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Everything posted by chrisftw

  1. a little to much so lol. have you seen some of these terrible UI's man they look more busted than the original UI and people think it looks good..
  2. "FFFFUUUUU- everything worked out better than expected"
  3. and that makes sense to you? man. these UI changes i'm seeing boggle my mind. they look worse than the regular UI. this just really forces home the point. a designer like bioware can never make a standard UI that will please everyone.
  4. i busted out laughing when i saw that.. WOW that's bad. So now knights have a badonkadonk AND hipster hoods?
  5. lol i love how the troll threads blow up at a rate of 2 pages every 3 minutes. but this game fails? not understanding the logic these forums move faster than the WOW forums on patch day and that's mind boggling.
  6. those pictures you got definitely seal your case.. oh wait. what is different about the hoods?
  7. of course you do. anything other than hate isn't valid on these forums.
  8. nice i've seen that layout on some WOW mods. however according to some of the massive amounts of trolls here that UI shouldn't even be able to be achieved because you can't make more than 2 bars horizontal or resize them to any degree. i'm confused. are the trolls right or this screen shot?
  9. he's got that fancy hate signature to show off. obviously
  10. just wondering because i could have sworn i did all the intro quest before when first arriving on tantooine. now i'm doing them again.
  11. Came here for the Tears i was not disappointed. SWTOR forums are always a good read.
  12. uh no.. in WOW i can stand there and kill an NPC without even touching my keyboard. i just need to initiate the original attack and watch the show. and if i want IN BETWEEN those auto attacks. after i finish chugging my Red bull i can press the 1 button or the 2 button for more damage.
  13. sooo what about the MMO's that don't have 2 specs?
  14. good luck on the next game you play for 2 weeks and "quit"
  15. well it sure is a good thing they already said many times they are adding more slots right?
  16. even in an sandbox you will have some type of grind. grind to go out and find materials grind to get gear grind to get money to get your house grind to advance skill etc.. in theme parks the grind is usually the same gear, dungeons, dailies etc.. No matter the structure of the game a grind must always be present. otherwise what would keep players playing? there's no such thing as infinite entertainment. even a dynamic quest system which randomizes quest will ALWAYS come back to the same quest at some point again and again thus. once you'v experienced all the randomness all the sudden its no longer random. (GW2) So in the end. perhaps MMO's aren't for you. Try single player games bro you'll find the experience short and sweet. 65 dollars for about 10 hours of solid entertainment and move on.
  17. read the last paragraph instantly just to see if it was a "SWTOR blows going back to WOW, can't wait for GW2 blah blah" i was let down. you seem to like the game. i want my money back.
  18. There wasn't nearly enough GW2 mentioned in this post i only counted at least 13 different occasions within the first 8 pages. on how GW2 will change the world and cure cancer along with ending world hunger and war. also we are definitely missing the obligatory. BUT, BUT ... (insert witty anti SWTOR comment here) post. C'mon people you all know better than this!
  19. i'm a big fanboy of this game. take a look at my post log it'll prove it. i'm Always defending it against ignorant arguments by trolls. but i do agree that WOW in a sense has more SOMETHING at end game. its still the same grind feast yes i understand that. but there's something there. honestly i really thought about this because i'm playing WOW more than SWTOR now. and i really ironed it out to two things. the environments are better in WOW. SWTOR can change this around easily just start adding more fluff and pathing on critters. plus make the draw distance better on the environment details. that's a big one. because honestly the ground "clutter" looks SO MUCH better in SWTOR. if you could just increase that draw distance i would get so much better emmersion factor. and then second. YES the dungeon finder. I can get groups easily in SWTOR let me get that straight right now. i don't mind waiting 5 or 10 minutes to get a group together maybe even 20 if i'm feeling good that night. But the thing about SWTOR is that waiting time. that's me just standing around doing nothing except trying to get a group together. i gotta STOP what i'm doing and focus on getting a group. Yeah i can quest and all while i wait for responses and i usually do. but lets face it if you WANT a group in SWTOR you gotta spend some time on it. in WOW i can quest and do my thing while i wait for my DF to pop. SO MUCH better because then its like playing two games in one. the DF and the regular single player game. which is me fishing, cooking, harvesting, trolling chat, shopping or just farming for some rare. I think both games are disjointed. just WOW does a better job at hiding it. maybe that's what it actually comes down to.
  20. /yawn troll on playa. i wont bother you and your amazing poll which indicates 100% accuracy what the community wants needs. gotta love the bitter spite in the first option though.
  21. we need more threads on this topic. please go make another to further emphasize your point.
  22. lol i read the choices you made up. very jaded responses its either option 1 - I'm a fanboy option 2 - i want a sandbox option 3 - i'm a fanboy option 4 - exact same as option 3 where's the unbiased polls? how about option 1 - i prefer theam park option 2 - i like sandbox
  23. 1. not sure where you got this because they never said anything like it 2. wat..?
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