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Everything posted by DalrisThane

  1. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  2. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  3. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  4. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  5. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  6. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  7. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  8. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  9. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  10. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  11. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  12. If you mean actual space, then yeah, I don't know any. If you mean a combination of ground combat and aerial combat, City of Heroes has free flight, where you can strafe on ground targets. And, some of the mobs have flight themselves (Freakshow, Circle of Thorn, Sky Raiders, etc...) which turn into a flight vs flight combat while others still duke it out on the ground. Sidebar = getting stunned at high altitude and plummeting to the ground... hurts...
  13. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  14. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  15. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
  16. I know... sad sigh... I know. You're right. Which is why, until now, I've been very unhappy with single player franchises AND with MMOs. TOR (assuming we get chapters after 3 and levels after 50)... might... just might... get me the gaming experience I've been waiting for... Just not at the same pace, since, in all fairness, I have to "wait my turn" for End Game to catch up to the Story part before it's time for more Story...
  17. Nope. I'd pay $15 a month for a quality single player game. I'm not playing those. I want Baldur's Gate 1 through 20 where you port your character from one game to another, levelling all the way. That doesn't exist. There's a huge amount of "MMO" focused games. I'm not playing those. I'm here instead. Basically, playing a "Online Baldur's Gate" where the expansions come fueled by the $15 a month... is bargain for me. Or, said another way = I WANT a new KOTOR 3, 4, 5, etc... at $60 a KOTOR, every 2-3 months. That can't happen. The development time is too great. Here, at TOR, is an opportunity to get, just that. If this game had been just another MMO, I wouldn't be here. I'm not going to pretend I want something I don't. Now, obviously, if they can swing it all, more Single Player for me, more MMO for MMO players, more PvP for PvP players, that'd be ideal, but, looking at the board comments, it doesn't look like BW can handle doing all three things. And, if I have to pick, I'll pick the one *I* want. If I'm the minority, sucks to be me. But, as per the hypothetical, if I'm lucky enough to talk to a dev, I'm going to ask about what I want, not what the other guy wants. Just like I'd respect (but object to, and vote against, if it was vote-able) the other guy saying "Don't waste your time with more VO or Story. Give us End Game." Hope that makes it clearer.
  18. I'd tell the devs = Please retool the game to ditch the MMO and PvP parts. Focus on Single player. It's the strongest part of the game anyways. That way, the MMO and PvP players won't be disappointed with dashed expectations, and the single players can expect much more content...
  19. Deleted. No point. Everyone is TLDR these days. +See Sig.
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