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Everything posted by JakkFrost

  1. Fair enough that because of it's nature, an unannounced arrival is appropriate. But the moment it hit, the marketing department should have had splash screens and e-mails going out, of the "Breaking news" variety. Again I say, if someone's taking a break from the game, they shouldn't need to go to fansites or forums to specifically look for news on the game, that defeats the purpose of taking a break. But it's reasonable to expect some notice from the game itself, if not beforehand, then at least when the event goes live, or indeed anything noteworthy related to the game. However, to the OP, it's also not reasonable to expect them to restart the event just because you and a few others missed it. They handled the marketing of the event very poorly (I didn't even know what was going on for 2-3 days. I knew there was something, but I was too busy levelling to pay attention), but when you take a break from any game, you have to expect to miss in-game events. And 4-5 months after launch was longer than it usually takes for a new game to have an event, so it was reasonable to expect there to be one soon.
  2. /signed because I suggested this on the PTS before it even went into live. The worst part of the feature is when you get truly stuck, and auto /stuck procs before you even realize it and you wind up running straight back into being stuck before you can stop moving.
  3. Dual specs are already coming, but if I read your post right, what you want is to be able to change skill trees on the fly, mid combat, depending on whether dps or healing is needed most at any given time. That would be entirely too game-breaking.
  4. It may have been all over the fan sites and the forum, a few days after it started, it was in no way all over the main page. It wasn't advertised at all. There was no advance warning, no splash on the launcher, no e-mails, and nothing on the FB page. Someone taking a break from the game would have no reason to visit the forum or fan sites when they could reasonably expect to be notified of anything interesting that may be coming up in game by the marketing department, in one form or another. You know, that stuff they do to attract people back to the game who may be taking a break from it.
  5. The last part of your post doesn't work, since all gear models have a different look for the other faction. So a black leather hoodie-robe for Imperials may look like a light brown robe with no hoodie for republic.
  6. There was a sort of bug pre 1.2 where sometimes the camera would move, sometimes the character would, but as of 1.2 they put in an ability to disable smart camera. It doesn't do quite what you suggest, but it does make it a bit less confusing, for what you want, by at least keeping your camera at the same angle when you move.
  7. Regarding #4, I think perhaps the largest problem with Flamethrower as it is now is the graphic animation for it. One has to assume that it covers the exact same fairly wide area as the commando's mirror ability Pulse Cannon, yet the animation doesn't show this. It really does do decent damage, and anyone using it should know how to pivot without moving and interrupting it. Then no offense, but you're doing it wrong. Either that or all the merc's you're going up against have a lot more expertise than you, and perhaps you're not using warzone adrenals (if in wz's). Most sentinel's faceroll their keyboard and beat my merc. You have at least 2 abilities that can interrupt tracer spam, one blocking it for a period of time, and that's not even counting the interrupt from a force leap.
  8. Being elite is one thing, it's fine. However, the term "elitist" applies to someone who acts elite, and by that I mean arrogant and better than everyone else, and that's never a good thing. As for the first point, that's the idea I was trying to get across. Of course you focus on doing the best DPS you can, but not at the expense of mechanics, and that's something I've seen all too often.
  9. Honestly, combat logs are bad enough, some people become so infatuated with doing the most damage/dps that they ignore the mechanics of a fight and make it harder than it could have been. But I can see their value in helping people improve their skill by figuring out where they're going wrong. Gearscore, however, is much too abused by elitists and should be kept out at all costs. If you think someone is running OPS in level 25 gear, check them yourself, don't use something like gearscore to replace your brains. In no way whatsoever does gear score equal skill, and I'll take a skilled, undergeared player over one fully decked out in BiS gear who has a level 90 BH on his other server any day of the week.
  10. With, on his grave, whichever...
  11. Well that would be a difference between hitting the in-game "leave warzone" button, something that could easily be recognized by the game as completely player's choice, and an actual disconnect or client crash. Sure, the player could force DC or close the client, but I'm betting there are a lot less quitters who'd find doing that worth the time and effort of reloading or relogging.
  12. Yeah, but there hasn't been a patch today. This issue occurred when a patch was released, when it was installed it detected the jpg change and re-downloaded the whole client for the people who had done it.
  13. removed this post because whatever mod deleted the message that this one replied to didn't bother to delete this one as well
  14. Yeah, but there was an issue with doing that that caused the game to fully re-download and install when it detected that file had been changed. Have they fixed that?
  15. I know a lot of people ask for apps that let them buy and sell stuff on the GTN without actually logging into the game. This is not that suggestion. What I would like to suggest is some FFXI has had for years over at http://www.ffxiah.com. It's a nice little convenience without making anything ez-mode like too many other players want. All it does is keep track of all the AH listings, histories, and going rates on items, so people can browse the GTN to see if something they're looking for is up there without actually having to go to the fleet or switch toons, or see how much that item that just dropped might be worth, whether to hold it or vendor it. It also has a bazaar type function that let's players communicate about items or skills they want to offer or obtain, announcing which server they're on, and letting others on the same server locate them more easily. For example, say I can craft purple spaceship upgrades on a low-pop server that rarely sees any in the GTN. I advertise that I can make them, state my price, someone leaves me a message to COD some to their toon in-game, and voila. Anyways, I know the GTN system iin SW has markedly different mechanics to FFXI, but I think people would like a convenience like this to save a little traveling or toon-hopping.
  16. Indeed, some of the suggested numbers are beyond ridiculous, but the cost for speeder piloting and the speeders is also a bit ridiculous for the miniscule increase. At the very least it should be 90%, 120%, and 150%.
  17. Indeed, "Darth" is a title, and since your character's name is Bessas, with that title your name would appear as "Darth Bessas Darth Bessas", somewhat redundant. Sure, you could put it as a legacy title for your alts, ie "The Darth Bessas Legacy", but as Crysantemum said, that would violate the naming policy. In any part where the user enters their own choice of a name, use of any part of a name from the movies is technically not allowed, even with intentional misspellings to resemble the name, though a lot of users get away with it, at least until they get reported.
  18. I don't hear you complaining about the times you get the schematic on the first RE, something I've done any number of times, even on purple schematics. A 20% chance doesn't mean you'll get 1 in every five, it's means you have a 20% chance. Flip a coin 10 times, and even with a 50% chance to get heads, you could still wind up with tails 10 times in a row. That's how the "Random" in "Random Number Generator" works. There's nothing broken about the system, you would just like it to increase your chances.
  19. You haven't explained what's broken though. :/ If you can RE something for a chance at a better schematic, you get a message saying so until you've learned every possible direct upgrade from the original item. Once you've learned those schematics, you can't learn them again, so the message changes to say "No research available". So what's the problem?
  20. It seems to me like you're reading the whole thing wrong, but I admit maybe I am. As I understand the OP, a bounty could only be placed in an open world pvp situation, not in a designated pvp contest such as a warzone or even a duel. Therefore, you don' kill someone (outside of a warzone), you can't get a bounty put on your head, therefore bounty-griefing would be impossible. That doesn't preclude normal griefing though, such as someone calling on their whole guild to keep an eye out for you and KOS. As someone who can't stand pvp servers anymore, (call me a care bear if you want, I got fed up with the "uber", high-level players camping low level areas and patting themselves on the back with "LOL PWNED!"), I don't see a problem with this idea, except potentially one. What about if you get jumped and win the fight in self-defense? Does the person who attacked you first get to put a bounty on you if you kill them? I don't think they should, in fact, I think you should still be able to put the bounty on them. Likewise if they're losing and pull a crapping-their-pants vanish move. Basically, no matter the outcome of the fight, whoever struck first should be the only one that can get a bounty on their head. And maybe make it a fixed cost to place a bounty, to make people decide if it's worth it to place the bounty. Not too high, but not too low either.
  21. While I agree they need to do something about low-pop servers, and merging is the best option for us, the customers (barring possible loss of beloved character names), merging servers so early in the life of an MMO is a dangerous move for BW financially, and the bulk you're talking about would possibly be quite disastrous. Merging servers this early looks bad to shareholders, it indicates lack of confidence in the property, and it drives share prices down. Those go down, and stockholders begin to panic and pull out, selling shares, and reducing the amount of capital BW has to allocate to the game's development, or even paying employees. So then they have to lay off or outright fire staff, which again doesn't look good in the stock market, not to mention less people potentially working on the game to make it better and fix any bugs and such. That's just a layman's understanding of the principles, I'm no accountant or stockbroker, but basically, merging servers is at the top of a pretty slippery slope.
  22. Yep, a similar feature in FFXI is called level-syncing. It scales down your stats, your gear (so you don't wind up naked), and removes access to abilities that are level-dependent. I don't know about other games, but the gear-scaling in that is a little broken though, as it doesn't always scale properly. For example, (and this is just an example, as I can't remember specific numbers offhand), say at level 30 I could equip a neck piece with +3 strength, or at level 65 I could equip a neck piece with +5 strength. Yet if I wear the 65 piece and sync to level 30, it only scales to give me +1 strength, when i could wear the level 30 piece that gives me +3 strength. I don't know how hard it is to make gear-scaling work, but I hope they'd take that into account if they do this.
  23. Although with 1.3 I believe at least social gear is supposed to become adaptive armor (ie, the slave girl outfit will be heavy if you're a heavy armor wearer), I agree, and have long thought, that the armor type should be tied to the armoring mod. When I started the game and first started to learn about orange gear, I actually thought that was how it worked.
  24. Whoops, you're right, I thought I read it all, I must have zoned out or something, my bad. The basic validity of my point still stands though. Nobody has the right, no matter how good their ideas, to claim they speak for the whole community.
  25. No, see, you're speaking for the whole community on everything, including your "First and Foremost" subsection. Not everybody loves the game or the content evolution, yet, but they like it enough that they're sticking with it due to brand loyalty, either to BW or Star Wars, for now at least. Next we have the group of people like me who, for various reasons, live in North America but aren't awake or simply can't play during NA prime time. Myself, (and I'm sure there are other like me, though relatively few), I have messed up circadian rhythms, and I tend to be awake more in the wee hours of the night. Others work certain hours, and prefer to stay awake during the night, or wake up very early, during the hours when maintenance takes place. For us, it often would be more ideal if the maintenance were done during normal prime time. because the other hours of the day we're awake are used for RL stuff. Note: playing on the PTS during downtime doesn't count because, essentially, playing on the PTS doesn't count. That playtime doesn't go towards my legacy or my credits saved or anything else on the live servers. Speaking for myself, I understand that that would not be acceptable to the majority of players, though I can't speak for other players with similar unusual hours. However, on the above points, we may be in the minority, but we're part of the SWTOR community, and you're certainly not speaking for us in every point of your post. The point of that whole ramble is, even though some of your ideas are good ones, you can never, ever, take it upon yourself to say you speak for the whole community unless a fully democratic vote were to take place, with every subscriber given the chance to vote, and you were elected to speak for all of us. [edited due to lack of reading skills]
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