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Posts posted by Godsfear

  1. You do realize what "MMO" stands for, yes? Single Player MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER Online? Kind of an oxymoron lol.

    I don't understand why this is even an issue with so many people. I've played wow for years and years. Leveling to max there is no different. I can go from 1-85 and barely see anyone else. The leveling experience is not where you see an MMO's true colors. End game, like it or not is where most people spend a majority of their time. If you look at statistics for the percentages of players at each level range, you often find high percentages at the low and high end, not in the leveling middle-ground. I don't know why anything else is expected of people.


    Hold on a second.


    So you're saying that most players spend the majority of their time at end game yet BW/EA invested the majority of it's resources on voice overs for leveling up? (including every single side quest)


    You're just trolling now. BW is perfect and makes every decision perfectly. Go back to WOW and get on BW's level.


    If what you say is true then you're telling me the leadership at BW never researched this?


    The truth is the leadership at BW never did research this. Obviously if they would have they would have made different decisions.


    The leadership at BW changed and is now imo failed after EA acquired them.

  2. I agree, NO lfg tool.


    I leveled from 1-50 with little to no grouping and I want it to stay that way.


    Grouping in a mmo is super outdated at this point.


    The whole point of other players on a single server is so that the Auction house has someone to trade with. That's it though.


    So get off your high horse and play the game the way the dev's want you to........alone.

  3. This is a great idea.


    This would make leveling easier to power through the story quests and get leveled up.


    I hardly ran into more than a handful of people while leveling and I didn't do any heroics past level 12.


    Every time I would sit for an hour trying to get a group nothing would happen so eventually I just resigned to solo the game.


    Please BW add this offline feature. I would love to just pretend teh game is solo since it feels that anyways.

  4. Or stop respeccing so much?


    How about you just let him play the way he wants? Is that too much to ask?


    He is paying for a service from a large corporation that is supposed to cater towards it's customers like any business.


    Maybe Apple should tell it's customers you can only switch songs on your ipod once a week and it costs 10$ each time.


    He enjoy's playing different spec's, so let him enjoy the game or risk losing another sub.

  5. Of course the majority of people want to play the game the way they want.


    This poll in essence is asking "Do you want the option to have tomatoes on your hamburger?"


    Anyone who opposes dual speccing is just opposing players having a simple convenience and getting rid of a needless credit sink that only punishes 2/3's of the player base who as you can see by the poll results respec fairly often.


    Glad to see the majority of players are smarter than I thought.

  6. I question whether or not anyone complaining in this thread actually understand what they are talking about when it comes to core usage and threads.


    Yeah, your'e right man.


    This thread here from the FRICKING OWNER OF THE HERO ENGINE............doesn't clear it up enough.


    Oh, what's that? You didn't bother to read the thread the owner of the hero engine posted and then dev's discuss the fps problems?


    Oh typical.


    The thread on the hero engine website is all about the fps drop when going outdoors or indoors.


    The engine is old, super old.

  7. That could likely be more of an issue with bad/unoptimized code for his video drivers. With the dawn of GPUs, FPS and graphics is more of a GPU issue than a processor issue.


    what's a"GPU"


    Your telling me a guy who has been building gaming comps since I was 22 (Im 35 now btw) that it could be his GPU drivers?


    Ty captain obvious. I'll get right on that.

  8. I don't think I effectively got my point across. For the development of an engine, it's easier to code it for use on one core, one thread, mark potential locations for threading then once the code works, not optimally but works, go back and see where you can use parallelism to improve performance and where it just doesn't make sense.


    And yes, while we have had multi-core processors for 10 years (first one was the Intel POWER4 released in '01) parallelism has been around for far longer (ever heard of Beowulf clusters?). The concepts of parallelism are older and more important than flashing your processors specs saying "I have 8 million cores, why am I getting lag?). If it just isn't possible or efficient to do, why waste the resources to add it in if it won't actually "optimize" the code?


    Oh, not to mention the fact that debugging muti-threadded processes sucks hardcore.


    You're making it sound as if BW knows something the ENTIRE industry does not? Should rage have been made a single threaded piece of software then?


    By your logic Skyrim should have been single threaded as well?


    How about Batman Arkham city? Single threaded as well right?


    I wish RIFT was single threaded since it's obvious that every other single developer made the mistake of using multithreaded software.

  9. Yeah I thought of that too. It should be noted that Bioware made a lot of changes to the engine to modify for TOR. For all we know getting it to be multi-threaded could've been one of those changes. If not, it's definitely in future plans from the devs of the engine itself.


    As a side note, I have a pretty decent computer and I haven't had any issues running the game smoothly on all max settings.


    They run 2 .exe files to trick your computer into using 2 cores. You'll notice this in your task manager.


    Pretty weird work around, makes me wonder what the game would have been if they had used a real engine.

  10. Don't be jelly, i run everything on max and get great FPS.


    I also run the game pretty well but I've noticed enough problems now with the game and dealt enough with guildies problems to know there is something going on with this game.



    for instance when you close the game out after a long play session and the amount of lag a computer experiences is over the top.


    For how bad the graphics are everyone should be getting more consistent fps. The graphics are barely a step up from WOW yet too many people are getting fps spikes even on highend machines.


    Our guild leader has a i7 and he has been having the fps drop issues in WF's. I'm sorry but any I7 should blow this game out of the water. I7's are more than enough for SWTOR's level of graphics.

  11. Actually Russia is blizzards biggest market currently.


    Also I have a really hard time believing this game is pulling hardly any subs from WOW.


    I haven't played WOW in a long time but I know any WOW player must log onto SWTOR and wonder why the buttons are so smooshy.


    I'll sub to Swtor for 1 extra month but you're fooling yourself if you think a game with this much lack of polish is going to pull subs from a solid game like WOW.

  12. Are you kidding me? Who the hell made the decision to support a game SINGLE THREADED game engine? This is 2012 and a good chunk of players runs multiple processors.


    What this means is that only one processor is being used for SW:TOR, basically. The devs keep trying to downplay the issue but I doubt is just a 5% minority that is having performance problems on high end machines. I know entire 50 members guild where EVERYONE gets 20 FPSs in WZs for instance. This may be the reason.


    Thank you Teziz for finding this:




    If this is indeed an engine problem - and in the forum post the reply is from September and apparently in January no solution has been found - the supplier needs to get it fixed, not the client (Bioware). It may also explain why no High Res textures or AA, as it will probably degrade the game performance even more. So it seems its out of their hands. I can be very wrong about this, hopefully.


    What I do feel is that we need to keep the pressure up. These issues are NOT OK, even though BioWare keeps downplaying the situation, but along with the abysmal character response times and animation lag the word "Gamebreaking" is beginning to pop in many players' heads. Unfortunately, because we all want the game to succeed, but technical issues like these will kill it for many of us.


    Great post op.


    I read through the thread you linked and yes, it confirms what I already suspected. The game simply is old tech.


    How long have multi core cpus been out now? Let's see, I bought my first quad core 5 years ago? Before that it was dual cores for a couple years.


    so, a game that's been in develpement after dual cores were fairly popular decided to use a single threaded engine with absolutely no forsight to the fact that all cpu's are multi-core, multi-threaded now days.


    So now 4 core cpu's are the norm and 6 cores cpu's will be the norm in 2 years.


    That pretty much sums it up. The engine simply can't handle good performance.

  13. I don't know about that. I have Windows 7 and 4 gigs of ram and the game runs pretty damn smoothly for me. Like someone else mentioned, Bioware knows better than we do what people are running this game with. None of us can say for sure whether the problem is on our end or theirs.


    The game runs better in XP sp3 mode btw.


    I switched it two days ago and my performance did go up though I didn't have much problems before.


    I post in this thread though because while I personally don't have many issues my own comp should run the game faster than it does and many guildies have sat in vent with me as I go over their specs and builds trying to figure it out.


    There is something wrong with the games coding that is having conflicts with I7's in particular.

    Also CPU's that should handle the game great are having a hard time which tells me there is something wrong with the optimizing of the code.


    I already know that the game runs 2 .exe files to trick your computer into using 2 cores of your cpu. That alone should tell you the devs chose a horrible engine. The fact that I have to run 2 executables to get a sorta kinda multithread is amazing.


    The game has issues, hopefully their engineers are figuring it out before the game bleeds too many subs.

  14. Yea, it means that skyrim was coded specifially as a stand alone game. TOR isnt a stand alone game.


    Also, Skyrim has had dozens of updates to get it running semi-decentley. From actual game patches to GPU driver revisions.


    Hello, my name is renegadeimp and I will say anything that diverts blame and responsibility from Bioware.


    Please keep posting so that I may protect the mega corp known as EA/BW from these horrible posters who attack my precious.


    Lord knows Mega corps. need all the help they can get.

  15. The ability delay is obvious to those who push the limits of the game mechanics. Those who don't notice it don't push the limits. I don't want to sound like a jerk but Im seeing players who get destroyed in a wow pvp environment don't notice the difference but those who adapt to a wow pvp environment notice it an issue. The point is the game doesn't allow you to cast and quickly take one step and cast again. For an advanced player this is a big deal and is one of the reasons players who notice this beat players who do not.


    This^ players who don't notice it simply are "noobs"


    not trying to be rude but it's true even in my own guild. The good pvp'rs noticed it weeks ago but we still have a couple players (who recently stopped keyboard turning in RIFT) that don't notice it.


    This is just the reality of being a Connoisseur of games. It's the same thing as many people think Mcdonalds is good food when anyone who is really into food knows that Mcdonalds is crap.


    Don't expect poor people to understand why you won't eat fastfood.

  16. a misunderstanding, but even so it's ******es like you who make this world a living hell. po boy just trying to help.


    Sorry, but it's a little crazy when we have a thread that has been remade over and over again about ability lag that details every little part of the problem and these guy's come onto the forums to restart the debate yet again.


    Maybe BW should implement a search function on the forums so these guys can do some reading and research before hand.

  17. I would say that this covers it..


    Are you trying to say that SWTOR should require the best computers to show us low resolution graphics with long load times? My computer isnt the best but it's still 3.5 quad with a AMD 5870 and while I don't have "many" performance issues i do know there is something horribly wrong with the optimizing of this game when I can run Skyrim, La Noire, Batman Arkahm city, Witcher 2 all on high settings with no drops in frame rate.


    I have well over 100 games on Steam and I can run every single one of them on high settings without any problem.





    BTW I'm a prince from Nigeria and I need to move millions of dollars to America. Would you be willing to help me for a large fee?

  18. Galactica

    43 Jedi Guardian




    Subject says it all and want to hear from you all.


    There is nothing in the tooltip about these abilities that say: "not usable on players" etc.


    The Tooltip does say that it does less damage on Stronger enemies, but it still does damage... just not against other players.


    The abilites in question (with links to ability description):


    Pommel Strike : http://www.torhead.com/ability/g90NVCQ/pommel-strike




    Oppurtune Strike : http://www.torhead.com/ability/3qL0a1Y


    These are what I consider situational/reactive abilities, IE they require that the target be slowed or stunned... you get the idea.


    I get these abilities to work ALL THE TIME in PvE, but not in PvP. However, I am 90% positive that Sith Warriors have used them against me.


    For those that do not play Knights, I will give you an example of how you would use Oppurtune Strike:

    Force Leap (Charge) the opponent, (the target is now stunned/immobilized) Oppurtune Strike.


    The previous example works in PvE but not in PvP.


    I would like to know:


    1. Is this working as intended? Please confirm =)


    2. Regarding these abilities and RIPOSTE (like Overpower for WoW warriors):

    When playing in warzones, and sometimes even in PvE, I get what I call "ability lag" on my knight... and my knight only.


    Ability Lag is where I toggle an ability and the animation plays but the ability doesn't cast or worse, the avatar will try to cast the ability over and over with no success, starting the animation over repeatedly leaving me to input another command/ability so that I can hit something =(


    2B. Anyone else have this problem, or is it regulated to knights only?


    P.S. Regarding the ability lag I have tried many different setting with the ability action Que and still nothing...


    I just posted in the ability delay thread about this. I'm a 50 shadow and sometimes my abilities simply won't fire off.


    this started a couple hotfix's ago. Maybe on the 7th is when I started noticing it.

  19. Since the last patch or 2 I've now got a new problem where my abilities simply won't fire no matter how much I mash the button.


    I can see the button being fired on the ui and a GCD is triggered but the ability just won't go off for anywhere between 2-8 seconds. Again, the ability is getting triggered on the hotbars but it won't actually fire no matter how many times I push the button.


    It really sucks when I want to stealth and instead sit there mashing my stealth button only to see it fire 6 seconds later and 10 button presses later.


    The ability lag has always bothered me but they did something a few days ago that has made it even worse.

  20. Nope because WAR used Kynaps as well. Kynaps was a pathing engine originally designed for FPS's, it does not mesh well in the MMOverse. Problem is, that once BW consumed Mythic, they now had access to free software that Mythic had already purchased.


    As for anyone that wants to know, the going rate (as of 4 years ago when I called about it) was 250,000 for a unlimited Hero Engine license.




    That makes sense that BW buying mythic means they are going to use their licenses. It's cheap and stupid but it makes sense.

  21. Don't listen to the whiners BW. Put in more loading screens please.


    BW's loading screens are some of the best in the business. Why you would not want to see more of them is beyond me.


    I've never even played a mmo before with so many loading screens much less such well made loading screens.


    Get on BW's level and realize the future is highly polished loading screens. That's all Uncharted is a moving loading screen masked as a movie.


    Personally I won't have my fill of loading screens till they put at least 3 more in between me and my ship.


    Listen to us hardcore BW. Moar Load screens NAO!

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