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Everything posted by JakkFrost

  1. This may have been mentioned, I'm not gonna read 53 pages just to see if it was (call me lazy), but possibly one of the bigger issues people have about the level sync is not being able to farm old flashpoints for appearance gear. I could be completely wrong, I've been away a year or two, and maybe solo flashpoints drop the same gear, I dunno. As for world bosses, I didn't personally care about killing them for myself, I tend more to be a solo player anyways, but I did like helping my low level guildies kill them for gear and achievements.
  2. I hardly qualify as a hardcore MMO player, but the game's lack of difficulty was a turn-off for me, enough that I quit for two years, only just re-upped last month. If I want to faceroll my way through a game I'll go back to WoW, and TOR is nowhere near that bad.
  3. That would be called the "Crew Skills" section of the fleet. I know, a ******** answer, but still a legitimate one. There's nothing stopping crafters from hanging out there for people to come and view their schematics. And it would even make more sense, like if someone was looking for an armstech with cunning blaster pistols in their list, and no nearby armstechs had any, they could just run 20 meters to the trainer and pick them up. If we had another area added in that specifies that its designated for crafters just for them to hang out in and hawk their wares, would people really actually hang out there any more than they do in the current crafting area? And does it really need to be specified just so people would go there? Well actually I suppose it does these days...
  4. In an ideal group, any items that you could roll need on wouldn't be needed by anyone else anyways, but that's for 4-man groups. You raise a valid point for OPS though. But you also misunderstood me. I said you could only roll need on items your toon needed stat wise, not your companions. So a JK couldn't roll need on anything with cunning or willpower, only strength.
  5. I'm sorry, what? Unwieldy?? Just how insanely lazy do you have to be? It's a permanent setting, that means you only have to go into preferences and change the settings once. At most, possibly once per character, if that. I didn't realize clicking one little checkbox in the preferences menu, where you likely already had to go anyways when you created a new character, just to check off some other settings that aren't universal as well as re-binding any keys that you need, and only having to do it once, could be considered "unwieldy".
  6. Hate to bring wow into it, but they did manage to implement a need/greed system whereby if your toon couldn't use it stat-wise, you couldn't roll need on it. No reason they couldn't do that here. To balance that though, they'd probably have to implement the limited trading window for bound items as well, for things like customizable items that a person can't need on but could still modify and wear, and they wind up getting accidentally outgreeded in the time it took them to ask "mind if I take that?".
  7. I think the idea behind it was to prevent new players from flying directly to one of the three class questline hubs, once all the speeders were unlocked, and possibly missing missions in the middle of the city, like the Revanite line. It makes sense short-term, but in the long run not so much.
  8. I wouldn't say share all the credits automatically, but I could see the benefit of a Legacy bank (or cargo bay if you prefer) where you can deposit credits and items for any of your alts to access.
  9. Bah, and here I was misled by the title, thinking it was going to say "unless they have more than a "hooked on phonics" education in spelling and can comprehend the function of the search feature." Of course, that applies to any and all forums anyways.
  10. Oh my gosh, what a surprise, someone came up with the utterly original idea of calling me a grammar nazi. For the record, spelling and grammar are two different things. I believe you may want to correct your post and call me a spelling nazi. Just sayin.
  11. I'm going to sound like a total D-bag here, I admit it, and for what it's worth, I apologize. First off, I know you acknowledged the spelling problems, but it was so atrocious as to almost make the post unreadable to me. There's no need to hurry as much as you said you did, you're not racing against anyone to get your post out first, and nothing was stopping you from even just proof-reading after you were done, or at least going back and editing your post after it was submitted. Secondly, not one of these "ideas" is unique or original in any way, they've all been posted so many times that your list just sounds like you compiled all those other posts into one and called it yours. And even then, most of them (as with the many other posts with the same "ideas") just sound like "WoW does this, you should too.", like your "idea" for achievements. I have nothing against a suggestion being posted more than once by different people, except when it's repeated so much that there's already, for example, two posts on the first page making the same suggestion and someone posts it again as if it were a new suggestion like "zomg I can't believe nobody has suggested merging servers!". That, or when the ideas are posted in the format of "Hay guyz, I just had these great ideaz, don't you think these are just the coolest ideaz I had?!?" Maybe you don't deserve to bear the brunt of this essentially flaming post, and if so, again I apologize. But forums have a search function for a reason.
  12. Not necessarily on your friends list, just included in drop-down mailing choices, just like guild members are (even when they're not on your friends list).
  13. I don't support the idea of anything you have to work for on one character just being handed to an alt, and neither does common business sense. If you don't have to spend time working to acquire something, that means you can accomplish other things a lot faster, and be "done with" the game sooner. Grinding may be annoyingly painful sometimes, but it's a necessary timesink in MMO's to make you spend more time trying to get things done, and thus more money on your subscriptions.
  14. Personally, while I dislike the idea of anything else being cross-server for the reasons HeavensAgent stated, I do on the other hand prefer the idea of cross-server warzones, at least until server populations are optimized. It creates a much larger pool of players to generate new matches with, which would allow for BW to finally, hopefully, implement more pvp brackets, which I feel is needed. Sure, the warzone buff makes everyone approximately equal in health and power, but the ability disparity between a level 10 and a level 49 is far too great. At lower levels we get access to fewer abilities, which I'll grant makes it easier to put out damage, but only if we're not targeted and being wailed on. And then there's the fact that people over level 32 can start harvesting expertise from the pvp weapons enhancements. Myself, I rarely pay attention to names in warzones, even on my own team, but rather than single-server wz's creating healthy rivalry, I find that it often creates hard feelings and friction due to sore losers. The larger the pool of players available via cross-server, the less likely it is there'll be hard feelings over getting beaten in warzones, especially on same-side battles.
  15. Not just color, many things change skin completely. You never see an operative wearing the smugglers' cowboy hats after all. At least none that I know of.
  16. The change in model is in no way irrelevant to the point I was addressing, if you'd read more carefully. I wasn't responding to the class-restricted gear option, and in fact I agree with that. It's annoying that I can't equip a piece of gear that specifies smuggler, for example, to Tharan Cedrax on my consular, even though he clearly a scoundrel, by nature as well as by gear. I was responding, as I said in my post, to the last point the OP made; And stating that that would not work.
  17. So did they remove the accuracy trait that lowered defenses when over 100%?
  18. And heaven forbid a game should give players anything that is nothing but a vanity toy. My Tauntaun pet needs to be able to attack mobs I'm fighting, BW, can you fix that too please?! Thank god a certain other game never gave things that were for pure vanity.
  19. FFXI started merging servers a few years ago as it was on the downswing and people were getting ready for FFXIV. As for other games, iono, didn't play too many. Perhaps the only reason FFXI is still running today is that FFXIV tanked so badly. By definition, the need to merge servers implies that the company can't keep those servers populated with enough paying members to justify keeping them open. That looks bad on the business side of things.
  20. Hmm, they must have fixed the healing thing since I last tried
  21. If you don't like the feature, (which I actually do, though it would be better if it also worked for healing), put a dummy ability in there, something you couldn't possibly activate under normal circumstance, to keep the slot filled. Something like your revive companion ability.
  22. /signed for the idea of various maps for Huttball. I love that idea, and it should in no way be difficult to actually implement. The only hard part about that would be actually designing good maps.
  23. The heroics don't really need to be separated, but other than that, color coding the triangles might be a better option. I don't know, it just seems to me like changing it to alphanumeric indicators would look a bit messy.
  24. But... but why would I want a streak breaker? I like streaking! Jessica Alba streaking, that I like even more... >.>
  25. I don't think replacing the word merge with consolidate will have a better chance of making anyone suddenly stand up and take notice that something needs to be done about low population on some servers. BW is working on ways to resolve the issue caused primarily by people whining about queue times at launch. Merging (or consolidating) servers would look bad on their business profile, so it's presumably a last resort.
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