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Everything posted by noladev

  1. I am not saying that its the only reason and as you say I can only provide my opinion. My opinion is that 1.2 made pvp worse and a lot of people unsubbed over it.
  2. Heh, this game just lost 25% of its subs in 3 months (not even counting the people like myself who have unsubbed but still are on the books). I would not go invalidating the opinions of those who left or are leaving just yet. By next quarter there will be more people have unsubbed (2.4 down to 1.3 million is close as it is) than those that remain. Food for though. happy gaming
  3. Too much anger and emotion in your post to bother responding. If you are enjoying the game then by all means continue doing so. I will give YOU the benefit of the doubt and assume that your main being marauder has nothing to do with how mad you are about my post.
  4. If you go by raw stats it is as if no change ever occurred. The amount of effective healing to the team has changed however. As a healer, if you don't have guard up you will spend the entire match healing yourself and dying. Sorry, but not fun. The sub trends don't lie. Loads of people left after 1.2....
  5. Not arguing over whether there needed to be an adjustment. Only that it was overdone.
  6. "adjusted" and "gutted" are very different things. If Bioware has the same attitude as you that explains the subscription freefall currently being witnessed.
  7. At this stage (bear in mind I am unsubbed so this is only my opinion for fixing the game for the rest of you) I think they need to roll back the 1.2 nerfs and buffs and replace them with some smaller more incremental changes and see how it goes from there. A rollback would go a long way for frustrated healers. I think people also underestimate the psychological impact of having to continue to heal the same QQers that got us nerfed to begin with...but thats a seperate matter.
  8. I assume you didn't read my post. I never said some adjustments weren't needed. I only cried foul over the extent of the nerfs.
  9. If you are talking PVE its a bit off topic...As far as pvp goes I don't think anyone can make the argument that dpsing is hard anymore.
  10. Well pulling the content from the "content patch" and leaving the nerfs was a poor marketing decision at the very least. To be honest, its very difficult to tell what classes what have been overpowered in the pre 1.2 baseline until 8 man queuing was added. I have a feeling people would have been surprised to see what classes were stacked..
  11. Spoken like a true dps. Enjoy the empty servers. Sad but true. Edit: Also, the big numbers: Yes, i was still putting up the same numbers I was before the patch in pvp. The difference? It was almost all self-healing after 1.2.
  12. Begging for healer buffs? Good sir, I have unsubbed and have pre-ordered GW2 and diablo 3. I am merely sharing my thoughts on how this game went so terribly wrong in pvp. Its all my sub is good for now after all... I understand that cross-healing required less coordination then DPS. Which is why i acknowledged that pugs and lower skilled players found it impossible to deal with healer heavy teams. When both sides are coordinating at a high level however, healing was not overpowered and certainly not to an extent to justify gutting the role.
  13. To be honest I think this issue can be traced to Bioware's lack of experience with online games and the fact that many in this community are not seasoned MMOers.
  14. This is an open letter to the "healers are fine" crowd: I will acknowledge that the trinity model of healers being able to heal through multiple dps is frustrating for dps players (especially pick up groups.) This model is characterized by healing acting as a force multiplier and dps being simply force additive. It lends itself to pug scenarios where the matchmaker is determining the % chance of success before the match starts. Killing healers in this model requires a coordinated team capable of using interrupts and cc to lock down healers. Important to note: While healing through dps to keep themselves alive a healer has 0 dps and cannot contribute to success by an other means besides tanking damage from focus fire. Despite this, games with this model still almost always have dps as the most popular role in pvp and organized teams do not stack 50% healers or anything of the sort. These games can be frustrating but are not "imbalanced" at the highest levels of play. At the lower levels of play killing healers can be nearly impossible due to lack of proficiency with interrupts and inability to utilize CC/burst to prevent cross-healing(which means two healers can stay alive forever.) SWTOR chose to balance the game based on the lower levels of play. Healers can be bursted down by one DD character and here are the consequences: 1.) Healing without a pocket tank is ineffective and more importantly not fun. If healing is not a force multiplier in and of itself what is its purpose? If you can only cancel out the damage of one dps attacking you (at best without a tank) then simply adding another dps instead of the healer is just as effective if not more. 2.) The skill requirement for dpsing in pvp has been lowered PVP is a zerg fest where whoever does the most damage wins. There are games like GW2 where healing can be successfully de-emphasized from the ground up but SWTOR lacks the skill based mechanics to make this viable(this game is a cycle rotation til you win kind of party in pvp). To make matters worse, some dps like marauders have great survivability. 3.) Gutting the healers so unapologetically has led many of us to re-roll, re-spec, or unsub contributing to the zerg fest TTK scenario destroying the game's pvp today. TLDR; Bioware should not have caved to forum QQ with huge sweeping changes. Healers needed a tweak not a gutting. Incremental changes tested by the live community over time could have delivered a balanced game without slapping healers in the face.
  15. I lol @ anyone saying "healers are fine". Try healing without a pocket guard buddy and you will have the most miserable gaming experience imaginable. I unsubbed over it.
  16. You have been religiously following this thread since the news broke. Who are you trying to convince bro? You clearly want everyone to believe a 25% loss means nothing. To be honest, its sadder that you aren't an EA employee at this point. At least then you would be being paid to make these statements that defy common sense.
  17. The longer this thread goes on the more you show your true colors. Im glad you are finally dropping your pretense of objectivity. Better to show a little courage and show your fanboyism than to troll behind "an objective presenation of the numbers."
  18. These are in order of importance to me: Reasons for quitting 1.) Heavy handed nerfs to my primary class/role- For some reason no matter how many MMOs learn this lesson so painfully every new one repeats the same mistakes. You cannot implement huge nerfs and buffs in the same patch. You need slow incremental changes to the baseline to ensure that whatever balance changes you are making actually improve the game. Sorc healing nerf really killed my enthusiasm for this game. If you think this is a whine try healing as a sorc in a pick up group and tell me you are having fun. 2.) Ranked pvp- I have never seen a worse handling of an MMO update than with 1.2. First, they tack on huge nerfs to what was supposedly a content patch. Then, they pull the main content I was looking forward to literally the day before the patch is released BUT keep the nerfs to my class in tact. Unsubbed my account the moment I logged in to see no ranked pvp and then played a few matches of the new grindfest to see Marauders acting a fool. The lack of ranked pvp and the TTK fiasco killed my guild since we are a pvp guild. GG. 3.) Customer relations- In the weeks leading up to the patch bioware was insultingly dismissive (Hi Georg Zoeller!) of the community's concerns regarding 1.2. He might as well have said "its fine, L2P". "Internal tests" my butt. 4.) New releases- Awesome new games are on the horizon and I don't pay money to be trolled by the developers on the forums or to have my class gutted in the content patch I was most looking forward to Why do i stay? Because I had enough faith in bioware after the first month to sub up for 6 months. I am a guildmaster and encouraged loads of people to play this game. I even bought it as a gift for several friends. I have an active sub and intend to use it to voice my frustrations because that is my right as a paying customer.
  19. No. We see through the fact that you ignored my well-reasoned argument and chose to respond to the last three words only. Nice try though.
  20. You are hilarious. Where have you been for the last decade? You don't think companies will paint as rosy a picture as possible (downplay the negative impacts and play up the positive) when addressing their stakeholders? Are you some sort of business student operating on theories with no real world experience or are you just pulling our chain? You don't have to pull off an SEC violation in order to relay the facts in a more favorable manner. Get real, son.
  21. 25% loss speaks for itself. I am not manufacturing a cause for concern. What is going to happen when the hot air falls out of these numbers? Hot Air= Folks on trial accounts and folks who have already unsubbed being included. I don't care if you are concerned or not. Just don't act surprised when the majority of people don't view this trend as sustainable and normal (as you seem to).
  22. I think the "white knighting" in the guise of objectivity in this thread is becoming pretty pathetic. Anyone who thinks a 25% loss (with numbers inflated by folks who are no longer subbed or who were NEVER subbed) is a good thing or is not a cause for concern is way off base here. The folks trying to throw around their finance credentials (you know who you are) are making fools of themselves. This is the internet. Your points have to stand for themselves. We don't believe in or care about your supposed credentials in the finance industry.
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