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Everything posted by swifferdude

  1. I gotta say, the field tech is my fav pop (BM of course) and enforcer rakata style is my fav pve... Yep
  2. It is pretty good, most damaging abilit overall (if it hits every time).... My rotation is.... Laze target-snipe-ft-ambush-SOS-rapid fire- SOS X2-snipe-ft-etc... Yep
  3. Well, first off, the sniper rifle doesn't effect the longest range of ur attacks... A second off, the maximum range is 40 with takedown, because with the certain pop bonus stuff from the armor, it increases takedowns range by 5 m.... Unless its range was 30m before... Then, ya it would be 35 .... correct me if I'm wrong Oh, and I have both of each class, and I have to say tht I like sniper better by a long shot
  4. They were always good if you were skilled enough... I could always get over 200k damage before and after the patch. It wAsnt that hard to get it then, and it sure isn't now! :b Well, if you were good then, ur even better now, and if u were bad then, at least anow u can be at least a little descent lol
  5. what happened to the other 2 skill trees???
  6. I disagree, I've been in to many 4v6 or 3v8s to want to make a wz with 20v20. getting 16 people to verse eachother is hard enough on my server, and a 20v20.... impossible though, I have to admit, it would be pretty kool
  7. hmm, tough one.... I'd say............ not needed... skill should be the reason players are good in a wz, not just one stat tht changes the game completely
  8. I just ignore it, most of the time who leave and say everyone on our team sucks are the ones tht really suck. most of the time when tht happens, we get more GOOD people and we end up with a comback... its actually quick funny when tht happens. they score 3 goals, half the team leaves, mor ppl come in, we score 4 goals, we win! more comms for me and I also agree with this
  9. I remember someone posting bout slavemaster and beastmaster, I would say to give those guys the whips. have a tank/dmg adv class and a all dmg class. probs mid-ranged like vanguard. medium armor, not sure what the resource pool or what the advanced classes names would be. plus, the storyline wouldnt have much to do with "help your faction win the war" sort of thing. then, I would have to say that if ther were to be anther healing class, It would be kool if it was a jedi/sith again, since ther are already 2 other non force sensitive healers (scoundrel/op, merc/comm) just tossin out ideas
  10. this is old news bro, I have heard people complaining about this for a LONG time... personally, it doesnt really matter much to me, I mean, Its annoying when people restealth right b4 it hits, or u are trying to finish someone off with it and someone else gets u to the point b4 it does dmg, but, whatever, not tht big of a deal to me...
  11. who's got two thumbs and likes huttball? <<<THIS GUY!!!
  12. hehehe yeah, seen TONS and TONS of snipers. its hilarious actually, cause they all stink. every time I 1v1 with one I run them over like a TRUCK, a one thousand pound truck. lol it only gets annoying when after I truck over all of them so many times they all group together and hunt me down attempting to kill me. sometimes it works... idk, its even better when I meet a REAL sniper who actually produces some competition, unlike all these new wannabe snipers
  13. my rotation... shatter shot> laze target> snipe> followthrough> ambush> EP> SoS> rapid fire> SoS X2> snipe> FT> etc.
  14. I've had no problems when using the crouch ability while running, I might just be lucky though...
  15. shadows FTW, we rule, great dps, awesome tanks, stealth works :b... sages too, great heals, awesome dps, long range makes them even better! dont know wut ur talking about, if u dont like it, go play another class.
  16. probs bad luck... doubt it can really be anything else... Maybe, everyone decided to go onto their repub alts at the same time like u, and they were all low lvl... *shrug* who knows
  17. yes, but I have like 6 other alts, tht I feel I can do just as good in those as my shadow, thnk u very much
  18. best out of all my alts, as u can see in my sig... yes, ik they are lower lvl, but from what I can tell, its going to stay my fav for a long time... 9/10
  19. ur saying tht MM's have horrible energy generation, when corrosive dart & grenade cost 20 energy, and then cull with 30? thts 70 energy right ther. with MM I feel like I never run out of energy, while still dishing out TONS of dmg. and they already nerfed cull, I doubt they're gona buff it now
  20. 1. temple- I like her DPS, its almost like I have another sniper standing next to me... ALMOST 2. lockin- his heals are good, and I like the ability to make him a pretty ok dps when needed 3. vector- hes just a kool guys, I like him 4. I guess SCORPIO, just cause I hate kaliyo so much lol 5. kaliyo STINKS!!! I HATE HER
  21. haha, ya. I would do tht, but usually I'm to far in "the zone" to remember to do tht lol
  22. I'm an MM and I truck over lethalities all the time dude. ^^agreed, just because u crush one MM doesnt mean u are the best sniper ever and u have the best spec or whatever, how do u know tht guy is just horrible sniper? its ALL about ur skill and how u play the game
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