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Everything posted by Vid-szhite

  1. Way too easy to defend, more like. The net is there for a reason.
  2. I've hit 12k on my last hit of Ravage as a Vengeance Juggernaut. Wish I would have remembered the name of the person I did that to so I could have farmed them all night.
  3. Looks neat! Decided to try this thing out, input my stats into the thing, and it's... actually quite accurate, at least for Vengeance! It says my max dummy DPS should be about 3257 with my current gear, and I was able to hover around 3300 in my actual parse, ending at 3250 on average. Nice work. I'll be using this to tweak my stats until I find a good setup.
  4. Your raid leader is operating on 1.0 information in 2.7. He is an idiot. Operatives are now close to if not THE top DPS in PvE, and recently received a PvE buff to quality of life. Don't be hurt by this tool - laugh instead.
  5. I swear I was just talking to this guy in game... he switched characters just to yell at me some more when I ignored him.
  6. Very well. I have only seen sudden death one time. Didn't realize it blocked healing.
  7. If it had not been for enraged defense, that's exactly what the Juggs would have been doing - standing there and dying like idiots, when their team was clearly superior. It heals on damage taken. Of course it should. Perhaps the acid ticks hard enough that the heal won't even outdo each tick, but the heal counters the brunt of the damage and would allow them to last just a few more seconds. What's the problem here? They probably also used WZ medpac and endure pain - are those not supposed to heal you in acid either?
  8. Focused defense is not bugged if it does that, it heals on damage taken. Any damage. You get no sympathy - you defend your actions of stealthing to force SD by saying it's a legal means of victory. The Juggs were also using LEGAL MEANS of surviving just a bit longer in SD, and with smash requiring a target now, Warriors are the only class with no means of finding a sin. ED has a 2 minute cooldown - that is a long time to make them wait. Sorry, but you did deserve it. There's no bug here. Just... The irony. In one breath you say your action was "fair" and yet when it fails to cheese a victory out of a deserved defeat, the entirely expected way they dealt with it gets called "not fair." Hilarious.
  9. Oy, I just noticed a grammatical error in my post, which my phone created with autocorrect. "It's cooldown" should be "its cooldown". Dammit autocorrect, if you're going to be useless, at least be hilariously useless. But anyway, Jugg has more cooldowns because we get very little in the way of passive defenses outside of heavy armor, while Powertechs get fantastic passive mitigation. Pyro has 30% dot resist (good against vengeance, lethality, concealment's AB, other Pyros, and madness/hybrid sorcs, which are all powerhouses), AP has 30% AoE resist, as well as automatic +30% to all when stunned. The best passive Jugg gets is 4% DR deep in the Veng tree.
  10. If people ignore you, that's no different than if they had been CC'd. You're still attacking them, they're still not attacking you.
  11. Yeah. ED is good against slow and steady damage, but completely useless against burst and focus fire. I've popped it and died two globals later anyway, and all I had to show for it was ED going on 2 minute cooldown. It also can't be used at any health level, you have to be below 70%, so HoTs can screw you up and prevent it from working if it ticks at the wrong moment. PTs can use KO at any health level and it will go off automatically when they reach 35%, so it is much easier to use in the heat of battle, where the lack of ED's subtle effect might not tip you off to its failure to apply until it is too late. Further comparing it to KO, Pyro spec get a whopping 30% damage reduction while it's up, and any damage taken shortens the cooldown, so it is up even more often. ED offers no damage reduction in any tree, and its cooldown can never be shorter than 1m30s, in the now-nerfed Rage tree. KO is still better, especially against burst.
  12. As a Jugg main... ... yeah. =/ 90% of Juggernauts I see are effing derps. You find good ones here and there, but my god, it boggles the mind at how so many could be so clueless. By far the worst of them are tank specced. Never use anything but Vicious Slash and Assault, and then they PvP and don't guard or taunt, as if their massive HP pool is reason enough to exist. Oy.
  13. No it doesn't. They tried having it do uncapped damage and guardians were killing NiM bosses on their own by reflecting their attacks. It's perfectly fine as-is.
  14. Let this thread die, people. Nobody with any sense thinks saber reflect needs a buff.
  15. The heal scales off of Power/Strength, so it's significantly better in the hands of a DPS.
  16. The custom calculator isn't working. I click Calculate Cost and nothing happens. Not only that, but the site runs REALLY slow, and often doesn't load for me.
  17. Musco was talking about a forum trivia game, but he got that honor nonetheless.
  18. I don't even have to log in to know they still work -- I saw them proc on oricon last night!
  19. To clarify, he means the legacy menu that shows up when you press "Y" -- it's not in the cartel market. Legacy menu under "character perks." Worth every penny.
  20. Yeah, they are the exact same class with different graphics...
  21. It is still a pvp taunt no matter what. The change was for PvE only.
  22. Enraged defense does almost nothing under focus fire unless it's by weak/standard minions, so it's at best a band aid if he's become a target somehow. In a 1v1 it's pretty ridiculous, but it's otherwise gone in the blink of an eye.
  23. Yeah, every tenth of a second. Each charge of ED only activates on damage, and you get a max of 10, so burst damage will ignore it completely, but dots will cause a heal to full.
  24. Indeed. Rage even got buffs and a redesign in that time. It's been a long time coming.
  25. Bind a key to "target nearest enemy" in a place you can reach easily. Use that if you need to smash.
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