst damage.


    I hate to say this, and mean no offense, but to those that don't notice this problem, you're probably the people that when I pwn you, you don't understand what happened or think my class is OP. Again, no pun intended.


    The more I test this problem out in game the more I'm convinced it is in fact a delay caused by character animation.


    I have also had a really hard time chaining my abilities to get a good burst chain. There really is no meta game available to good players on the GCD level.


    In Rift my Cleric killed people by chaining my GCD's to maximize burst. Healers can't stop 4k damage in a single spike.


    I'm not sure the cause of the issue but I have a feeling that it can't be fixed if it's still a problem into launch.


    Now that I think of it the Champions online game does this same thing. Maybe this will be another WARHAMMER that failed in a sense because some idiot decided to use that junk Bethesda engine. gamebryo is it?


    This Hero engine may simply be flawed mechanically. Almost all mmo engines have at least 1 weak point.

  12. I have a 3.6ghz quad 6 gig's of ram with windows 7 64 bit and I get horrible load times the further into the game i get.


    It was fine until Tatooine, but then the load times became crazy long. I can't que for WF's with my friends unless im on my ship or the republic fleet now.


    Aldaaran has gotten even worse.


    My computer runs Skyrim on high settings flawlessly. I have well over 100+ of the best pc games available over the last few years on my Steam account. I have no problem running any of them.


    I have built at least 8 computers over the last 4-5 years. I know my comps are clean and stable systems.


    I have never played a game with this bad of load times in my last 10 years of pc gaming.


    Having to leave the pve zone so that I can que with friends is really bothersome. Loading into Tatooine while 3 people wait on you for 3 minutes is not cool.

  13. very good post, very accurate, I was a 2 year fan of this game. i canceled my account at 25. Bland static world, mobs dont path, combat and pve is very clunkly and boring. I feel 0 attachment to my character. frankly the game failed pretty hard, Fan site reviews give it 6.1/10 by actual fans. I struggled for a few days to but realized when I was logging in I was just doing it to "give it another chance" vs enjoying a good book or playing a good game like skyrim. When I played eq, wow and a few other mmos I had much more pull into the world. This game is basically a poorly done single player game, with no community feel , bad combat mechanics and to charge a sub for that is just wrong.


    I laugh at the forum trolls who are so focused on saying this game is good they post here over and over vs actually playing this game they enjoy so much. I was never on these forums until today when I decided to quit and as of this afternoon I wont be back.


    I'm at least going to hit 50 (35 currently) but yeah I couldnt agree more.

  14. What are you talking about? Clearly it is an advanced feature if SWTOR particularly designed to make us into better players... This ain't no lag, you are simply not pro enough to mount yet, son.


    People just need to understand that this is Bw's way of making you a better player by guessing when your abilities fire off.


    Don't you get it? You're supposed to wonder if your channel is done or not so that you can improve you mental telepathy!


    BW is simply trying to make you into real life force user!


    Fricking Awesome!

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