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10 Good
  1. Thank you. Would you happen to have a link? I was acutally directed by ingame staff to post the suggestion here.
  2. I can't tell you how much I hate being give a percent chance of doing something. I've played enough games to know that when there is a percent chance of "something" I will defie the odds to an incredable amount. I generally have to make 15-20 items to get the blue schematic, at 20% 1 in 5 items should result in a schematic. Why oh why can't I learn a little from each attempt? I would like to suggest a building percent bonus verse the number of times attempted to reverse engeneer, you know for us unlucky types. Even a 1% bonus per attempt, at least I would be building up to something. OR.... Is 15-20 what everyone else is seeing when attempting to gain a schematic? Because in that case it's not 20% and it would be either bugged or the texts needs to be correctedt to say 5-8% chance.
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