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Everything posted by swifferdude

  1. I've heard people say tht WOW's start was WAY worse than this... look at it now... but, seriously, can anyone confirm tht?
  2. cant bro, trooper armor is heavy, sentinels use medium armor. the only class you can "borrow" armor looks from are the agents, otherwise its a no-go. sry dude
  3. we are duh baws. we kick butt. all specs are totatlly awesome, and we are one of the classes where thare are actually some legit hybrid specs tht really work.
  4. I've seen alot of people say that engingeering is the best lvling spec to go with, but I think tht MM is also a legit lvling spec tht is worth a try.
  5. marskman- hits single targets the hardest, arguably most energy efficient, highest burst, probs the best pve spec imo engineer- aoe dots, focuses on alot of aoe, would be tied for energy efficiency with marksman, makes a good hybrid spec for pve with MMs, makes them even more energy efficient. lethality- single target dots, poison dots focused, worst energy efficiency, probably the best pvp spec, not so much for pve... imo so, ya... thts what I think
  6. you can take out the mods from any other modable gear (like the rakata or battlemaster etc) and put it into the chestpiece of the 40 pvp set. then u can just unify the colos... tht should work. same goes for the helmet, pants, and boots I believe
  7. imo the rakata one, headhunter i believe, is my fav out of all of them. was ULTRA excited when I finally got it cause I was sick of tht horrible looking columni sniper rifle
  8. fingers crossed its something good, I REALLY dont want it to be nerfed. besides, I think we are where we should be in the whole "class balance" junk thts going on. anyway, I disagree with anyone who says MMs stink at pvp. MMs are awesome when it comes to pvp. though, it does mostly depend on ur style and the way you like to play.
  9. no offence dude, but practically ALL the classes are like tht, I've seen multiple threads, posts. etc. on every single adv class forum. everyone thinks some other class is "to OP" or "this class sucks". posting about how "op" something is isnt going to get anything done. will it ever end?!
  10. Y did the maurader cross the street? to kill the guy on the other side
  11. well... at least it isnt just me, I reported it a while ago, hopefully they'll fix it
  12. ok, so, today, I was pvping and stuff, and this guy was in the right hand corner inside the small building for the turret. so, I "said"... "Hey! I should totally force leap onto this guy!" and when I did, I force leap onto the top of the roof, and was stuck there, I couldnt get down AT ALL. The only way I was able to get down was when I force leapt down onto someone outside the smal house thing. This didnt happen once, but twice, in the same wz. anyone else have this to them? or is it just me?
  13. If u can't beat em'... Join em'
  14. I think the only time its good is when ur both at really low health and u need a small atack to take down the guys b4 he gets u, so u use it during the GCD, I guess... anyway, I dont think force scream is copletely useless, its a little bit of a waste of rage in an operation, but otherwise it isnt all THAT bad
  15. I'm a lowbie maurader reroll, and ppl actually have a tough time trying to take me down... anyway, as sniper... 1) sorcs and dps shadows first, fast kill cause of light armor 2) any healer, isnt it obvious already? 3) any other dps, dont have good defenses, pretty easy if they arnt heavy armor, but even then its not TO hard 4) tanks... I hate tanks...
  16. Sages/sorcs don't have a stance either, and sniper/slingers btw. Anyway, it would be kool to,have tht, but I don't really think it's necessRy... I mean we are already a really good class, and don't think we need another buff to make things even more unfair
  17. I don't get it, y can't people who unsubed just leave, and not bother everyone else. I mean, is it really absolutely NECESSARY TO POST ABOUT UNSUBBING TO A WORLD THT MOST LIKELY, AND PROBABLY DOES NOT CARE. u unsubed, LEAVE!!!!!
  18. Ok, so I have one of every advanced class like I have a shadow and sorc etc... I gotta say, out of all of them, sniper has to be my favorite, for me it was the burst, the story was kool, and the hole feel of it just seems really kool, yep.. That's what think
  19. Let's see if I can name them al... 16sage 50 shadow 50 sniper 28 sentinel 10 merc 25 vanguard 7 warrior, soon to be jugg 20 scoundrel Yes, ok, I have 2 consulars, I realize this... I don't know y I did tht, but right now I'm to lazy to delete the sage and make a sort, cause, obviously, already have plenty of work for me Out of all of them, sniper if fav, then shadow, then sent, then vanguard, then sage, then merc, then scoundrel, don't really know about jugg though, so I'm leaving him out... I'm pretty sure that's all of them lol:rak_03: EDIT: WAIT!!!! I forgot about other servers :b 17 operative 3 inquisitor, which I will probably never get to actually leveling lol 10 slinger, was just a test subject to see if I really wanted to delete one of my chars for one on my home server, decided to make a sniper instead And last, but not least... I cant remember, but i know I have another one EDIT: again, ik ik, swofford legacy... Ws randomly generated, I like it at least
  20. I can vouch for this dude... It's real, no joke. It's really annoying, cause every time I see it, I have the sudden urge to play a game of pazaak
  21. In fact, it's so easy to get the recruit gear, tht I didn't even have to do anything to be able to afford to buy it... Ya that's right, I had over 300k cash when I got to 50. And when I got into my first fifty wz, I kicked butt... Not tht u guys care about how my first wz as fifty went with recruit gear :b Ya,, I do wish this were real, tht u had to have recruit gear to get into a 50wz, but it would be to mean.. Evry new 50 would be complaining and whining about it, which adds to the list of pointless things to complain about *cough cough nudge nudge wink wink* if u haven't caught my drift yet, I'm talking about this thread... Ur just another person complaining about something pointless, no offenene Whelp, tht ends my semi-not-so-angry-like-rant
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