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Everything posted by JakkFrost

  1. Personally that stuff matters very little to me, I'm a hotkey player, not a click player, 4 bars total is enough for me, and it doesn't matter where they are onscreen. Now if I could just afford a keyboard with an extra row or two of programmable keys so I don't have to mess around with alt+ or ctrl+ hotkeys...
  2. True, though I suggested making them BoA and only mailable to alts because letting them be mailed to everyone would just open the potential for abuse of the system and people getting spammed with unwelcome guild invites in the mail.
  3. This is something I've wanted in other MMO's, because my sleep schedule is messed up and there's so many times that I'm online when nobody else in my guild is. What would be nice is if guild member (with permissions set) could click a button in the guild window that generates a bind-to-account guild invite token to mail to any alts, and get them in the guild without having to wait for someone else in the guild to log on. It's a small thing, but one of those little conveniences that shouldn't be hard to add in to game and wouldn't affect gameplay in any way.
  4. Why bother having any quests in the game after level 10, or at least after you get your ship. You can get to 50 just doing warzones and, to a lesser extent, ship battles. If you don't like content, don't do it, simple as that, but others DO like it, so don't take it away from them. The idea is to have different kinds of content for different playstyles, so more people are happy. I mean, I could say "I don't like open-world PvP, you should get rid of Ilum". I don't think that would go over well though. I personally tend to hold on to heroics I can't get groups for and go back and solo them later. Many of them provide an orange as a reward. Even if they don't, they give a lot of commendations, as others have said, not just to buy oranges, but with which you can buy purple gear boxes with BoE gear inside that you can sell or equip to other toons.
  5. Personally I like the BH ship best of all of them, though I can understand why my opinion is in the minority. I think it's mainly because the ship is reminiscent of Firefly for me, less like a ship and more like a home. That's not to say I wouldn't like to see the option for more ships.
  6. Another smuggler gem, just happened to me on the Taris bonus series. NPC: "This is the largest threat facing Taris. We need eyes in that rakghoul lair!" Smuggler: "Excellent idea. Just let me update my will."
  7. Thread's too long to see if this was posted, sorry if it's a repeat. Now, it's been a little while, so I can't really remember any dialog, but in the smuggler storyline on Ord Mantell, there's one particular mission where you infiltrate the seps base. You kill your way down to the computer, and as you activate it a conversation starts where some guy and a battle droid spot you. The guy asks if you know what's going on and basically you play along as if you weren't the person who left all the dead bodies laying around. Then he hands you a blaster and tells you to be careful (assuming you took the right conversation choices), then heads off to fight. Then, at the last second before the conversation cutscene ends, my character broke the fourth wall and looked at me (so to speak) with a completely deadpan face. You just know your character is saying something to the effect of "How dumb can you get" or "I can't believe that worked", and the look caught me so off guard that it had me howling.
  8. Just one reason, off the top of my head. As far as I know, Legacy names are as unique as character names, so the chances of people getting a legacy name they want drop massively. What I would prefer, and even I don't think it would really be do-able, is make at least some legacy features account-based, such as unlocked races. I'm currently playing republic on one server when I already have 50's on the imp side on another one. But I love playing my Chiss, so if I want a Chiss republic class, I need to go to the effort of rushing a Chiss to 50 just to unlock the race.
  9. Yeah, I've been having problems since updating to catalyst 12.2 yesterday morning, mainly with missing material textures and such, such that sandpeople on tatooine look like they're wearing hot pink gear, and viewing a pair of pants in the dressing room showed only something with light blue coloring with words printed on it that appeared to specifically say "missing material". It was hard to tell since it wrapped around my character's legs.
  10. Had a list started myself, nowhere near as comprehensive as yours though. I like most of your suggestions, although some of them kind of sound like "do it like wow did". I'm not accusing you of anything, I liked the options wow introduced over time, but I also understand that the devs here are trying not to clone wow, and are trying to come up with their own style that's unique yet functional. All in all though, great list OP. That being said, here's a few things that I didn't see in your list, or at least if they were I didn't notice them. A few are purely cosmetic. Even before adding in customizable UI's, optimize the existing UI for monitors that aren't widescreen. The overlap with the GTN window and the inventory window, particularly with quickslot bars enabled, clearly shows that the display was optimized for widescreen only. I mean, I'm playing at 1280x1024, which while not huge, is not exactly a small resolution. Put "gathering" crewskill trainers on the starting planets (Scavenging, Bioanalysis, etc.). We don't need companions to start working on those and storing up resources, and while I've never noticed if there are any archaeology or slicing nodes on starting planets, a fair bit of scavenging and bioanalysis can be done from mobs killed. Fix the dressing room so gear details are more visible, and allow us to view weapons there. In fact, it would be better if we could just view the weapon model in the dressing room window, without showing our character wielding it. I've noticed several hairstyles on players that just plain look like badly made wigs, but then in creating a character, I realized that those particular hairstyles "fit" better on body type 3 and 4 (with larger heads), and they need to be fixed so that they scale to the other body types. I don't know about other players, but I notice a huge drop in fps whenever I'm in an area with mist/fog/smoke/smog, even on lowest settings. Anywhere else, I'm usually getting 30-60 fps. Maybe put in an option to disable mist-type effects. Stop crewskill mission return windows from closing other windows. A minor irritant when using the GTN, a huge annoyance when sending in a ticket for a bug report or some-such, since I have to start all over again. Network all bounty boards/mission dropboxes so they can be used for any quest that requires them. It doesn't make much sense that I can turn in a bonus quest at this dropbox here, but not at that one 20 feet away. (A la Jedi Temple on Coruscant). Finally, of my short yet long-winded list, change the gear that planetary commendation vendors sell to be appropriate to the next planet. Given the time it takes to get enough commendations to buy the gear, I'm just about done with the quests on that given planet. Maybe this is already the case, but it sure seems that by the time I have enough commendations to buy gear, I've already gotten better from normal mob drops and questing. Anyways, I had a few other thoughts, but you already covered those.
  11. Ah, ok, so level 50 then. *ulp* Would be nice if that particular Legacy feature were cross-server, lol. Anyways, thanks for the answers guys
  12. Ok, excellent, thanks for that! And kudos to the Doctor Who type quote in your sig Btw, if you know offhand, do I have to get a Chiss to level 50, or just complete act 1 to unlock that feature?
  13. Sorry, but I've looked around some and can't find anything that specifically answers this for me, so I'm asking here. (Assuming BW has given any specific answer yet, that is.) A friend told me that he read that either getting level 50 or just finishing chapter 1 and activating the Legacy system would allow players to make any class of the race they did it with. For example, on the server I play Imperial on, my main is a 50 Chiss BH, so on that server I could presumably make any class a Chiss, of either faction, once Legacy gets updated. However, what I read in development notes, seemed to imply that "new race options" meant new species altogether. For an example of that I imagine Togruta becoming available (yes please!), or Nautilon. Could anyone tell me if either, neither, or both is correct please? I like playing Chiss, but my RL friends wanted to switch and try out Republic, so we rolled on a new server because of the limited character slots available, and I'd like to know if I'm going to have to bulldoze a Chiss on that server either to legacy level or level cap to unlock that race for all other classes?
  14. On that, George seems to constantly be contradicting himself, changing his views about the SW universe as much as he changes the movies themselves. He once stated that all published material is considered canon. And seriously, do you think there are any "unauthorized", respectably published books about SW? Not to mention George lately saying that he fully intended that Greedo shot first, when there's an actual picture of him wearing a shirt that says Han shot first. On topic, my friend swears up and down that he seems to have a higher deflect percentage with a lightsaber, but we haven't been able to verify.
  15. You call the thread premise pretentious and then you make a statement like that last one... irony at best, hypocrisy at worst. I'm currently on book 6 of the Wheel of Time series (just started reading the series a few months ago), and I just found out that a book I've been waiting for for 5+ years, the last in the Earth's Children series, just came out, so I'll be reading that as soon as I get it, if I don't re-read the first 5 books beforehand, to refresh the story, and I personally loved the BH storyline. Sure there were a few weak points in it, but overall it was great in my opinion, and if fully fleshed-out I think it would make a great little movie. Maybe not for theatrical release, but a direct-to-dvd or even a webisode. On the other hand, I am finding Sith Inquisitor story less to my liking, but that's a matter of personal taste. I don't say it's not a good story, just that I don't think it's a very good story.
  16. Reading some of the responses in this thread, I realize it's a good thing I wasn't in charge of developing a game like this, because I'd be all like "Fine, the hell with ya's all then, game over." People whine and nerdrage about the 37 broken things in the game, but do these same people take time to praise the 3 million other moving parts that are working just fine? I guarantee at least half of the complainers couldn't even conceive of all the things that could go wrong as compared to the things that actually have gone wrong. Personally I say, sure there are some bugs, (some enough to make me pull my hair out, lol), but overall great job devs, and thank you!
  17. Fair enough, if you kept it in guild, and I don't mean you or your guildies specifically. But min/maxers tend to foist their elitist attitude on the game population in general, and make people feel like losers because they only do 6900 dps and not 7000, or in terms of this game, because they only have 1275 aim and not 1300.
  18. If a raiding guild needs people to take biochem just so the guild can beat raids, that fail guild simply shouldn't be raiding to begin with. On something else mentioned in this thread, min/maxing ruins the enjoyment of the game for many people. Or do you think Anakin only went emo because he didn't have the uber-leet purple crystal for his lightsaber that Mace Windu had? (and as an aside, I find it somewhat ironically funny that spell-checker on the SW:TOR website finds problems with seemingly all SW related words.)
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